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摘要:利用水蒸气蒸馏法制备古树牛蹄豆(Pithecellobium dulce)待测样品,采用气质联用法分析牛蹄豆古树茎、叶中挥发油的化学成分。结果表明,从叶中分离出36个峰,占总化学成分种类的93.377%,从茎中分离出2个峰,占总化学成分种类的100.000%。古树牛蹄豆叶中挥发性油主要化学成分为烷烃、杂环、酯、芳香烃化合物,茎叶中挥发油物质种类相差很大。

关键词:古牛蹄豆(Pithecellobium dulce);挥发油;气质联用仪

中图分类号:O657.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)23-5469-03

Analysis of the Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Leaves and Stems of Ancient Pithecellobium dulce by GC-MS

LIU Bing-jing1,2,JIAN Lan2,ZENG Jing1,JIANG Zhi-wei1,LI Chao1

(1.College of Pharmacy,Gannan Medical University / Jiangxi Provincical Key Lab of Cerebrovascular Pharmacology, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China; 2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering / Key Laboratory of Tropical Medicinal Plant Chemistry of Ministry of Education, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158, China)

Abstract: To study the chemical constituents of volatile oils from leaves and stems of ancient Pithecellobium dulce, the analyzing sample was water vapor distillation, the volatile oils of leaves and stems were analyzed and determined by GC-MS. 36 peaks were isolated from the leaves by gas chromatography, the amount of the identified compounds was account for 93.377% and only 2 peaks were isolated from the stems by gas chromatography, the amount of the identified compounds was account for 100.000%. The main chemical constituents are alkanes, heterocyclic, esters, aromatic hydrocarbons compounds,and types of volatile oils from leaves and stems differed largely.

Key words: ancient Pithecellobium dulce;volatile oil; GC-MS

海南属于热带地区,生长着大量的药用植物, 其中包含了许多不可多得的热带古树。从20世纪90年代开始,海南一方面保护野生中药材资源,另一方面对药用植物进行深入的普查和筛选,鼓励开展野生中药材变家种,促使中药材种植得到迅速发展。

牛蹄豆(Pithecellobium dulce(Roxb)Benth)隶属含羞草科(Mimosaceae)猴耳环属(Pithecellobium)植物[1],原产于南美,具有重要的药用价值[2,3],国外学者对牛蹄豆进行广泛的化学成分研究,鉴定出大量三萜[4]和三萜苷[5]类成分。牛蹄豆易被动物消化,是热带地区重要的草料树种,可为牲畜供应粗蛋白[6]。此外,通过物理、化学和生物过程,牛蹄豆还能改良土壤,可用于矿区土壤恢复[7]。


1 材料与方法

1.1 仪器


1.2 材料


1.3 试验方法

1.3.1 牛蹄豆茎挥发油提取和制备 分别称取牛蹄豆茎500 g、叶350 g分别置于圆底烧瓶中,加入适量去离子水,并用水蒸气发生器蒸馏,提取6 h,用乙醚萃取蒸馏液3次,蒸馏乙醚,收集挥发油,用无水硫酸钠干燥,适量乙醚溶解,作为挥发油测定样品。

1.3.2 GC-MS实验条件 气相色谱条件:石英毛细管柱DB-5MS(30 m ×250 μm ×0.25 μm),程序升温:从50 ℃开始,以5 ℃/min升到230 ℃,保持51 min,载气为He(99.99%),柱流量1.0 mL/min,进样口温度230 ℃,分流比60∶1。

质谱条件:电子轰击(EI)离子源,电离电压70 eV,离子源温度230 ℃,扫描范围40~500 amu,进样量1.0 μL。

2 结果与分析


3 小结与讨论

本研究首次报道了利用gc-ms技术分析古树牛蹄豆茎、叶挥发性成分。从分析结果来看, 古树牛蹄豆叶中可挥发的化学成分非常丰富,含有多种烃类、杂环类、有机酸、有机醇或酚和酯类化合物;但古树牛蹄豆茎中可挥发的化学成分很少,仅含有1,2-苯二甲酸二丁酯和9-甲基十九烷这2种成分,这是否与高龄古树的生理年龄、代谢方式有关还需进一步的研究。依据这些分析结果,可为下一步研究该古树提供可靠的参考数据。


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