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今年计算机市场被一片Netbook(小笔电)风潮席卷,低价、省电与连网性成了产品主要的诉求。除了Intel、AMD、VIA等x86架构厂商外,强调节能为特色的ARM-based嵌入式处理器阵营亦无不将Netbook当作新的主战场。其中智能型手机芯片龙头qualcomm特别拟定新且全面的市场策略, 欲大举抢进所谓Smartbook新市场。究竟该公司对当前移动宽带装置的发展看法与产品策略为何?透过本刊专访高通通讯市场暨产品部资深副总裁Luis Pineda,将有清楚的解析。

Q1: What are your perspectives on the product position and development of smartphones, MIDs and netbooks?

Q1: 您对智慧手机、MID与小笔电的产品定位与发展看法为何?

A1: Smartphones are an exponentially growing category as consumers look to their mobile handsets to do more than ever before, not only supporting voice calls but also delivering some level of mobile Internet experience.

The netbook market showed a lot of growth momentum in 2008. We saw that consumers purchasing netbooks are using them as complementary devices to their smartphones laptops or PCs, drawn by the small form-factor and low price-point, which is achieved through reduced functionality.?

Qualcomm also sees a new category emerging, which we are calling “smartbooks.” We expect this new category of devices to really bridge the chasm between smartphones and laptops, delivering the best traits of a smartphone C instant-on, always connected experience, ultra-thin designs, all-day battery life, GPS and customizable, easy-to-use user interface C in a larger form-factor with a more generous display and full-size keyboard for easier content consumption and creation on-the-go.? Qualcomm is targeting the smartbook category with its Snapdragon platform, which is designed for ubiquitous connectivity and mobile performance.? The first commercial smartbooks should be announced later this year.




Q2: Compared with other solutions, what are the features and advantages of your Snapdragon and Gobi?

Q2: 与其它解决方案相比,Snapdragon与Gobi的特色与优势在那里?

A2: (1) Snapdragon: Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chipsets combine a 1+GHz processor core, comprehensive WWAN, WLAN and GPS capabilities, powerful multimedia and ultra-low power consumption to enable smarter smartphones and smartbooks, revolutionizing the world of mobile computing. The Snapdragon platform empowers devices to deliver real-time ubiquitous communication, high performance multimedia, location-aware content, full Internet browsing and productivity applications, all with the lowest levels of power consumption for all-day battery life.

(2) Gobi: Gobi is the first embedded mobile wireless solution designed to essentially put?an end to connectivity limitations by delivering multi-mode cellular HSPA or CDMA2000 EV-DO connectivity for notebooks and netbooks, becoming the unifying agent between the different high speed wireless networking technologies deployed around the world.

A2:(1)Snapdragon:Qualcomm的Snapdragon芯片组结合一个1 GHz以上的处理器核心、广泛的WWAN、WLAN与GPS能力、强大多媒体以及超低耗电,实现更智慧化的智慧手机与smartbook,为移动运算世界带来革命性改变。Snapdragon平台让装置具备能力提供随时随地通信、高效能多媒体、寻址内容、完整网络浏览与工作应用,而且具备全日电池续航力所需的最低耗电。

(2)GobiTM:Qualcomm的GobiTM是第一种为终结联机限制设计的移动无线解决方案,可为笔记本电脑与小笔电提供HSPA或CDMA2000 EV-DO多模联机能力,成为全球各种高速无线网络科技之间的桥梁。

Q3: As an early member of Open Handset Alliance, what is your opinion about the possible devices for deploying the Android platform? How do you promote the Android platform?

Q3: 身为开放手机联盟的初期成员,您对可能部署Android平台的装置有何意见?您如何推广Android平台?

A3: Android is a complete, open-source mobile phone software stack that includes everything a manufacturer or operator needs to build mobile devices that are tightly integrated with the Internet. We believe the platform can and will be used in a variety of other devices besides handsets. Android’s open mobile platform should help to spur innovation and creativity by allowing OEMs, carriers and developers to take advantage of the flexibility associated with an open platform to differentiate their offerings.

Qualcomm is a leading partner in the Open Handset Alliance, powering the first two Android handsets on the market with our MSM7xxx-series chipsets and currently assessing the opportunity that exists for Android on Snapdragon.



Q4: We know you enjoy solid and successful cooperation with HTC in smartphones. Could you share with us your model for cooperation with other companies on end devices other than smartphones? ?

Q4: 我们知道贵公司与宏达电拥有紧密与成功的合作关系。您能够分享与其它公司在智能手机以外装置的合作模式吗?

A4: Besides cooperating with HTC in smartphones, we enjoy solid partnerships with numerous other handset and PC manufacturers, including many leading Taiwanese OEMs and ODMs. We are committed to enabling the success of our partners, providing extensive support and collaboration to bring new and advanced products to market.?

A4: 除了与宏达电在智能手机领域合作之外,我们与多家手机以及个人电脑厂商拥有紧密关系,包括许多主要的台湾OEM和ODM厂商在内。我们致力于实现伙伴的成功,提供广泛的支持与合作,为市场带来全新先进产品。

Q5: The 3G market in China is definitely bringing new business opportunities tor Qualcomm. As more and more cross-strait cooperation occurs in the telecom industries, what is your perspective about the competition and cooperation between cross-strait companies? What are Qualcomm’s opportunities amid this competition and cooperation?

Q5: 中国的3G市场无疑会为Qualcomm带来新的商机。随着两岸电信业界合作逐渐加温,您对两岸业者之间的竞争与合作有何看法?Qualcomm在这场竞争与合作之间有何机会?

A5: The issuance of 3G licenses in China is a significant development that presents an exciting growth opportunity for Qualcomm, as well as for the region’s overall electronics and telecom industries. Leveraging the considerable market demand in China and Taiwan’s experiences in manufacturing quality devices and developing 3G services will generate win-win business opportunities for cross-strait cooperation.

As part of our long-term partnership with China and Taiwan, Qualcomm will continue to support the growth and success of Chinese and Taiwanese companies with our comprehensive product portfolio.

