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>> 高师院校《计算机网络》课程教学的探讨与实践 《计算机网络原理》教学探究 技工院校“计算机网络原理”课程教学改革探索 高职院校计算机网络教学 高职院校《计算机网络》课程教学体系探索 高职院校计算机网络技术专业教学体系改革探索 高校计算机专业《计算机网络原理》教学方法研究 计算机网络教学 计算机网络分层原理探析 经济类院校计算机网络技术专业实践教学体系探索与实践 关于《计算机网络原理》课程教学的研究与探讨 中职学校《计算机网络原理》实验教学探讨 基于“活动教学原理”的计算机网络课程实践研究 《计算机网络原理》探究式教学研究与实践 高职《计算机网络原理》课程教学探讨 基于岗位能力培养的《计算机网络原理》实践教学探索 探讨计算机网络原理实验教学 凸显科学思维训练的计算机网络原理课程教学改革 基于Packet Tracer的计算机网络原理课程案例教学 计算机网络体系结构 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

Curriculum System of Computer Network Principles in Normal Universities

WU Zhen-qiang

(School of Computer Science, Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China)

Abstract: In view of the curriculum system of Computer Network Principles is not homogeneous or uniform in China, this paper analyses the characteristics of the course in normal universities, and proposes a set of curriculum system. The system includes enhancing students’ ability of analyzing and solving problems through especial teaching method and building up practical ability through experiment training and trouble shooting. The result shows that this system stressing quantification check in teaching process management can obviously enhance students’ understanding and application ability in learning.

Key words: Computer Network Principles; practical ability; computer network experiment; exam of learning process