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On May 4, 2015, the Interpol issued a global warning in an orange alert notice that, 2.4-dinitrophenol (DNP) may lead to death. This chemical is commonly used as an ingredient of weight loss drug, and it has claimed the life of a woman from UK in 2012. With the substantial bulge of obese population and the increasing popularity of "diet wave", a variety of ways to lose weight crops up. Many obese people and those who value their appearances tend to try out some diet recipes which have not been tested, resulting untold tragedies and invoking people to reflect on their choice.

In the 20th century, women in Europe wore basquines to build an upright bodice figure and a slender waist with wood, whalebone and metal strip so as to keep a graceful bearing. They tightened the belt fast so hard till their ribs showed wounds cut deep into their skin. And some even died of this practice.

Over 100 years passed, some are still crazy about it. Till now, it's common to pick out a couple of our friends who are now or about to be on a diet. Diet is not only taken as a way to cure obesity, but as a way of "slimming and getting prettier". If Google the word "diet", numerous methods of losing weight will crop up, including "apple diet", "seven-days weight loss soup", "Slimnastics taught by Jung Da Yeon" , "Enzymes from Japan", "diet tea", "liposuction surgery" and so on. Crazy slogans like "non-toxic and no side effect", "dumping 10 kilograms in a week" trick people into believing that losing weight is a piece of cake, but is it true?




Diet pill, also pesticide


Compared with losing weight by diet or exercise which requires great will power, losing weight only by taking several tablets makes the whole thing easy and convenient, which has become the top choice for those are busy or weak-willed but also want to lose several pounds. However, the result is unconceivable if the tablets which enter into our intestines and melt into our blood contains poisonous chemical ingredients.

On September 24, 2012, 23-year-old Sarah Huston, a student of Medical school of University of Leeds, UK, was found died in her own room. Huston had taken prescription antidepressant drug and several diet tablets which she bought from a retailer in Spain. The test result on April 22, 2013 proved that Huston was died of 2.4-dinitrophenol, DNP, an ingredient of the diet pill.

It's not the first death caused by DNP. Since 2008, five people are died of taking diet pills containing DNP only in UK and a French guy was seriously ill after ingesting it. A research by Medical Toxicology Journal showed that, worldwide 62 people are died of DNP. As a matter of fact, early in 1930s, DNP had been all the rage due to its effect of accelerating metabolism. However, its side effect, ranging from dizziness, nausea, rising temperature and disordered heart rate, which led to many deaths, had been noticed by US State Food and Drug Administration, and the latter had issued a ban on it. The shocking fact is that, there was never a legal clinical test report on DNP, that is to say, the pill which were taken by so many is hardly rated as a medicine.




So what is DNP? To put it simply, it's a kind of depressor which can be directly used in energy metabolism. The energy organism needed to be transformed into ATP in the plastosome to be directly used in vital activities after taking food, a process which DNP could interdict and lower the generation efficiency of ATP, so as to make the body decompose fat and lose weight. Nevertheless, this process which blocks energy transfer can produce a huge quantity of extra heat to sharply increase people's temperature. And a high temperature could lead to convulsion, coma, cataract and other symptoms, which is very dangerous. Meanwhile, DNP is also applied into manufacturing of pesticide due to its effect of depressing, and it was even used as an ingredient of detonator during World War I.

Now although governments has stipulated that DNP can only be used in the chemical industries or research area and is forbidden to register as goods and sold as diet pills, many loopholes still exist. Firstly, as insectide, DNP is still easy to come by; moreover, DNP is still sold in the internet as "the best product to lose weight". According to The Independent Newspaper of UK, such a bottle containing 50 diet pills is sold in the internet at 85 euros, with 79 euros at discount. After the incident, UK Food Standards Agency shuffled the responsibility of ineffective management to drug administrative agency, which said however, DNP is not a medicine and no legal measures can be taken on its producers or retailers.

There are loopholes in government monitoring, and the phenomenon that people blindly taking DNP diet pills is also worth our reflection. Over recent years, many young people died of taking DNP diet pills. For example, the 18-year-old girl, Samad Aladdin, opted to use DNP for her addiction of "slim bodybuilding". Once allured by the outside nature of diet pills which is easy to buy and take, people tend to ignore the latent risks within.




DNP is just the tip of the iceberg among the risky factors in diet pills. "Sibutramine" diet pill which is more familiar with Chinese people once was recalled due to its ingredient Sibutramine, which can increase the risks of catching cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Sibutramine acts on the neural center and helps lose people's weight through inhibiting appetite. Since it was approved by FDA in US, it was once popular all over the world, but its side-effects like causing endocrine dyscrasia, and heart attack, and so on killed dozens of people. In 2002, the EU launched a six-year-long control experiment SCOUT (Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcome Trial). There are 9,800 obese people aged above 55 and had the history of heart attack and diabetes to participate in it. The experiment showed that, those who took Sibutramine lose at most 2 to 4 kilos, but the risk of catching cardiovascular disease increased largely. The result made all governments stop the practice of producing and selling of Sibutramine. But due to its low cost and real effect on losing weight, some illegal producers still add Sibutramine in its products and make their customers more prone to health risks.

Besides, there is also fenfluramine which can cause drowsiness, depression and even heart valve disease; ephedrine which is although extracted from natural ingredients can still cause arrhythmia; diuretic which can cause kidney failure if taking for a long time…it seemed that we never try to learn these names until tragedies occur. Weight reduction with drugs is workable, but it only works on obese groups with detailed treatment plan. If your weight does not exceed the standard, and you just want to look "thinner", the cost will be unimaginable. As the saying goes like, "all drugs have some degree of toxic", not to mention the diet pills which has not gone through clinical trial. Losing weight with drugs should be considered rationally, the risks should be taken into consideration for the sake of healthiness and one better take it after gaining the approval of doctors or pharmacist.

DNP只是减肥药危险成分中的冰山一角。更为中国百姓熟知的“曲美”减肥药,也一度因其含有增大心脑血管疾病患病风险的化学成分西布曲明(Sibutramine)而被撤回。西布曲明作用于神经中枢,通过抑制食欲来达到减肥的目的。1997年经美国FDA批准上市风靡全球,随后内分泌失调、引起心脏病发作等副作用逐渐暴露,数十人因此身亡。2002年欧盟展开了长达六年的对照实验SCOUT(Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcome Trial)。该实验共有9800名55岁以上,有过心脏病和糖尿病史的肥胖病人参与。实验证明,服用西布曲明者平均只多减掉2公斤到4公斤,但心血管疾病风险大幅增加。这项研究使各国纷纷叫停西布曲明的生产与发售。但由于成本低廉且确有一定减肥效果,许多不法商家仍然在减肥产品中偷偷掺入西布曲明,造成严重的健康隐患。


From diet to anorexia


"Two glasses of water, 200 ml vegetable juice for breakfast, 500g buttermilk for lunch, 200ml vegetable juice for supper, and 1-2 glass of water before going to bed" is the one of the popular diet recipes in the internet, and named as "the Diet Therapy by Eating Buttermilk". There are also other recipes, like "Apple Diet" which requires people to eat apples for three successive days, and "Honey Diet" which requires people only to drink honey water. They are all well received by the internet users. If to say the tragedy of diet pills is caused by the hazardous ingredient which in indiscernible for common people, then disease caused by blindly diet eating is due to the lack of reason and the wrong notion of healthiness.

A majority of diet recipes directly block the intake of staple food and meats. But The Dietary Guideline for Chinese Citizens released by Chinese Nutrition Society in 2007 stressed that, our daily food must contain the three food which provides energy including carbonhydrate, protein and fat, especially staple food of grain and potatoes which provides carbonhydrate make up for a large portion in the Balance Diet Pagoda and should be taken 250g to 400g per capita per day. 70% of the heat energy required by the vital activity of our body is provided by carbonhydrate. If we do not eat carbonhrydate for a long time, we may show haziness, drooping spirit and other symptoms of hypoglycemia. And since our brain can only be supplied by glucose for energy, insufficient of staple food will lead to memory deterioration, feebleness and other symptoms. Extreme diet recipes may help us lose weight in a very short time, it may also cause malnutrition, and stomach disease, which are chronic health problems.

When one practicing diet so hard that it become an obsession in body and mentality, it may be deteriorated into anorexia nervosa. According to a report of Daily Mail in UK on May 21, the 37-year-old actress Rachael Farrokh was caught with Anorexia nervosa because of practicing diet, and losing her weight from 113 kilos to 36 kilos, becoming "only skin and bone". She now suffers from difficulty in breathing and walking. The hospital did not want to take risk and she can only asked for help via videos in the internet. Yangzi Evening Paper ran a story in 2014 about a post-90 girl from Suzhou who is 169 centimeters high but with only 79 kilos. She was caught with anorexia in high school when followed the diet trend, which led her to constipation, amenorrhea, degeneration of functions and other symptoms, the medical cost as high as 400,000RMB.



当节食变本加厉,成为一种生理和心理的强迫,就有可能发展成神经性厌食症。据英国《每日邮报》5月21日报道,美国加利福尼亚的37岁女星蕾切尔・弗莱迪(Rachael Farrokh)因减肥患厌食症,从113斤锐减至36斤,整个人瘦得只剩“皮包骨头”,呼吸困难,现已无法下地行走,医院也无法承担风险,致使她只能发视频向网友们求助。中国《扬子晚报》曾在2014年报道过一名身高169厘米,体重却只有79斤的90后苏州女孩,高中时因跟风减肥而患厌食症,结果导致便秘,闭经,身体各项机能退化等症状,家里已花费近40万的医疗费。

Apart from a series of physiological symptoms, anorexia is also a mental illness. According to the statistic of American Psychiatric Association, overall the weight of the patients of anorexia is 15% less of the standard weight. The patients tend to connect body images with self values, regard fasting and diet as the proof of their efforts. Once they eat something, they feel guilty and will "remedy" by emetic or taking laxative. The mentality that always thinking self is too fat despite being emaciated in reality becomes a wrong spiritual disorder for self judgment.

The death rate of anorexia reaches 20%, and all governments have taken measures to rectify this trend by starting from the fashion circle. In Europe, Spain has legislation to ban models below the body mass index to walk on the Madrid Catwalks; Italy asks females walking in fashion show to provide health certificate; and the Congress of French passed a bill on April 3, ruling that the act of hiring the too skinny models by fashion companies as crimes. Noticeably, anorexia is more found among youth and teenagers, and the onset age mostly ranging from 13-25. And it's more common found among females than males, with a illness ratio of 1: 9.5. Hence, it's rather important to pay close attention to the physical and mental development of female in puberty, and scientifically guide them to build an aesthetical standard which regards natural health as beauty. Besides, scientific diet is one of the safe and effective ways to lose weight, but it does not equal to "eating less, the better". It means putting an end to gluttony, and adjusting the dietary structure of more meat, more sugar, but less vegetables and fruits while maintaining the nutritional balance. A scientific dietary habit is not only essential for obese people, but also constitutes a cornerstone for everybody to have a healthy and beautiful body.



Returnng to health


Losing weight in puberty can also cause mal-development besides anoxeria; liposuction surgery can have complication; high strength exercise to lose weight fast can cause sport injury in knees and ankles, etc.. People have always fought obesity with courage and wit, but the result is always at the cost of health, not worth the candle. But this seems do not halt people's steps to join into the bandwagon of losing weight. It's shocking for the "courage" and "stamina" displayed by some people's efforts in losing weight. And one cannot help but ask that, do we really consider the goal and meaning of losing weight, amid all the heat of losing weight.

According to the data from University of Washington in 2014, about one third of the people in the world are overweight or obese. In the past 30 years, obesity in China rose sharply, with 46million obese adults and 300million overweight people. Children obesity is even worse. Obesity becomes the culprits for diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome and other diseases. The casualty resulting from obesity in US reached 111,999 to 365,000. Undoubtedly, obesity is a global issue, threatening people's life. Losing weight becomes more urgent and an act of analyzing the diet and exercise type of obese group and taking the result as the basis to scientifically rectify one's lifestyle. So, the ultimate meaning of losing weight is make obese group returning to a healthy life state so as to be free from obesity diseases.



In fact, with the aesthetics notion of "skinniness is beauty" popular around the world in the 21st century, many people with normal weight become the main force of losing weight. One of the reasons is that media and many companies try to build an exaggerated ideal gender image with women of slender waist and flat abdomen and men of abdominal muscle. The body image is originally regarded as a private matter, but thanks to the universality and the hype of advertisement on slim and muscular figure, people tend to take these false images beautified by Photoshop as the true beauty standard unwittingly. The result is the figure does not only represent figure, but one which is tied with the personality, values, social intercourse, professional development and other things, and the aim of losing weight is deviated to "becoming more popular" and "gaining more opportunities".

Of course, "each woman is beautiful in her own way", every era has its unique standard for beauty and every one have a "love for beauty". Reasonable body management can build up confidence, but projecting one's self value totally on figure and appearances, and scarifying health for losing weight are without doubt a distorting and abnormal act. Hence, we should keep calm against the wave of the era, have a defined standard for beauty and value recognition, instead of following the bandwagon of losing weight blindly. Once we decided to lose weight, we first need to set up a correct notion of losing weight, which should be based on healthiness. We need to opt for a scientific method, integrate the habit of balanced diet and routine exercise into our daily life, and strive for a symmetrical and natural figure and a vigorous and healthy spirit.

