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摘 要:经济弱势学生可能因个人家庭或经济因素而被排除在高等教育之外,使得以教育来促进社会流动的功能大打折扣。在探讨我国

>> 欧洲能源发展战略与政策研究及对我国的启示 国外大学生资助政策对我国的启示 国外就业政策及对我国的启示 新西兰校车管理资助政策及安全保障措施对我国的启示 国外农业补贴政策对我国的启示及政策建议 国外公租房政策对我国的启示 国外就业政策对我国的启示 国外产业集群政策的演进及对我国的启示 美国吸引国外科技人才的政策及对我国的启示 国外促进新能源发展的税收政策及对我国的启示 国外非传统货币政策的实践及对我国的启示 国外中小企业政策比较及对我国的启示 国外高校学生资助模式及其对我国的启示 我国外贸政策研究 国外高校学生资助模式及其对我国高职院校分级管理资助工作的启示 国外高校图书馆成效评估研究及对我国的启示 国外环境会计研究:综述\特征及对我国的启示 国外平价医疗体系研究及对我国的启示 国外巨灾保险制度及对我国的启示研究 国外高校心理危机管理研究及对我国的启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l

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A Study of the Policy of Helping the Needy and Sufferings in Foreign

Countries and Its Enlightenment to Chinese Colleges

QIN Chang-jian

(School of Automation,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China)

Abstract:Family or economic factors may hinder low socioeconomic status(SES) students from pursuing higher education,which may limit their social mobility.This thesis investigated the current policy and practices of helping the needy and sufferings in Chinese colleges and foreign countries,and accordingly provided suggestions for Chinese higher education policies,by the basis of analyzing the many problems and challenges faced by the relevant policies of our country.With these suggestions,the authors hope to reinforce the concept of social justice and assist low-SES students improve their current situation.

Key words:low-SES students;Chinese higher education;policy and practices of helping the needy and sufferings;suggestions