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>> 创新的泛滥与贫乏 创新的泛滥与创新的贫乏 人物的复杂与复杂后的贫乏 喧嚣背后的贫乏 贫乏的孩子 在时间漩涡里的贫乏与丰富 贫乏的创造力 家庭功能对中学生童年期创伤经验与自尊的中介作用 中学生童年期创伤经验与自尊、主观幸福感的关系 一种共存的现象:抽象雕塑与具像雕塑的贫乏 以“松散”来抵抗刻板与贫乏 继承:经验与文化 留守儿童“被贫乏”的童年 下肢严重创伤复合组织缺损的急诊修复与重建的经验总结 创伤性经验对于创作动机的影响 肛管直肠创伤的诊治经验附27例报告 创伤的诊断与治疗 创伤的急救与护理 创伤事件的文化学思考 文化冲突中的女性创伤 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.


Experience Inadequacy and Cultural Trauma: Benjamin's

Shock Experience and Its Contemporary Significance

HE Lei

(School of Literature, Shandong Normal University, Ji’nan 250014, Shandong, China)

Abstract:From the perspective of Walter Benjamin, “shock” is a common social experience of modern people, and also an aesthetic style of modern works of art. The shock experience has a direct relation with the inadequacy and devaluation of experience. For Benjamin, the salvation of art and modern people's soul should save the lack and the devaluation of the experience. On the other hand, Benjamin strongly respected shock experience of modern art, looking for the revolutionary potential in it. Benjamin's understanding of the shock experience and contemporary humanities' cultural (trauma) memory theory has interlinked inside. These theories are very important for our understanding contemporary Chinese art and culture.

Key words:Benjamin; experience; shock; cultural memory