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薪火传承:产业与工艺美术教育 姜鸣















再次感谢给予这次活动支持、给予年轻人肯定的鲁院长,感谢清华大学美术学院、日本金泽工艺美术大学、英国皇家艺术学院 、日本东京艺术大学、韩国文化财财团在学术上的表率,感谢工作在第一线的各位青年艺术家,感谢世界各国的青年艺术家呈现出他们最优秀的作品。

Mr President Ming Jiang, colleagues and distinguished guests, and emerging artists :

I am honoured to be invited to say a few words at the opening of this 1st international emerging artists group exhibition and symposium, which coincides with the 55th year of Shanghai Art and Design Academy. You have been warm and generous hosts in inviting many guests to share in this important occasion, and to recognise your achievement with you. It is particularly fitting that we celebrate the emergence of new talent in this group exhibition and symposium, and that in so doing we recognise the increasingly international and intercultural nature of creativity, and our responsibilities as stewards of creative education in the 21st century.

As we are engaged in developing art and design education, and look both towards developing emerging artists and designers in an increasingly complex world, alongside strengthening collaboration with other academic institutions and with industry, it is an appropriate time to consider both established traditions and future innovations that will highlight potential pathways for the coming years ahead.

It is a very exciting prospect C because of the moment we are in, where we are experiencing, and promoting: C increasing internationalisation; recognition of the importance of collaboration and cooperation; the central role of creativity and innovation in the quality of life; and the value of an education in art, design, architecture and related disciplines across the arts and sciences to address real challenges in the world C in culture, society, technology and the economy.

As academies of art and design we all are placed to build on the priorities of strong and innovative art and design practice, teaching and research, importantly supported by liberal and scientific inquiry and rigour C covering the full range of visual communication and design, architecture and landscape design, fine and applied arts, digital arts and humanities; with additional creative, intellectual and entrepreneurial value made possible through research and partnerships with companies and industry, as well as through growing international friendship and exchanges.

In common, we choose C or perhaps are chosen C to devote our energy, curiosity and expertise to the incredible potential for creativity and creative education to solve problems, enrich lives, and contribute to the wider world; and we do this through a tacit understanding of the centrality of creativity and innovation to the human experience.

Creativity is a complex and most distinctively C if not exclusively C human attribute: it endows us with the ability to bring the mind to bear on ideas, abstract concepts and practical problems, real world challenges and material solutions, shaping the environment and expressing who and what we are. Creativity is at the seat of invention, of progress C of course of art and design; but also in a real sense in the ability to develop cooperation, understanding, and our common humanity C which requires the use of the creative imagination to understand others’ experience and points of view, to place oneself in others’ shoes.

Creativity is exemplified and recognised throughout history in the great artists, architects, designers, musicians, writers and poets; but no less, I believe, in the broader humanities and in the sciences, and in the contributions all these fields make through the mind’s ability to think creatively and to apply knowledge with intelligence. It is no exaggeration to say, as the German artist Joseph Beuys did, that creativity is national capital. We might extend that to ‘world capital’, in an increasingly internationalised and interdependent context, with global solutions required to address 21st century challenges.

It is for these reasons that we give C and should continue to give C creativity and creative education such attention and importance, and to celebrate, as we do today, the contributions of international emerging artists and designers in this exhibition and symposium. Through advancing the three areas of education, practice and industry, allied to a growing awareness of internationalism, we learn to ask questions, identify patterns, develop skills, expand knowledge, seek meaning, find answers, and enhance our shared sense of cultural value and common humanity. This event celebrates the endless possibilities of craft, linked to intelligent inquiry, and reinforces humanity’s distinctive quality as makers: you emerging artists are making the future.

On this note, I congratulate Shanghai Art and Design Academy and C most importantly of all C the emerging artists and designers who are represented here and who will lead the way in years to come; and in the spirit of friendship, and hopefully on behalf of the international visitors here today, may I wish you every success with this event and for your future careers.

尊敬的姜鸣院长、各位同仁、嘉宾及青年艺术家们 :







人类历史长河中,造诣深厚的艺术家、建筑师、设计师、音乐家、作家和诗人数不胜数,我相信,他们所展现的创造性,丝毫也不逊色于其他人文社科领域和科学界。在自己的领域中,他们开展创新性思维,创造性地运用知识与智慧。正如德国艺术家约瑟夫・博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)所言,创新是民族资本。在国际化和相互依存度不断提高的、21世纪众多挑战必须寻求全球解决方案的背景下,我们可以引申得出,创新也是“世界资本”。

