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摘 要:混凝现象是自然界与人工强化条件下普遍存在的现象之一。在天然水体中,混凝过程对水体颗粒物以及有害物质的迁移、转化与归宿起着决定性的作用。在市政、工业、民用用水与城市、工业废水处理工艺中,混凝过程是其中得到广泛应用的关键环节之一。它决定着后续流程的运行工况,最终出水质量与成本费用。随着环境污染问题日趋严重性以及水质标准越来越严格化,常规混凝技术显然已经不能很好满足人们对水质安全的要求。尤其在国内,由于工农业生产的高速发展,而环保意识与力度普遍不足,由于化学品污染以及水处理过程中潜在与引发的水安全问题近年来陡显突出。保护水源,发展、完善水安全保障技术刻不容缓,强化混凝与优化混凝为其中十分重要的手段之一。因此极有必要对其加以重点研究,建立相应的数据库,以进一步促进并完善我国的水处理工艺技术,保障饮用水安全。 本课题基于不同水源水质时空变化特征的分析表征,通过建立系统的强化/优化混凝表征方法体系,对颗粒分析技术、有机物表征技术和生物毒性评估技术有机结合应用于微污染原水及不同区域水质的优化混凝工艺进行开创性地研究,以提供该领域研究的参考方法乃至建立标准方法。同时针对性地对不同周期、不同工艺条件下水体有机物、微污染物的优化去除,进行高效混凝剂、反应器与不同工艺之间的协同优化组合,提出区域优化混凝控制标准,为优化混凝技术深入广泛的应用提供基础,丰富对有机物强化去除机理的认知,属于混凝技术和水处理领域研究中的前沿热点问题之一。基于数据库提出优化混凝工艺控制目标,对不同来源、不同时期复杂天然水体有机物的形态表征,以及颗粒物-有机物-混凝剂相互作用、聚集行为与水质迁移转化机制的研究,为该领域的前沿核心问题,具有较强的工艺指导作用。本项目不仅能够对重点地区饮用水安全提供有力的保障与技术支持,而且是对水处理工业技术研究与应用的新发展。 在课题研究期间,积极开展与净水剂企业和自来水公司广泛合作,通过技术支持和专利技术的转让,改进、发展了新的高效聚合铝生产工艺,建立了北京万水、胜利新邦等多处应用示范工程和生产科研基地,产品应用工程总投资已达到 9000 多万元,极大地推进了行业的进步并取得了良好的社会经济效益。


Optimize the coagulation process, water quality standards and control database

Abstract:Coagulation process has been widely used in the municipal water and industrial wastewater treatment processes. It determines the operating conditions of the subsequent processes, the quality of the final effluent and the cost. With the increasing seriousness of the problem of environmental pollution as well as increasingly stringent water quality standards, conventional coagulation technique apparently cannot satisfy the public requirements for water quality and safety. Therefore, enhanced coagulation and optimization of coagulation need to be studied to establish the appropriate database in order to further improve our water treatment technology to ensure safe drinking water. This research was based on the analytical characterization of different spatial and temporal variations of water quality, the combined particle analysis techniques, organic characterization techniques and biological toxicity assessment techniques were applied to the optimization of coagulation process of the micro-polluted raw water, to establish standard method. Meanwhile, aiming at the optimized removal of organics and micro-pollutants under different process conditions, based on the optimization of efficient coagulants, reactors and different processes, the optimized coagulation control for regional standards was proposed, in order to provide a basis for the applications of optimized coagulation. Based on the database, the control targets for the optimization coagulation process were proposed. By characterizing the NOM in different periods and from different sources, identifying the interaction and aggregation behavior of Particulate matter-Organics-Coagulant, to reveal the water quality transport and transformation mechanism and provide guideline for treatment processes. The project provided effective protection and technical support for safe drinking water in key areas, and also developed the treatment of industrial technology research. During the research, extensive cooperation with water treatment plants and companies was carried out. New efficient polymeric aluminum production was developed by technical assistance and patent transfer. Pilot plants and research bases were established at Beijing Wanshui and Shengli Xibang, the total investment for the product application engineering reached more than 90 million Yuan, greatly promoted the progress of the industry and has achieved good social and economic benefits.

Key words:optimized coagulation; water quality control standars; water quality database
