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1. ―Have you worked out your plan?

―Of course, we have got a general idea of what we want, but nothing at the moment.

A. ambiguousB. concrete

C. permanentD. ambitious

2. with a book in the wrong place while taking part in such an important test is going to be punished.

A. ThoseB. Whoever

C. AnyoneD. Who

3. ―If you want somebody to go window shopping with you, why not try calling Miss White?

―She be home by now.

A. shallB. should

C. willD. would

4. Was it Chairman Mao said is true that raised the argument?

A. what whetherB. that whatever

C. whatever that D. whether whatever

5. He has office for 3 years, and due to his wonderful reputation, he will surely one of the best presidents in the country.

A. taken; makeB. entered; be

C. made; holdD. held; make

6. While sleeping, a nightshirt that is pleasant to touch― will make us sleep well.

A. to wear; itB. wearing; that

C. worn; oneD. wear; it

7. It is really important for parents to reach a between what they want and what their kids desire.

A. conclusionB. compromise

C. communicationD. consensus

8. This immuneenhancing bulb has been used to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent diabetesrelated conditions.

A. traditionallyB. universally

C. controversiallyD. accessibly

9. A traditional digestive aid in India, cloves are an amazing source of antioxidants and abundant phenol compounds, which help combat toxins and the gradual damaging processes that cell aging.

A. result from B. result in

C. as a result D. as a result of

10. Naturally a smile the eyes participate is extremely communicative.

A. to whichB. in which

C. at whichD. with which

11. Now the summer is here with more visitors, so the business is .

A. looking upB. coming up

C. making upD. turning up

12. No one this building without the permission of the police.

A. is leavingB. will be living

C. has leftD. is to leave

13. Directly he arrived at the bus station, then he had intended to take.

A. a bus did comeB. a bus came

C. came a busD. did a bus come

14. The Wall Street Journal on March 14 reported that the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 in the air for several hours past the time of its last confirmed location. The truth is still unclear now.

A. could have stayed B. must have stayed

C. will have stayedD. would have stayed

15. ―Congratulations, Tom! You have won the first prize in the physics competition.

―Dont . Im not good at physics, you know.

A. be a wet blanketB. pull my leg

C. have green fingersD. be all thumbs


If youve ever rushed into the grocery store to pick up a tube of toothpaste, youve likely been stopped in your tracks by the glut of 16 available. There are 17 more than a dozen brands, each one 18 several different specialties of cleaning ability: anticavity, whitening, better breath and healthier gums. Add to that the different costs, flavors and colors, and before you know it, an employee is asking you to 19 your way to the registers so the store can close.

But its not just the number of options that gives us 20―its the amount of information each option has 21 trips us up, too. Social scientist Barry Schwartz interprets research on the subject to mean, in part, that a(n) 22 of choices and information may make us 23 believe that the stakes are higher than they really are regarding the outcome of our decision.

He suggests that because we are presented with so much information, the overload of options and data 24 us to falsely believe that, even a fairly ordinary task like shopping for toothpaste, has great significance than it really does.

Schwartz also 25 that our 26 ability to access information through the Internet can actually make matters 27. Inundated with results from a simple Web search, we must now choose which site among the hundreds of thousands to begin our evaluation.

Our goal is to make the “28” choice. When we make decisions, were motivated not only by the opportunity for gain, but also by the fear of 29. The decisionmaking process isnt a purely analytical one―researchers using functional magnetic resonance imaging on subjects who were faced with decisions discovered that the process of making a choice lights up portions of our 30 that deal with regret and emotional memories.

But what we may regret most, according to Schwartz, is the 31 time spent analyzing and 32 each and every bit of information, which can lead to 33 and fatigue, 34 diminishing our decisionmaking ability.

One good approach is to place a value 35 the time it takes to make your decision, compared to the value of the decision itself. In the case of toothpaste, you probably serve your interests sufficiently by quickly choosing any toothpaste that keeps white teeth securely rooted in your minty mouth.

16. A. opinionsB. opposites

C. optionsD. occupations

17. A. at leastB. at most

C. the leastD. the most

18. A. representingB. presenting

C. pressingD. playing

19. A. hideB. take

C. makeD. give

20. A. pardonB. detail

C. decisionD. pause

21. A. whatB. whose

C. whichD. that

22. A. abundanceB. amount

C. bitD. handful

23. A. correctlyB. falsely

C. quicklyD. happily

24. A. helpsB. leads

C. makesD. teaches

25. A. points atB. points to

C. points outD. points up

26. A. increasedB. poor

C. strongD. extraordinary

27. A. betterB. good

C. badD. worse

28. A. exactB. actual

C. perfectD. last

29. A. loseB. loss

C. choiceD. decision

30. A. headB. brains

C. faceD. body

31. A. extraB. little

C. muchD. less

32. A. completingB. composing

C. combiningD. comparing

33. A. successB. disappoint

C. frustration D. excitement

34. A. finallyB. suddenly

C. occasionallyD. originally

35. A. toB. by

C. inD. on



William Shakespeare was an influential English writer in the world. He wrote plays and poems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remain very popular today.

During earlier times, people would probably have learned several ancient Roman and Greek plays. It was not unusual for writers to produce more current versions of these works. For example, in Shakespeares play “The Comedy of Errors” Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play “Macbeth”, Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information. Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity of his imagination and language made the plays his own. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.

Shakespeare was also influenced by the world around him. He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays. His works include observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and the popular language of the citys tradesmen. Shakespeares knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.

It would be impossible to list all of the ways in which Shakespeares works have influenced the world culture. But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language. During his time, the English language was changing. Many new words from other languages were being added. Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poetic inventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones. For example, he created the noun forms of “critic”, “mountaineer” and “eyeball”. Many common expressions in English come from his plays, including “pomp and circumstance” from “Othello”, “full circle” from “King Lear”, etc. The list of cultural creations influenced by Shakespeare is almost endless. From paintings to television to music and dance, Shakespeare was well represented. Shakespeares plays have been translated into every major language in the world.

Shakespeare became a wellknown writer during a golden age of theater. His years of hard work paid off.

36. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Many of Shakespeares works were influenced by earlier writings.

B. Shakespeare was hardworking when he was a student.

C. The experience of living in London helped a lot with Shakespeares works.

D. Shakespeare became rich later because of the popularity of his works.

37. Shakespeares greatest influence should be on .

A. the English language

B. paintings

C. television

D. music and dance

38. The passage is mainly about .

A. an introduction to Shakespeares life and his works

B. the main features and styles of Shakespeares plays

C. how culture influenced Shakespeare and he influenced culture

D. Shakespeares greatest influence on the world culture


Most of us may know emails or efriends, but few of us know there are many different eBook readers available on the market these days, but three stand out from the pack: the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook and the Apple iPad. Each has their own pluses and minuses and all are excellent devices, but its easy to get overwhelmed with all of the features. If youre in the market for an eBook reader and are looking at the Kindle, Nook or iPad, check out the handy guide below which will help you make your decision.

The Amazon Kindle

There are two varieties of the Kindle―the WiFi only version, and the WiFi + 3G. The Kindle has a 6inch E Ink screen, which is much easier on the eyes than your traditional laptop or desktop screen. Looking at one, it looks amazingly like a matte piece of paper, and there is no glare or reflections. Its exceptionally light and sized close to a book, so it doesnt feel like you are holding a clunky device. The Kindle also features the Webkit browser, which is sufficient if you just want to look something up online while youre reading, but its definitely not for heavy or regular internet use. Still, its interesting to see the Web in grey.

The Barnes & Noble Nook

There are actually two varieties of the Nook to choose from, the Nook and NookColor. The standard Nook features a 6inch E Ink screen. The NookColor features a 7inch, fullcolor touchscreen LCD screen, and offers enhanced books, magazines, newspapers, & interactive kids books, and can be used as a media player as well. Both the Nook and NookColor include the unique LendMe feature, which allows you to share eBooks with your friends, something that the Kindle lacks. B&N also has a Lifetime Library, which allows you to store your favorite books for download anytime, anywhere, with any device that you have the Nook application installed on. With over 2 million titles to choose from, youve got a great selection of books to read.

The Apple iPad

The Apple iPad is not a dedicated eBook reader. Rather, it is a computer device with eBook reader functions. The iPad features a 9.1inch fullcolor touchscreen LCD, and because of its larger screen size you can turn the screen horizontally and have 2 pages of an eBook open at a time, just like a real book. Just like the NookColor, though, the drawback is that it is LCD, so you might not be able to read on it comfortably for as long as you could on a device with an E Ink screen. The iTunes store offers you both eBooks and audiobooks that you can download to your iPad. Those who want a tablet computer that can also serve as an eBook reader may consider buying one.

39. What kind of person may be advised to buy the Kindle?

A. A serious reader who doesnt care about fancy functions.

B. A person who gets on line a lot and likes chatting with friends.

C. One who wants a tablet computer that can also serve as an eBook reader.

D. One who wants an upgraded reading experience with color and lots of features.

40. What benefits cant users enjoy from the Nook according to the text?

A. A lifetime library with books to download.

B. Sharing ebooks with your friends.

C. Two types to choose from.

D. 9.1inch fullcolor touchscreen.

41. Which should you choose if you want to buy an eBook reader with a large screen for your child who likes listening to audiobooks?

A. The Kindle.B. The Nook.

C. The iPad.D. None of the above.


You are busy filling out the application form for a position you really need; lets assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isnt it tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree? Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University?

More and more people are turning to utter deception like this to land their first job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like most Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a wellknown university. Registrars at most wellknown colleges say that they deal with dishonest claims like these at the rate of about one per week.

Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms. If it turns out that an applicant is lying, most colleges are reluctant to accuse the applicant directly. One Ivy League school refers to them as “special cases.” One wellknown West Coast school, in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all, says these claims are made by “no such people.”

To avoid complete lies, some job seekers claim that they “attended” or “were associated with” a college or university. After careful checking, a personnel officer may discover that “attending” means being dismissed after one semester. It may be that “being associated with” a college means that the jobseeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend. One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century―thats when they began keeping records, anyhow.

If you dont want to lie or even stretch the truth, there are companies that will sell you a fake diploma. One company, with offices in New York and on the West Coast, will put your name on a diploma from any number of nonexistent colleges. The price begins at around twenty dollars for a diploma from “Smoot State University.” The prices increase rapidly for a degree from the “University of Purdue.” As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana is properly called Purdue University, the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper.

42. The main idea of this passage is that .

A. you can easily purchase a college degree if necessary

B. lying about college degrees is becoming a more serious problem

C. nowadays it is very hard for people to find jobs

D. employers show little interest in applicants actual performances now

43. If you want to replace the word “utter” in the 2nd paragraph, which of the following is most proper one?

A. Thorough.B. Incomplete.

C. Cheating.D. Written.

44. Once finding applicants with false diplomas, most colleges would .

A. tell other universities about this

B. drive them out of college directly

C. avoid direct conflicts with them

D. accuse them of such behaviors

45. We can learn from the passage .

A. Smoot State University enjoys a better reputation than Purdue University in the world

B. more people know University of Purdue than those who know Smoot State University

C. few people are using fake diplomas when applying for their first jobs

D. owning a degree from a famous school is important for job applicants in the USA


When Mary Barra took the wheel at General Motors in January she inherited a company in good shape. Five years after bankruptcy, its profits were beyond expectations and its share price was rising. But the new bosss todo list was long: fixing GMs lossmaking European arm, keeping up momentum in China amid signs of a slowdown and giving new life to the product line. The former CEO, Dan Akerson, warned her that she would also face unexpected challenges. The first has arrived sooner than she might have expected.

What appeared to be a routine recall of about 800,000 older models, linked to a faulty ignition switch, has turned out to be anything but. The number of cars recalled has leapt to more than 2.6 million. The companys clumsy handling of a safety problem that first became apparent a decade ago is now linked to the deaths of at least 13 motorists.

Called before Congress to answer for GMs failings, Ms Barra said she was “deeply sorry” but insisted that the postbankruptcy “new GM” was not like the “old GM”, which had failed to deal with the ignition switches for years. Politicians and the public alike want to know how such a problem could have remained unaddressed for so long.

Cars are becoming ever more complex machines, with thousands of mechanical and electronic parts. Last year it happened to 22 million vehicles in America, compared with 18 million in 2012. In fact, GM was one of only three brands that recalled fewer vehicles than it sold. Minor problems, like squeaks (吱吱响) or rattles (卡嗒响), that do not affect safety are more common still. They may be fixed at a routine service; the owner may never know. The growing number of recalls is proof to an improving system for picking up faults.

But it is very complicated. Dealers must record replacements of parts under warranty (保修). The carmaker needs to spot the trend, recognize it as a problem and then determine whether or not it is a design fault that requires an extensive replacement. It relies on accurate recording of every warranty replacement in every region. This system appears to have broken down at “old GM”. Ms Barra needs to find out why.

The core problem is a widely used ignition switch that has a tendency to slip from the “on” position to “off” if a driver uses a heavy keychain or bounces down a rough road. An improvement was made in 2008 to prevent the problem, which can lead to the engine shutting off, disabling the airbags. But despite a growing list of crashes and deaths, GM failed to order a recall for a component that would have cost a few dollars at most.

This is odd. Most carmakers want to identify and fix problems speedily despite having to bear the cost of buying and fitting a new component. A small part can do great harm, if bad publicity leads to reputational collapse, lost sales and law suits, including heavy penalties. Appearing to put profits before safety is an invitation to battering a firms shares, as GM has discovered.

So far Ms Barra has handled the situation well. She seems to have acted as soon as she found out something was wrong. GM has appointed a worldwide safety president to cut through the process that may have delayed investigation and action. And in a sweeping housecleaning, GM has recalled another 2 million vehicles in America alone. GM looks set to accept moral, if not legal, responsibility. The terms of its exit from bankruptcy give immunity to lawsuits for injuries arising beforehand. But GM is likely to compensate survivors and victims families anyway.

It is not yet clear how much of a hammering GM will take. But hours before Ms Barras meeting with Congress, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety issued a greatly desired “Top Safety Pick” for the new Chevrolet Malibu, one of a growing number of wellreceived cars from GM.

46. When Mary Barra took office, there was plenty more room for GMs improvement in that .

a. the development of Chinese market appears to be slowing down

b. former bosses have failed to fix GMs lossmaking European arm

c. some car models lack appeal in the market

d. Mr. Akerson has left some challenges for her to handle

e. GMs management teams are made up mainly of men

A. a, b, and eB. b, c, and d

C. a, b, and cD. a, c and d

47. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A. Problems like squeaks or rattles are frequent reasons for recalls.

B. Recalls are not uncommon in the auto industry.

C. Car companies welcome recalls to demonstrate improved products and services.

D. Minor problems may be fixed at a routine service without the owners knowledge.

48. Mary Barra has carried out the following strategies to manage the crisis and quiet the critics EXCEPT that .

A. as soon as she learned about the problem, she acted without hesitation

B. she faced facts and apologized sincerely

C. she took the legal responsibilities for their previous mistakes

D. she appointed a new president for global safety for GM

49. What does the underlined word “battering” in paragraph 7 probably mean?

A. Benefiting.B. Regulating.

C. Purchasing.D. Damaging.

50. What can we infer from GMs new Malibu being awarded “Top Safety Pick”?

A. GMs new model Malibu is specially designed to solve ignition problems.

B. GM products are gaining more and more popularity around the world.

C. GM seems to be on the road to saving itself from mistakes.

D. GM has worked out a solution to the brokendown recall system.



Durban Climate Conference Drags

On With Few Signs of Progress

The United Nations climate conference in Durban, South Africa has gone into overtime, as negotiators, representatives of nearly 200 nations, met Saturday to try to agree with each other on several deals to fight climate change. Observers still question if any of the proposals on the table are strong enough to have a real impact.

Among the key issues being discussed is whether to adopt a second commitment period of at least five years to the Kyoto Protocol―a pact (协定), passed in 2007 that legally binds governments to cut emissions.

The current proposal being considered would extend the Kyoto Protocol for another term, if, in exchange, the United States, China and other big countries that are not a part of it, agree to be in negotiation over a future replacement deal to cut emissions after 2020.

But even if a deal is reached here in Durban, some observers say the terms are still insufficient to combat climate change.

“Its all well and good to talk about longterm treaties post 2020, and thats essential and we support that and want to get a decision here launching a process to do that,” said Alden Meyer, who is from the Union of Concerned Scientists. “But we also need a near term process to raise the level of ambition collectively, both developed and developing countries, to try to substantially raise efforts to close whats called the gigaton (十亿吨级) gap, which is the gap between the emissions reductions we have on the table and those that have to be made to stay under two degrees.”

Two degrees centigrade is the amount by which scientists say the Earth can warm before causing irreversible damage to life systems.

Another big issue is setting up the Green Climate Fund, which is supposed to provide financing for projects on the environment in developing countries. Countries have had a hard time agreeing on what sources of funding will be used for the fund, and on other technical aspects.

Harjeet Singh of Action Aid says it looks increasingly unlikely there will be a complete fund before the next climate conference in Qatar.

“Things are not looking very positive on the Green Climate Fund we see that the operationalization (运转) that we were expecting to definitely have happen in Durban, its not really happening,” said Singh. “It has been moved to next year so between now and Qatar it may happen sometime, which is quite depressing.”

Singh said the United States, which has been asking that private firms have more access to the fund, is largely responsible for the delay.

Time is running out for a major deal to combat climate change, and many environmental ministers involving themselves in the talks have already started to head home.

Some of the employees at the conference center have been asked to be available to work again on Sunday, suggesting negotiations may have a long way to go.

Durban Climate Conference Drags

On With Few Signs of Progress

A brief introductionAt the climate conference in Durban, it is hard for negotiators (51) nearly 200 nations to reach an (52) on several deals to fight climate change.

Key issues (53) discussion

To extend the Kyoto Protocol for another term on (54) that the big countries agree to (55) a future replacement deal so that emissions can be cut after 2020.The temperature of the earth can only rise by two degrees centigrade (56) serious damage would be caused to life systems.

To set up the Green Climate Fund aimed to provide financing for (57) projects in developing countries. Things are not looking very positive on the fund, which (58) people present at the conference and the United States is supposed to take the (59) for the delay.

Signs of failure There is not much time left for a major deal to combat climate change.

Ministers (60) in talks have started to return home.

Negotiations may have a long way to go.


What problem do we have now? Most people today face the problem of information overflow. Actually, we cant avoid being the target of a variety of news, stories and advertisements.

A majority of us communicate with the world through what are called the three screens: the TV screen, the computer screen and the screen on our mobile phones. Every day, lots of information hits these screens and competes to attract our attention. As a matter of fact, we view and understand the world through these screens.

It is so important that we should be careful in this era of information explosion and become the masters of information, not its slaves. In theory, the easy access to information should help people improve their lives. In reality, however, rather than benefiting from the information, many are actually suffering from information anxiety.

With continuously increasing amounts of information coming, a person may become a heavy user of media, deeply addicted to his or her laptop, tablet or smart phone. Thus, a sense of anxiety could arise, leading to negative feelings of selfdistrust, depression and meaning lessons. Therefore, the main challenge is how to make full use of the abundant information.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词就“信息爆炸”这一话题谈谈你的看法,内容包括:

(1) 信息爆炸在日常生活的体现;

(2) 说明信息爆炸的利与弊;

(3) 我们应该怎么对待信息爆炸?


1. 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 写作内容中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


一、1―5 BDBDA6―10 DBBCB11―15 ACBCB

二、16―20 CABCD21―25 DABBC

26―30 ADCBB31―35 ADCAD

三、36―40 AACAD41―45 CBACD

46―50 CBCDC

四、51. presenting52. agreement53. under

54. condition55. negotiate56. otherwise / or

57. environmental58. depresses59. responsibility60. involved

五、One possible version:

Nowadays, people are surrounded with the three screens: the TV screen, the computer screen and the phone screen. Facing the sea of information, were advised to be masters instead of its slaves.

Its true that were living in an age of information explosion. For example, we have much easier access to all kinds of news. I even receive text messages of latest news every one or two hours every day.

However, just like a doubleedged sword, information explosion does us both good and harm. On the one hand, it enables us to enjoy the convenience of getting what we want as easily and quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the abundant information entertains us and makes our life more colorful. On the other hand, information explosion also brings about side effects. For one thing, what rushes out from the Internet includes much junk information, which bothers us a lot. For another, being addicted to the screens prevents us from making facetoface contact with each other and doing something more meaningful.

Whats the solution? As high school students, we have to know what to choose and what to abandon. Thats to say, we should focus only on the valuable information and say no to the worthless information.
