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随着时代的发展,我们的英语教学要求也越来越高。从原来的应试教育到现在的听说读写全面要求,对我们驾驭课堂的能力提出了更高的要求。牛津教材每册书分为六个单元,每个单元由八个部分组成,而其中的reading 部分更是每单元的核心所在,它既可以作为听力课上,又可以作为阅读课来上以提高学生运用英语的综合能力,为培养语感以及日常生活中英语的运用打下良好的基础。每单元话题和学生的生活都紧紧关联,从而可以贴近学生的心灵,促使学生能更加创造性地使用所学语言来描述自己的生活,达到真正把英语作为一个工具来交流的目的。




1.从整个文章中概括段落大意的能力,掌握新的单词和词组,尤其是像frightened, usual ,unusual, something unusual, turn around, sound like, say to oneself, search carefully, run away quickly等。



Step 1 Daily report (话题是和本课有关的a strange dream)

这是我们说的值日报告,每人轮流, 话题可以是笑话和故事,自己的感受,发生在身边的事,由三部分构成:new words, every English, questions;生词是为了扩大大家的词汇量,每天至少3到5个生词,日积月累,也是一个相当可观的数字。我们班呈现的生词和日常用语都是以及其美观的形式出现,比如可以巧妙地和自己的名字结合起来,正好是一幅很好的画,也可以结合自己的话题画出简笔画,比如说的主题是饮食,可以画一颗大白菜,又简单又有意思,还能调动大家的情绪,一举多得。吸引了大家的眼球,就不怕大家记不住生单词;再加上对值日报告生词的阶段有奖猜词,可起到很好的效果;也从一上课就把大家的状态调整过来了。每天的值日报告必须就所给的主题问大家几个问题,以此来看看大家对自己的报告是否明白理解,对报告人的口语是一个挑战,对大家的听力是个锻炼,和老师从头灌到尾的课堂效果是不同的。通过学生之间的互动,英语课变的气氛活跃,轻松流畅。评价有五项,各占20分:accuracy, attitude, body language, fluency,content等。

Step 2 lead-in

结合本课课题amazing things,我选择了学生们非常喜欢的英文原版电影爱丽诗梦游仙境(Alice in wonderland)做为导入,在看和听的同时导入as usual, bushes, whisper, frightened, strange , unusual, search for等生词;以下是我和学生的对话:

T: Thank you for your interesting daily report. Everybody has dreams. I know a girl. She often dreams too. Her name is Alice. Do you know what is usually in her dream?

Ss: She usually dreams of a rabbit.

T: I have a video about Alice’s dream. Do you want to watch?

Ss: Sure!

T: What was in her dream this time?

Ss: A rabbit.

T: Yes, this time she dreamed of a rabbit, as usual. Sam, can you tell me when you

got up this morning?

S: I got up at 6.

T: Do you usually get up at 6?

S: Yes.

T: So you can say: I got up at 6 as usual. Let’s go on. Where did the rabbit go?

Ss: The forest.

T: What was in the forest?

Ss: ….

T: Bushes.—The low green plants. Look out of the window, what are the low green plants? If the rabbit went through the bushes, could you hear a sound?

Ss: Yes.

T: Is the sound loud or soft?

Whisper.—a low sound. (在学生耳边领读)

Is it polite for students to whisper in class? (适时进行情感教育,尊重老师,尊重朋友) Let’s go on. What did Alice look for?

Ss: She looked for the rabbit./ search for

T: Where did she search? Look/search behind the tree.

How did Alice feel when she saw the two men?

Ss: Afraid/frightened.

T: Why was she frightened? Did the two men look like you and me?They were strange/unusual.Is there anything unusual today? Alice’s dream is really unusual. Today, Millie and Amy also met something unusual. They met a ghost. Read and tell me what the ghost was. Do you want to know more about the story?Read to Line 13. Then we will have a match. (每小组准备问题,挑下一组答题,答题小组答完再问下一组,以此循环) You really did a fantastic job. Now, let’s review the story. Prepare in groups and then answer one by one.

1. Who told Andy everything?

2. What did Andy find in the bushes?

3. How was the cat?/ Why did the cat make a sound like a whisper?

4. How did Andy search?

5. Where did Andy put the cat?

6. How did Millie and Amy feel when they saw the cat?

7. Where did they take the cat.

8. Who would take care of the cat?

9. When did they take the cat to the animal centre?

10. How many whisper did Andy hear?

Step 3 Reading (from line 14 to the end of the story)

A: study together in groups

B: remember as many as details as you can

C: prepare 3-4 questions ( ask and answer)

Step 4 Listening

Listen and take notes about the verbs and their past forms in the text

sit- sat hear-heard run—ran see-saw

tell-told stand-stood come-came find-found

Step 5 Follow up

Group work 1: retell the story

Group work 2: go on with the story

Group work 3: discuss what we can do to take care of weak animals







