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>> 浅谈青少年的素质教育 围棋与青少年素质教育 中美青少年责任教育之比较 教育旅游融入青少年素质教育的研究 中日足球青少年培养比较 发展青少年基础素质教育势在必行 浅论博物馆与青少年素质教育 浅谈如何搞好青少年素质教育 武术对青少年素质教育的作用 逻辑对青少年素质教育的推动 青少年业余培训中的素质教育 探索励志电影与青少年素质教育 浅谈当代青少年家庭素质教育 澳大利亚:重视青少年网络素质教育 围绕青少年素质教育开展科普宣传 中日法学教育模式之比较研究 浅谈中日职业教育之比较 中国与新加坡青少年道德教育途径之比较探析 中日青少年思想政治教育途径和方法的比较研究 中日园林之比较 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:).2013.1.21.

A Comparison Study of Teenagers' Quality-oriented Education between China and Japan


(Shandong College of Tourism and Hospitality, Jinan 250200, China)

Abstract: In the civilized modern society, humanistic quality, which basically indicates the shaping and training of a individual, is the fundamental quality for a civilized citizen. The blending, overlapping and complementation of the family education, school education, social education and self-education forms the complete education system. Family education, the basic of the school education and social education, which is also the complementary and extending of the school education, plays an important part in education. China and Japan geographically locate very closely; however, there are many differences in aspects of traditional culture, ideology, living habit and social customs, which result in the many existing differences of the humanistic quality education. The author of the paper aims to make a comparison of the humanistic quality education between China and Japan from the aspects of current education situation, the goal of training and the core idea of education and try to seek a family educational style that is scientific and fitful for children's growing.

Keywords: Humanistic Quality Education; Family Education; Educational Style