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1.Taxonomy and Stratigraphy of Late Mesozoic Anurans and Urodeles from ChinaWANG Yuan

2.Early Permian Conodonts from the Baoshan Block, Western Yunnan, ChinaJI Zhansheng,YAO Jianxin,JIN Xiaochi,YANG Xiangning,WANG Yizhao,Yang Hailin,WU Guichun

3.Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian through Lowermost Ordovician in Hunan, South ChinaDONG Xiping,John E.REPETSKI,Stig M.BERGSTR(O)M

4.K-Ar Geochronology of Mesozoic Mafic Dikes in Shandong Province, Eastern China:Implications for Crustal ExtensionLiu Shen,HU Ruizhong,Zhao Junhong,Feng Caixia

5.SHRIMP Geochronology of Volcanics of the Zhangjiakou and Yixian Formations, Northern Hebei Province, with a Discussion on the Age of the Xing'anling Group of the Great Hinggan Mountains and Volcanic Strata of the Southeastern Coastal Area of ChinaNIU Baogui,HE Zhengjun,SONG Biao,REN Jishun,Xiao Liwei

6.Panorama of the Opening-Closing Tectonics Theory in ChinaYang Weiran,ZHENG Jiandong

7.Characteristics and Tectonic Significance of the Gravity Field in South ChinaYAN Yafen,Wang Guangjie,ZHANG Zhongjie

8.Surplus Space Method:A New Numerical Model for Prediction of Shallow-seated Magmatic BodiesDENG Jun,Huang Dinghua,Wang Qingfei,WAN Li,YAO Lingqing,GAO Bangfei,Liu Yan

9.An Inverse Analysis of the Comprehensive Medium Parameters and a Simulation of the Crustal Deformation of the Qinghai-Tibet PlateauYang Zhiqiang,Chen Jianbing,JU Tianyi,LI Tianwen

10.A Simple Monte Carlo Method for Locating the Three-dimensional Critical Slip Surface of a SlopeXIE Mowen

11.Geochemistry of Ore Fluids and Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating for the Wulong Gold Deposit in Liaoning, ChinaWEI Junhao,QIU Xiaoping,GUO Dazhao,Tan Wenjuan

12.Distribution Characteristics of Effective Source Rocks and Their Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation:A Case Study from the Dongying Sag, Eastern ChinaZhu Guangyou,JIN Qiang,ZHANG Shuichang,Dai Jinxing,Zhang Linye,LI Jian

13.Speleogenesis of Selected Caves beneath the Lunan Shilin and Caves of Fenglin Karst in Qiubei, YunnanStanka (S)EBELA,Tadej SLABE,LIU Hong,Petr PRUNER

14.Abstracts of Acta Geologica Sinica (Chinese edition) Vol.78, No.6, 2004

15.Contents of Acta Geologica Sinica Vol.78, Nos.1-6, 2004

1.New Data of Phosphatized Acritarchs from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an, Guizhou Province, Southwest China

2.A New Genus of Fossil Cycads Yixianophyllum gen. nov. from the Late Jurassic Yixian Formation, Western Liaoning, China

3.On a New Genus of Basal Neoceratopsian Dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Gansu Province, China

4.A Preliminary Study on the Red Beds in the Northern Heyuan Basin, Guangdong Province, China

5.Field Relationships, Geochemistry, Zircon Ages and Evolution of a Late Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic Lower Crustal Section in the Hengshan Terrain of Northern China

6.Relationships between Basic and Silicic Magmatism in Continental Rift Settings: A Petrogeochemical Study of Carboniferous Post-collisional Rift Silicic Volcanics in Tianshan, NW China

7.SHRIMP Age of Exotic Zircons in the Mengyin Kimberlite, Shandong, and Their Formation

8.Jurassic Intra-plate Basaltic Magmatism in Southeast China: Evidence from Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Chebu Gabbroite in Southern Jiangxi Province

9.Late Paleozoic Fluid Systems and Their Ore-forming Effects in the Yuebei Basin, Northern Guangdong, China

10.Origin and Distribution of Groundwater Chemical Fields of the Oilfield in the Songliao Basin, NE China

11.Origins of High H2S-bearing Natural Gas in China

12.Abstracts of Acta Geologica Sinica (Chinese Edition) Vol. 79, No. 5, 2005


1.A New Ceratopsian from the Upper Jurassic Houcheng Formation of Hebei, ChinaZHAO Xijin,CHENG Zhengwu,XU Xing,Peter J. MAKOVICKY

2.New Fossil Beetles of the Family Ommatidae (Coleoptera: Archostemata) from the Jehol Biota of ChinaTAN Jingjing,REN Dong,SHIH Chungkun,GE Siqin

3.A Basal Titanosauriform from the Early Cretaceous of Guangxi, ChinaMO Jinyou,WANG Wei,HUANG Zhitao,HUANG Xin,XU Xing

4.Discovery of Paleogene Sporopollen from the Matrix Strata of the Naij Tal Group-Complex in the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic BeltGUO Xianpu,WANG Naiwen,DING Xiaozhong,ZHAO Min,WANG Daning

5.Dinomischus from the Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota, Guizhou, ChinaPENG Jin,ZHAO Yuanlong,LIN Jih-Pai

6.The Liaonan Metamorphic Core Complex: Constitution, Structure and EvolutionLIU Junlai,GUAN Huimei,JI Mo,CAO Shuyun,HU Ling

7.Eruption of the Continental Flood Basalts at ~259 Ma in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China: Evidence from Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar DatingHOU Zengqian,CHEN Wen,LU Jiren

8.An Important Spreading Event of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP Dating on Diabase in Nagarz(e), Southern TibetJIANG Sihong,NIE Fengjun,HU Peng,LIU Yan

9.Lead Isotopic Composition and Lead Source of the Huogeqi Cu-Pb-Zn Deposit, Inner Mongolia, ChinaZHU Xiaoqing,ZHANG Qian,HE Yuliang,ZHU Chaohui

10.S, C, O, H Isotope Data and Noble Gas Studies of the Maoniuping LREE Deposit, Sichuan Province, China: A Mantle Connection for MineralizationTIAN Shihong,DING Tiping,MAO Jingwen,LI Yanhe,YUAN Zhongxin

11.B, Sr, O and H Isotopic Compositions of Formation Waters from the Bachu Bulge in the Tarim BasinCAI Chunfang,PENG Licai,MEI Bowen,XIAO Yingkai

12.Mechanism of Varve Formation and Paleoenvironmental Research at Lake Bolterskardet, Svalbard, the ArcticCHU Guoqiang,LIU Jiaqi,GAO Denyi,SUN Qing

13.Geochemical Indications of Possible Gas Hydrates in the Northeastern South China SeaLU Zhengquan,WU Bihao,ZHU Youhai,QIANG Zuji,WANG Zaimin,ZHANG Fuyuan

14.Pyrite Formation in Organic-rich Clay, Calcitic and Coal-Forming EnvironmentsGordana DEVI(C),Petar PFENDT,Branimir JOVAN(C)I(C)EVI(C),Zoran POPOVIC

15.An In Vitro Investigation of Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage Cytotoxicity Introduced by Fibrous and Grainy Mineral DustsDONG Faqin,DENG Jianjun,WU Fengchun,PU Xiaoyong,John HUANG,FENG Qiming,HE Xiaochun

16.A Study of Chromium Adsorption on Natural Goethite Biomineralized with Iron BacteriaSUN Zhenya,ZHU Chunshui,HUANG Jiangbo,GONG Wenqi,CHEN Hesheng,MU Shanbin

17.Ferruginous Microspherules in Bauxite at Maochang, Guizhou Province, China: Products of Microbe-Pyrite Interaction?ZHOU Yuefei,WANG Rucheng,LU Jianjun,LI Yiliang

18.Abstracts of Acta Geologica Sinica (Chinese Edition) Vol. 80, No. 7, 2006

19.Abstracts of Acta Geologica Sinica (Chinese Edition) Vol. 80, No. 8, 2006


1.Jinfengopteryx Compared to Archaeopteryx, with Comments on the Mosaic Evolution of Long-tailed Avialan BirdsJI Shu'an,JI Qiang

2.New Nodosaurid Dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Lishui, Zhejiang Province, ChinaL(U) Junchang,JIN Xingsheng,SHENG Yiming,LI Yihong,WANG Guoping,Yoichi AZUMA

3.The First Stegosaur (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, ChinaJIA Chengkai,Catherine A. FOSTER,XU Xing,James M. CLARK

4.Precious Fossil-Bearing Beds of the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation in Western Liaoning Province, ChinaZHANG Lijun,YANG Yajun,ZHANG Lidong,GUO Shengzhe,WANG Wuli,ZHENG Shaolin

5.Miocene Tectonic Evolution from Dextral-Slip Thrusting to Extension in the Nyainqêntanglha Region of the Tibetan PlateauWU Zhenhan,Patrick J. BAROSH,ZHAO Xun,WU Zhonghai,HU Daogong,LIU Qisheng

6.Mesoproterozoic Earthquake Events and Breakup of the Sino-Korean PlateQIAO Xiufu,GAO Linzhi,PENG Yang

7.Sedimentology and Chronology of Paleogene Coarse Clastic Rocks in East-Central Tibet and Their Relationship to Early Tectonic UpliftZHOU Jiangyu,WANG Jianghai,K. H. BRIAN,A. YIN,M. S. MATTHEW

8.Provenance of Precambrian Fe- and Al-rich Metapelites in the Yenisey Ridge and Kuznetsk Alatau, Siberia: Geochemical SignaturesIgor I. LIKHANOV,Vladimir V. REVERDATTO

9.Early Indosinian Weiya Gabbro in Eastern Tianshan, China: Elemental and Sr-Nd-O Isotopic Geochemistry, and Its Tectonic ImplicationsZHANG Zunzhong,GU Lianxing,WU Changzhi,ZHAI Jianping,LI Weiqiang,TANG Junhua

10.Diagenesis and Fluid Flow History in Sandstones of the Upper Permian Black Jack Formation, Gunnedah Basin, Eastern AustraliaBAI Guoping,John B. KEENE

11.REE Geochemistry of Sulfides from the Huize Zn-Pb Ore Field, Yunnan Province: Implication for the Sources of Ore-forming MetalsLI Wenbo,HUANG Zhilong,QI Liang

12.In, Sn, Pb and Zn Contents and Their Relationships in Ore-forming Fluids from Some In-rich and In-poor Deposits in ChinaZHANG Qian,ZHU Xiaoqing,HE Yuliang,ZHU Zhaohui

13.Burial Records of Reactive Iron in Cretaceous Black Shales and Oceanic Red Beds from Southern TibetHUANG Yongjian,WANG Chengshan,HU Xiumian,CHEN Xi

14.Modes of Occurrence and Geological Origin of Beryllium in Coals from the Pu'an Coalfield, Guizhou, Southwest ChinaYANG Jianye

15.40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Shaxi Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit in the Southern Tan-Lu Fault Zone, Anhui ProvinceYANG Xiaoyong,ZHENG Yongfei,XIAO Yilin,DU Jianguo,SUN Weidong

16.Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy of a Back-Arc Basin: A Case Study of the Qom Formation in the Kashan Area, Central IranXU Guoqiang,ZHANG Shaonan,LI Zhongdong,SONG Lailiang,LIU Huimin

17.Genetic Relationship between Natural Gas Dispersal Zone and Uranium Accumulation in the Northern Ordos Basin, ChinaGAN Huajun,XIAO Xianming,LU Yongchao,JIN Yongbin,TIAN Hui,LIU Dehan

18.Occurrences of Excess 40Ar in Hydrothermal Tourmaline:Interpretations from 40Ar-39Ar Dating Results by Stepwise HeatingQIU Huaning,PU Zhiping,DAI Tongmo

19.Removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solution by Silicate-incorporated HydroxyapatiteSHI Hebin,ZHONG Hong,LIU Yu,DENG Jinyang


1.A New Titanosauriform Sauropod from the Early Late Cretaceous of Dongyang, Zhejiang ProvinceL(U) Junchang,Yoichi AZUMA,CHEN Rongjun,ZHENG Wenjie,JIN Xingsheng

2.New Fossil Beetles of the Family Elateridae from the Jehol Biota of China (Coleoptera: Polyphaga)CHANG Huali,REN Dong

3.New Record of Palaeoscolecids from the Early Cambrian of Yunnan, ChinaHU Shixue,LI Yong,LUO Huilin,FU Xiaoping,YOU Ting,PANG Jiyuan,LIU Qi,Michael STEINER

4.Three New Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) from the Yixian Formation of Liaoning, ChinaLIU Yushuang,REN Dong,Nina D. SINITSHENKOVA,SHIH Chungkun

5.Annelid from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation in Northeastern Guizhou, ChinaWANG Yue,WANG Xunlian

6.A New Female Cone, Araucaria beipoiaoensis sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation, Beipiao, Western Liaoning, China and Its Evolutionary SignificanceZHENG Shaolin,ZHANG Lidong,ZHANG Wu,YANG Yajun

7.The Most Complete Pistosauroid Skeleton from the Triassic of Yunnan, ChinaZHAO Lijun,Tamaki SATO,LI Chun

8.Chitinozoans from the Fenxiang Formation (Early Ordovician) of Yichang, Hubei Province, ChinaCHEN Xiaohong,Florentin PARIS,ZHANG Miao

9.Sedimentary Features and Implications for the Precambrian Non-stromatolitic Carbonate Succession: A Case Study of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation at the Qiangou Section in Yanqing County of BeijingMEI Mingxiang

10.Jurassic Tectonics of North China: A Synthetic ViewZHANG Yueqiao,DONG Shuwen,ZHAO Yue,ZHANG Tian

11.Thick-skinned Contractional Salt Structures in the Kuqa Depression, the Northern Tarim Basin: Constraints from Physical ExperimentsYU Yixin,TANG Liangjie,YANG Wenjing,JIN Wenzheng,PENG Gengxin,LEI Ganglin

12.Jurassic Tectonic Revolution in China and New Interpretation of the "Yanshan Movement"DONG Shuwen,ZHANG Yueqiao,LONG Changxing,YANG Zhenyu,JI Qiang,WANG Tao,HU Jianming,CHEN Xuanhua

13.Late Mesozoic Thermotectonic Evolution of the Jueluotage Range,Eastern Xinjiang, Northwest China: Evidence from Apatite Fission Track DataZHU Wenbin,WAN Jinglin,SHU Liangshu,ZHANG Zhiyong,SU Jinbao,SUN Yan,GUO Jichun,ZHANG Xueyun

14.Basin-and Mountain-Building Dynamic Model of "Ramping-Detachment-Compression" in the West Kunlun-Southern Tarim Basin MarginCUI Junwen,LI Pengwu,GUO Xianpu,DING Xiaozhong,TANG Zhemin

15.High Pressure Response of Rutile Polymorphs and Its Significance for Indicating the Subduction Depth of Continental CrustMENG Dawei,WU Xiuling,FAN Xiaoyu,ZHANG Zhengjie,CHEN Hong,MENG Xin,ZHENG Jianping HtTp://

16.Exsolutions of Diopside and Magnetite in Olivine from Mantle Dunite, Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet, ChinaREN Yufeng,CHEN Fangyuan,YANG Jingsui,GAO Yuanhong

17.SAED and HRTEM Investigation of PalygorskiteCHEN Tao,WANG Hejing,ZHANG Xiaoping,ZHENG Nan 18.Petrologic and REE Geochemical Characters of Burnt RocksHUANG Lei,LIU Chiyang,YANG Lei,ZHAO Junfeng,FANG Jianjun

19.Precise Dating and Geological Significance of the Caledonian Shangyou Pluton in South Jiangxi ProvinceMAO Jianren,ZENG Qingtao,LI Zilong,HU Qing,ZHAO Xilin,YE Haimin

20.SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Tula Granite Pluton on the South Side of the Altun Fault and Its Geological ImplicationsWU Suoping,WU Cailai,WANG Meiying,CHEN Qilong,Joseph L. WOODEN

21.Geochemistry and SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Age of Post-Collisional Granites in the Southwest Tianshan Orogenic Belt of China: Examples from the Heiyingshan and Laohutai PlutonsLONG Lingli,GAO Jun,WANG Jingbin,QIAN Qing,XIONG Xianming,WANG Yuwang,WANG Lijuan,GAO Liming

22.Zircon LA-ICP MS U-Pb Age, Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Compositions and Geochemistry of the Triassic Post-collisional Wulong Adakitic Granodiorite in the South Qinling, Central China, and Its PetrogenesisQIN Jiangfeng,LAI Shaocong,WANG Juan,LI Yongfei

23.Estimating Influence of Crystallizing Latent Heat on Cooling-Crystallizing Process of a Granitic Melt and Its Geological ImplicationsZHANG Bangtong,WU Junqi,LING Hongfei,CHEN Peirong

24.Archean Mass-independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotope:New Evidence of Bedded Sulfide Deposits in the Yanlingguan-Shihezhuang area of Xintai, Shandong ProvinceLI Yanhe,HOU Kejun,WAN Defang,YUE Guoliang

25.Geochemical Mapping: With Special Emphasis on Analytical RequirementsXIE Xuejing,CHENG Hangxin,LIU Dawen

1.A Baby Pterodactyloid Pterosaur from the Yixian Formation of Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia, ChinaL(U) Junchang

2.A New Theropod Dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Lufeng, Yunnan, ChinaWU Xiao-chun,Philip J.CURRIE,DONG Zhiming,PAN Shigang,WANG Tao

3.Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Crest with Membrane Attachment on Cretaceous Pterodactyloid NyctosaurusXING Lida,WU Jianghao,LU Yi,L(U) Junchang,JI Qiang

4.New Fossil Palaeontinids from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China(Insecta, Hemiptera)WANG Ying,REN Dong

5.Evolution of Dentary Diastema in Iguanodontian DinosaursKatsuhiro KUBOTA,Yoshitsugu KOBAYASHI

6.Revision of the Clam Shrimp Genus Magumbonia from the Upper Jurassic of the Luanping Basin,Hebei,Northern ChinaLI Gang,SHEN Yanbin,LIU Yongqing,Peter BENGTSON,Helmut WILLEMS,Hiramichi HIRAN0

7.Yarlongite:A New Metallic Carbide MineralSHI Nicheng,BAI Wenji,LI Guowu,XIONG Ming,FANG Qingsong,YANG Jingsui,MA Zhesheng,RONG He

8.Phase Equilibria of Hornblende-Bearing Eclogite in the Western Dabie Mountain,Central ChinaZHANG Jingsen,WEI Chunjing,LOU Yuxing,SU Xiangli

9.Diagenesis and Evolution of the Holocene Coquinite from the Haishan Island,Eastern Guangdong,ChinaSUN Jinlong,XU Huilong,QIU Xuelin,ZHAN Wenhuan,LI Yamin

10.Structural Characteristics and Formation Mechanism in the Micangshan Foreland,South ChinaXU Huaming,LIU Shu,QU Guosheng,LI Yanfeng,SUN Gang,LIU Kang

11.Tectonic Evolution of the Middle Frontal Area of the Longmen Mountain Thrust Belt, Western Sichuan Basin, ChinaJIN Wenzheng,TANG Liangjie,YANG Keming,WAN Guimei,L(U) ZhiZhou,YU Yixinx

12.Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes of Waters in the Ordos Basin,China: Implications for Recharge of Groundwater in the North of Cretaceous Groundwater BasinYANG Yuncheng,SHEN Zhaoli,WENG Dongguang,HOU Guangcai,ZHAO Zhenhong,WANG Dong,PANG Zhonghe

13.Variations of Microbial Communities and the Contents and Isotopic Compositions of Total Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Soil Samples during Their PreservationTAO Qianye,LI Yumei,WANG Guo'an,QIAO Yuhui,LIU Tung-Sheng

14.Tectonic Landform of Quaternary Lakes and Its Implications for Deformation in the Northern Qinghai-Tibet PlateauWANG An,WANG Guocan,LI Dewei,XIE Defan,LIU Demin

15.A Climatic Sequence Stratigraphic Model in the Terrestrial Lacustrine Basin:A Case Study of Green River Formation,Uinta Basin,USAWANG Junling,ZHENG Herong,XIAO Huanqin,ZHONG Guohong,Ronald STEEL,YIN Peigui

16.Accumulation Mechanisms and Evolution History of the Giant Puguang Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, ChinaHAO Fang,GUO Tonglou,DU Chunguo,ZOU Huayao,CAI Xunyu,ZHU Yangming,LI Pingping,WANG Chunwu,ZHANG Yuanchun

17.Origin and Accumulation of Natural Gases in the Upper Paleozoic Strata of the Ordos Basin in Central ChinaZHU Yangming,WANG Jibao,LIU Xinse,ZHANG Wenzheng

18.Differential Tectonic Deformation of the Longmen Mountain Thrust Belt,Western Sichuan Basin,ChinaTANG Liangjie,YANG Keming,JIN Wenzheng,WAN Guime,L(U) Zhizhou,YU Yixin

19.Tectonic Framework and Deep Structure of South China and Their Constraint to Oil-Gas Field DistributionWANG Qingchen,LIU Jinsong,DU Zhili,CAI Liguo

20.Large-scale Tazhong Ordovician Reef-fiat Oil-Gas Field in the Tarim Basin of ChinaZHOU Xinyuan,WANG Zhaoming,YANG Haijun,ZHANG Lijuan,HAN Jianfa,WANG Zhenyu