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There is an increasing pressure on RMB to revaluate, which will not only result in a significant reform in China's economy, but also constitutes a major topic of financial investment market. Two trends will serve as lights to guide the direction of investmen---the expectations for RMB to revaluate and for China's domestic demand to rise.

A Good Deal of Warren Buffet

In early 2003, even though China's stock market was at its most stagnant time due to the SARS striking China, Warren Buffet bought into stock of PetroChina Co. Ltd. (PetroChina) aggressively, which totaled 2.348 billion shares, accounted for 13.5% of the company's H shares issued in Hong Kong, and cost HK$1.68 per share on average. After that, as China's demand drove the oil price to soar, the stock price of PetroChina went up steeply and so was its performance. The company made a tremendous earnings of RMB102.9 billion last year, therefore became the most profitable company in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, with its share price skyrocketing to HK$5.15 per share. According to calculation based on this, Warren Buffet would earn a fortune of HK$7.63 billion on book. Moreover, the dividends distributed by PetraChina this year will bring an additional HK$0.58 billion to Mr. Buffet; thus this can be regarded as his best investment in recent years.

Evidently, the raw material stocks such as PetraChina have benefited greatly from the enormous rise of raw material prices driven by China's demand in the past two years, while the direction of investment for the next period will depend on the effect brought about by the appreciation of RMB.

China's Insurance Industry Will Get the Most Benefits

HSBC Holdings plc has been aiming at the Chinese market in recent years, and has made continuous investments in China's financial and insurance industries, which include the Bank of Communications (HSBC Holdings holds 19.9% shares), Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Ltd. (HSBC holds 10% shares) and Bank of Shanghai. By the end of 2006, with the comprehensive opening-up of China's financial market, the country will absolutely become a strategic point. While compared with the banking industry, the life insurance industry has a greater potential for investment, especially the 3 most representative life insurance, property and casualty insurance stocks listed in Hong Kong: China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. (China Life),Ping An Insurance (Group) Co. of China, Ltd. (Ping An Insurance) and PICC Property and Casualty Co. Ltd. (PICC P&C). As China Life both gets listed in Hong Kong and issues ADR (American Depository Receipt) in the U.S., its financial report must be reviewed and approved by the security regulatory institutions in Hong Kong and U.S., in this way its stock possesses a higher credibility than the A shares of China.

The insurance industry will be one of the greatest beneficiaries of the RMB revaluation. In addition, as China's insurance market was only at its startup period, there exists a strong driving force coming from its growing domestic demand. The annual financial report last year of China's largest life insurance company ---- China Life showed that its net profit was RMB7.17 billion, which was higher than the market forecast. Moreover, with its total capitals reaching RMB374.9 billion, the company's share price still has space to rise further in the long run. The others like Pin An Insurance and PICC P&C also possess the same quality.

In terms of their ownership of huge amount of RMB capitals, China Mobile, China Unicom, CNC (China Network Communications Corp.) and China Telecom are also noticeable targets. In particular, since China will soon open up its 3G licensing, and its popularization of mobile communication continues to grow, plus the Chinese government will lead the restructure of telecommunication industry, all of these will favor the future development of these companies.

Utility Stocks Rise with Tide

In addition to the above, the industries in which China holds an exclusively dominant position, which is uneasy to be replaced, also have the potential to rise in the long run, such as airport, harbor, and even other public listed utility companies. We can see, despite of the fact that China's A share market has stayed sluggish for long in recent years, the share price of Shanghai Airport manages to maintain a high level. It has been climbing from RMB5.923 in 2001 all the way to RMB18.11, and yet continuing to set the new record height at present. This reflects that China's aviation market is taking off. Being an A-share listed company, with Hongqiao Airport and Pudong Airport (both in Shanghai City) as its direct holding companies, Shanghai Airport's share price has never fallensince Pudong Airport was put into service.

We may also take a look at Beijing Capital International Airport Co. Ltd., an H-share company listed in Hong Kong. Even though its current scale is smaller than that of Shanghai Airport, as the Beijing 2008 Olympics approaches, the extension of the airport is underway, thus its future performance and growth potential is even more worth expecting.

The emerging China's aviation market will become the second largest aviation market in the world. China's future demand for airport will undoubtedly continue to grow and will find no substitution. As the country's utility companies like those of airport, harbor and expressway go public one after another in Mainland China or Hong Kong, along with the expectation for RMB to revaluate, China's utility stocks will definitely become increasingly hotter.

(By Huang Qiyi, Translated by Yang Xu)