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章鱼花园 8期

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I’d like to be under the sea in an octopus’s garden in the shade.” I was in the living room with my dad, listening to his vinyl Beatles record playing the song Octopus’s Garden. I was about six years old, and that line troubled me. “How can there be shade under the sea?” I asked my dad. “There aren’t shady spots and sunny spots under water!”

My father told me that it was make-believe, so it didn’t need to make sense. That opened up my eyes. Music and other types of art didn’t need to be realistic all the time. I embraced the idea of creativity, and I was drawn to the arts, especially music.

Music has always been a huge part of my life. I attribute that mostly to my father, who passed away three years ago. He loved music, and he instilled that love in me. We bonded through music, and I continue to connect to him through it.

Some of my earliest memories involve my father and music. We always listened together to the radio, CDs and his vinyl records. He chose the music, mostly classic rock, but sometimes he’d play classical music or jazz when I couldn’t sleep.

A few months later, soon after I began high school, my friend and I were walking in Central Park late one afternoon when I heard what sounded like guitars. We followed the sound and found ourselves in Strawberries Fields, surrounded by a group of people singing and playing Beatles songs.

It turned out it was John Lennon’s 64th birthday, had he still been alive, which was significant because of The Beatles’ hit song When I’m 64. Fans had come to pay tribute to John Lennon. I thought the chords, rhythms, harmonies and lyrics were beautiful.

One evening, I sat down at the computer in my dad’s bedroom to do my homework. I put on The Beatles’ Rubber Soul album and sang along to the first song, Drive My Car. By the time the second track, Norwegian Wood, began, my dad had walked into the room and was standing near me, singing along as he often did.

We smiled and looked at each other as we sang harmonies and drummed our hands on our thighs with the beat. We didn’t speak because we didn’t have to. The music spoke for us.

Meanwhile, a new source of music had come into my life. I began to take voice lessons when I was 13. My voice teacher introduced me to songs from musicals, something my dad didn’t listen to often. My first performance was a school talent show, only months after I began voice lessons. I walked on stage, so shaky that I was afraid I’d fall over in my high heels. I breathed deeply and prepared for that first note as I brought the microphone up to my mouth. “I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,” I sang. Before I knew it, the song was over.

I walked off the stage in a daze from the rush of performing in front of a large audience. When I found my father, he was beaming with pride. He’d heard me sing around the house, but this was the first time he’d heard me giving it all the way I do in voice lessons and performances. We hugged and he told me how lucky he felt to be my father. For weeks afterwards he proudly told me about all the people who had complimented my performance to him.

Looking back, I think my singing deepened our musical relationship. Before, he would offer bands, songs and music-related facts, and I would receive them. It was my interest in a passion of his. Now I am sharing my own musical passion with him. I am giving something back to him: my voice, my musical creations.

My father passed away suddenly when I was 15. A few months later, I had a performance in a concert my voice teacher was organizing. I decided to sing Papa Can You Hear Me. I had a very bittersweet feeling on stage. It was extremely emotional, because my father wasn’t with me physically, but also incredibly fulfilling to be doing something I loved that he’d inspired me to do and that I knew he would have wanted me to pursue.











