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Analysis on Emergency Treatment of 24 Cases of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Children/ZENG Chao-hui.//Medical Innovation of China,2013,10(20):123-124

【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the emergency treatment and it’s effect on 24 cases ofspontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in children.Method:Selecting 24 patients of children’s spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage admitted by our hospital from August 2009 to 2012 June.All the patients confirmed by clinical diagnosis and imaging were taken to surgery.Exploring the clinical manifestations,etiology, treatment effect and data of follow-up.Result:In the group of 24 patients,18 cases were of cerebral arteriovenous malformation ,in which of them there were 16 cases of vascular malformation group disappeared,2 cases of vasoconstriction and angiography dimmed and all the children survived after treatment.4 patients of cavernous hemangioma underwent hemangioma resection survived,and the reexamination manifested that the hemangioma disappeared.2 patients of hematologic deseases of postoperative death.A 6 month followed-up of the 22 patients survived manifested that the patient’s mental and physical development index were lower than that of 20 healthy children at the same age,but there was no significant statistic difference.Conclusion:Children’s spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage condition is serious, which is often caused by cerebral arteriovenous malformation.It’s necessary to confirm the etiology, take appropriate surgery as soon as possible and prevent operative complications,which areimportant for improving the survival rate of children.

【Key words】Children;Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage;Arteriovenous malformations;Hemangioma

First-author’s address: The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University,Changsha 410000,China




1.1一般资料选择本院2009年8月-2012年6月收治的儿童自发性脑出血患者24例,其中,男15例,女9例,年龄6个月~5岁,平均(3.2±1.4)岁,发病时间3 h~48 h,平均(8.0±2.6)h。按年龄、性别匹配原则选择同期本院健康同龄儿童20例进行对照研究,其中,男12例,女8例,年龄6个月~5岁,平均(3.5±1.0)岁。两组儿童在性别、年龄以及身体其他相关健康指标等一般资料上比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),有可比性。

1.2临床表现与诊断全部患者均表现突然头痛、恶心、呕吐等高颅内压症状,其中伴意识障碍18例,嗜睡3例,昏迷2例。CT检查显示患儿脑出血,血肿量30~50 ml。经CT结合磁共振血管造影确诊为脑动静脉畸形18例,海绵体血管瘤4例,2例影像检查未发现血管畸形,结合实验室检查确诊为白血病。

1.3治疗方法全部患者入院后全麻下行开颅血肿清除术,其中,行血肿清除加侧脑室引流4例,行血肿清除加脑动静脉畸形切除16例,血肿清除加海绵体血管瘤切除4例。术后患者均给予抗感染及抗癫痫药物治疗,以及营养神经治疗,若发生全身强直痉挛,则给予地西泮0.25~1.0 mg/kg缓慢静脉注射治疗。术后行颅脑CT检查,确定血肿清除情况,随访1年观察患者智力发育及体格发育情况。