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When observing the chaotic, 1)burgeoning growth of the modern city, the more 2)erudite of urban planners will reminisce wistfully on how different it is from its ancient Greek counterpart, the 3)polis, which Italian architectural historian Leonardo Benevolo once described as “dynamic but stable, in balance with nature, and growing manageably even after reaching large dimensions.”

The rapid and uncontrolled sprawl of today’s cities is breeding anxiety not only among urban planners and architects: experts in the field of public health are alarmed, that the apparent randomness of the urban dynamic is robbing the population of its basic health and well-being through unregulated environmental pollution, shrinking green areas, inadequate housing, overburdened public services, a 4)mushrooming of 5)makeshift settlements on the outskirts lacking in both infrastructure and services, mounting 6)anomie, and the sheer numbers of neighbors who do not know neighbors.

Beijing, a city of over 17 million inhabitants, according to a population report in 2009,7)exemplifies this social alienation. Until the early 1980s, the Chinese capital was constructed as a multitude of siheyuan, or one-story complexes built around a common courtyard that were inhabited by three or four families who shared a single kitchen and water 8)spigot. These courtyards were connected by narrow streets called hutong that formed a 9)grid from north to south and east to west.

This open structure greatly facilitated contact between neighbors, encouraged the sharing of resources, fostered relations between 10)contiguous families, and enabled the elderly to care for children and share with them their passion for songbirds. Because of these characteristics, these almost 11)idyllic structures were described as “collections of small rural villages.”

Until the mid-1980s, only a few skyscrapers disrupted the harmony of the landscape. Today, the 12)panorama has the look and feel of the ultimate modern city, where, with few exceptions, these “small rural villages” have been supplanted by 13)sterile, towering skyscrapers. This striking change is not limited to external structures; it has also dramatically altered the fabric of human relations.

Physical isolation has destroyed the local sense of 14)solidarity, and contributed to the fragmentation of what were once cohesive family groups. As the distance between home and the workplace has also increased considerably, workers now find themselves devoting what was once valuable family time to exhausting commutes in overcrowded buses or subways.

And Beijing is not the only city losing the proper arrangement, its characteristic and history. Zabid is one of the oldest towns in 15)Yemen and was a vital center for learning during the 12th through 15th centuries, the Islamic Golden Age. It was home to the world-16)renowned University of Zabid, which was located here and is currently in a state of ruin. Unfortunately, Zabid has been reduced to the margins of Yemen’s intellectual and political worlds, and 17)grinding poverty has a grip on much of the population, who live surrounded by the crumbling remains of their ancestors’ glorious past. Expert surveys have found that the city’s heritage is in grave danger of being wiped away; over 40% of the city’s ancient houses have been replaced by poorly-constructed concrete housing, while the remaining houses and ruins of the University and palaces are in a state of advanced deterioration.

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The chaotic growth of today’s cities can no longer be ignored. The great challenge is how to improve the quality of urban life by ensuring harmonious growth. Skyscrapers should not be the only view people can see in a city. Old-fashioned but unique architecture reflects history, character―even the culture of a city. Cities can―and should―learn from the experiences of other cities with similar characteristics. This effort requires not only the participation of urban planners but public health and environmental experts, politicians, and fundamentally, the communities themselves. Only when these actions are carried out will it be possible, perhaps, to reach that almost ideal situation 18)heralded by 19)Hippocrates some 2,600 years ago: a balance between the human organism and its environment.









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