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1. My mother works in a small factory,but my father works in a______ one.

2. Your hands are dirty . Wash them______,please.

3. It’s much______ in the northeast in March,but it’s a little hotter in Hainan in March.

4. We are______ today. We’ll be free tomorrow.

5. The girl is wearing a white blouse and a______ skirt today.

6. It’s______ here but warm in Australia.

7. Mr Green’s car is cheap . Mr Brown’s car is______.

8. He likes light (浅色) clothes better than______ clothes.

9. We come from______ countries,but we are now studying in the same class.

10. Your bedroom is a little wet . You should keep it______.

11. We found it______ to learn English first,but now we feel it easy to learn English.

12. There is little milk in this bottle,but there is______ milk in that bottle.

13. She was an unknown (不著名) woman three years ago,but now she’s a______ singer.

14. ―Is it______ from here to your home?

―No,it’s near .

15. This box is empty . That box is______.

16. I’m sorry to hear that you are ill again. You should take more exercise to keep______.

17. There’s a low (低的) house standing at the foot of the______ mountain.

18. I was very______ just now. I’m full after eating two big pieces of bread.

19. Tom sits in the______ of the classroom. Jim sits at the back of the classroom.

20. Li Ming’s schoolbag is light . Wang Ling’s schoolbag is______.

21. These streets were narrow (窄) two years ago but they are______ now.

22. I enjoy living in a______ place. I don’t like to live in a noisy (吵闹)place.

23. The old people usually like listening to operas. The______ people like playing computer games.

24. A bike is slower than a car,but a plane is______ than a car.

25. She looked happy yesterday. Why does she look______ today?

26. This pair of trousers is a little______. I want a longer one.

27. The window is______,please keep it open in the day.

28. Though he’s______ but he has many friends. She’s rich but she has______ friends.

29. Boys,keep yourselves safe . It’s______ to cross the street like that.

30. He sold his______ car and______ a new one.

31. This book is thin (薄) while that book is______(厚).

32. The thin (瘦) man is about 30 kilos lighter than the______ man.

33. You should read neither in too______ light(光) nor in too strong light.

34. Usually the______ students sit in the first row of the classroom. The tallest ones sit in the______ row.

35. Come______ and sit down. Don’t stand there ,little girl.

36. This sentence is______,and that sentence is right .

37.______ the exercise-books to the office and bring some chalk back with you.

38. My mother is______ at the moment. My father isn’t in ,either.

39. Uncle Wang uses a lift to go upstairs and______ every day.

40. Han Mei writes well now,but she wrote______ in Grade One.

41. When did the sports meeting begin ? And when will it______?

42. You______ the book from me yesterday. You shouldn’t lendit to others.

43. The teacher asked me some questions,but I couldn’t______ them.

44. Yesterday I______ to post the letter for Tom. I must rememberto do it today.

45. They camefrom their homes yesterday. They’ll______ back today.

46. The Greens______ traveling by air. They liketraveling by train.

47. I heard the girl laughingjust now. Why is she______ now?

48.______ the window and closethe door,please.

49. They started(出发) two hours ago. Maybe they have______ home now.

50. Our teacher teacheswell,and we______ hard.

51. Which team______ and which team lost(输) the basketball match?

52. Don’t______ your sweater. Putit on,it’s cold outside.

53. Please______ at this bus-stop and remember to get off(下车) at the fourth bus-stop.

54. Turn onthe TV.______ it______ after the weather report.

55. We can’t see any stars in the day ,but we can see a lot of them______.

56. Ann sits beforethe twins,and Kate sits______ the twins.

57. There’s a light overthe table and a ball______ it.

58. Liu Mei alwayscomes to school______. She’s______ late for school.

59. He went out withhis coat in his hand______ saying goodbye to us.

60. The entrance(入口) is here. Remember the______ is there.


1. big/large 2. clean 3. colder 4. busy 5. black 6. cool

7. dear/expensive 8. dark 9. different 10. dry 11. difficult/hard

12. much 13. famous 14. far 15. full 16. healthy/well 17. high

18. hungry 19. front 20. heavy 21. wide 22. quiet 23. young

24. faster 25. sad/unhappy 26. shorter 27. closed 28. poor;few

29. dangerous 30. old;bought 31. thick 32. fat 33. weak

34. shortest;last 35. here 36. wrong 37. Take 38. out

39. downstairs 40. badly 41. finish/end 42. borrowed 43. answer

44. forgot 45. go 46. hate 47. crying 48. Open 49. got 50. study

51. won 52. take off 53. get on 54. Turn;off 55. at night 56. behind

57. under 58. early;never 59. without 60. exit