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To help children understand the meaning of growth― Review of A Stubborn Horse

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Only these people have appreciated life wholeheartedly can understand the meaning of growth, essences of life and values of affections. If a kid begins to do something independently, seriously and insistently, we have to admit that he is growing up quietly. A stubborn horse, written by the famous children’s writer Chang Xingang, incisively and vividly reveals the spiritual growth of the boy Zhang Tianshuo through describing the inexpressible affection between him and a prairie horse; meanwhile, it also describes tacit mutual understanding between the human and animals in this meaningful story.

For many years, Chang Xingang has been playing an irreplaceable exemplary role in the development of Chinese contemporary children’s literature. Cao Wenxuan once said, “Chang Xingang is an excellent writer whom I regard as one of ‘real writers’. He is the king of initiation story. His works can really reach and touch the deepest part of human nature and growth, which help children shape characters and lay a good foundation for their spiritual growth. I sincerely recommend his works to children, parents and teachers in countrywide. His works deserve the reputation of ‘King of Books’ I given.”

Chang Xingang can be regarded as one of leading figures in the development progress of Chinese children’s literature. His works have real literary value, passion of literature and also explain the artistic conception of literature. The most representative literary creation of Chang Xingang is his initiation stories for the juvenile. From A Solitary Boat, A Waste-grassland In Youth, A Girl Su Dan to We Were Born in the Year of Dragon, Chang Xingang always pursues firmly perfect quality of literature. He uses powerful words to reveal essences of life and love and to settle core problems in process of children’s growth. At present, many works of children’s literature are superficial, skin-deep, meaningless and just for fun. However, children can get something special from Chang Xingang’s works, namely the power of growth and the meaning of growth.

Works of Chang Xingang express children’s aspirations in their minds and imply infinite positive energy. The writer is heavily influenced by Chinese culture and the Northeast culture, so his works express typically the artistic spirit of black lands. Chi Zijiang, a famous writer, says, “Vicissitudes of life he experienced contribute to the unique children’s literature world he created, which is profound, vast, silent and beautiful.” Chang Xingang pays attention to overall artistic effects and pursues a simple and frank, harmonious and natural artistic conception. He tries to express rhythms and vigor of life in the seemingly simple words.

A Stubborn Horse is exactly an excellent work without any vulgarity. In this book, it tells an extraordinary friendship between a boy and a horse. The boy, due to the horse’s occurrence in his life, starts to pay attention to details in life and experiences much psychological struggle. He gradually learns principles of life and becomes responsible during the process of trying to get along with the horse.

In this novel, two worlds are clearly defined at the very beginning, including a world for kids and a world for adults. The stubborn horse, as a special member, appears in minds of kids and adults. For adults, it’s just an animal with its economic values. But for kids, it’s a companion.

The writer successfully creates four figures including parents, teachers, classmates and the horse. Parents and teachers are described from children’s orientation. For the boy, these two characters are obviously antagonistic to him. The writer makes a special effort to describe “adults” in kids’ eyes and tries to show rebel and resistance of kids in the conflict of the story to reveal lonely psychological experience of teenagers and kids in their growth.

When “I” quarrel with classmates, Mr. Chi’s saying “I should already know that you aren’t a good boy” is really a big blow for that boy. It’s difficult for kids to understand principles in adults’ world and they also aren’t willing to understand. The boy has to put his confusion in mind and can’t do anything to change or justify it. Thus, he is frequently ignored and mistaken in the adults’ world. Since the boy accidentally finds that he knows the language of horses and he can get recognition and company in the world of horses, he cherishes this feeling of “being needed”.

Although stubbornness of the horse always makes the boy love and hate the horse, its straightforwardness and frankness teach the boy how to be a broad-minded, kind and brave kid. It also teaches him to know himself and to understand human nature. Gradually, the boy begins to learn to think about life.

The friendship between the boy and the horse are increasingly deepened day by day. When the horse overlooks the riverside, the boy discovers the secret from the eyes of the horse. With the innocence and kindness of a kid, he determinedly let the horse go. Although he is so unwilling to part with the horse, he feels the happiness he never ever felt the moment when he loosens the rein.

At the end of the story, the boy, with strong expectation, goes to the prairie where wild horses live one year later. There is a horse which suddenly leaves the running herd and stops to wave its hoofs and to neigh. At that moment, the boy clearly sees the exquisite compass on horse mane tied by himself. It’s the horse that recognizes the boy. The kid is so excited that he can’t help shedding tears.

It’s an extraordinary friendship, a silent meeting and a happy ending. We totally understand the meaning of animals getting along with people through inexpressible feelings between the boy and the horse. Perhaps, the thoughts of animals may not be as complex as that of ours, but we clearly see that animals and human can communicate well with each other. We can be the closest friends of animals in the world.

Dreams, loneliness, emotions and eagerness would not only motivate children to start an action, but also bring confusions on the growing path. A Stubborn Horse expresses free will of life, and also shows a way for growing kids.