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1. 否定型部分倒装

在正式文体中,如果将never,seldom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely,no sooner,no longer,not only,nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词置于句首,则其后的句子要用部分倒装。如:

Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining. 他刚到她就抱怨起来。

Little did he realize the danger he faced. 他几乎没有认识到他面临的危险。

Neither does he smoke nor does he drink. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。

Never before have I met such a strange person. 以前我从未见过这样古怪的人。

No sooner had I gone outside than the phone rang. 我刚出屋电话铃就响了。

Not once has she failed to keep her promise. 她没有一次没遵守她的诺言。

Nowhere will you find better roses than these. 哪儿你也找不到比这更好的玫瑰了。

Hardly ever did they manage to meet unobserved. 他们会面时很少不被人看到。

Seldom does he go out for dinner. 他很少出去吃饭。

Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sunset. 我很少见到这样美丽的日落。

Not only has she been late three times,she has also done no work. 她不仅仅迟到了3次,她还没干一点活。


I have never understood her. 我一直对她不够了解。

I’m seldom late for work. 我上班很少迟到。

She had no sooner opened the door than a cat jumped out from behind the door. 她刚把门打开,一只猫就从门后跳了出来。

对于not...until [till]句型,当not until [till]...位于句首时,其后的主句要用倒装语序。如:

Not till he got home did he realize that he had lost it. 一直到了家,他才发觉那东西丢了。


In [Under] no circumstances will I lend money to him. 无论如何我也不会再借钱给他了。

On no account must you accept any money if he offers it. 他如要给你钱,你可绝不能接受。

2. only型部分倒装


Only in this way are you able to do it well. 你只有用这种方法才能把它做好。

Only then did I understand what she meant. 只有到那时我才明白她的意思。

Only after her death was I able to appreciate her. 只有到她死后我才认识到她的价值。


Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room. 只有得到老师的允许,学生才可以进这房间。

Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened. 当他回到家时,才知道出了什么事。


Only members may use the bar. 只有会员才可使用这酒吧。

Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in. 只有那些预先订票的人可以进去。

3. so和such型部分倒装

1. 当副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后通常用部分倒装。如:

So funny did she look that everybody burst out laughing. 她的模样如此滑稽,大家都捧腹大笑。

So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day. 月亮是那样明亮,花都像白天时那样鲜艳。

以so开头的句子还有这样一种倒装――表示前面提出的某一肯定情况也同样适合于后者,这类倒装的基本结构是“so + 助动词 + 主语”。如:

Ann thinks there’s something wrong with Bill,and so do I. 安认为比尔出事了,我也认为是这样。

Mary spent the whole evening watching TV,and so did Jane. 玛丽整晚都在看电视,简也一样。

2. 当such...that...结构中的such置于句首时,such后的句子要用部分倒装。如:

Such is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight. 电视的影响力就是这么大,可以让人转眼成名。

Such is the convenience of canned food that families eat less fresh food than they used to. 罐装食品实在太方便了,使得每个家庭不像以前那样,吃那么多新鲜食物。


1. No sooner______into the house than the phone rang.

A. had I got B. I had got C. have I got D. I have got

2. Hardly______Edinburgh than they were ordered to return to London.

A. had they reached B. they had reached

C. have the reached D. they have reached

3. Seldom______any apology when mistakes are made.

A. we receive B. do we receive

C. we received D. did we receive

4. Little ,but we’re flying to Geneva next weekend to celebrate his birthday.

A. does he know B. he knows

C. knows him D. did he know

5.______does the article mention the names of the people involved.

A. Somewhere B. Nowhere C. Anywhere D. Everywhere

6. Never in my wildest dreams______I would go to Hollywood.

A. had I thought B. I had thought

C. have I thought D. I have thought

7. The pilot reassured the passengers. Only then______how dangerous the situation had been.

A. I realized B. I had realized

C. had I realized D. did I realize

8. Not only______a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.

A. do the nurses want B. the nurses want

C. did the nurses want D. the nurses wanted

9. Not only______up late,he also forgot his books.

A. he has turned

B. has he turned

C. he turned

D. did he turn

10. “I’m going to Paris next week. ” “Oh,really? ___

A. So do I

B. So I do

C. So am I

D. So I am

【参考答案】1―5 AABAB6―10 ADADC