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10 Ways to ReduceStress and Live a Worry Free Life 低压无忧人生的10大秘诀

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Today, we live in such a fast paced society and there is so much going on around us that is hard not to be stressed out. We have families, friends, taxes, rent and so many other factors we have little control over. When we can, we need to minimize our stress and aid the universe in making life go as smoothly as possible. Here are 10 ways which helped me reduce stress in my life.


1.Make checklists


This will help you take things one step at a time and not overwhelm yourself mentally. When we make mental check-lists, we tend to look at the overall picture of all the things we have to do instead of taking it one task at a time. Also, when we cross something off our checklist, we feel a sense of ac-complishment and feel even more motivated to tackle the next task. By doing this, we begin to build a positive momen-tum。


2. Don't take the opinions of others to heart

莫忧他言 。

The key to living a happy and fulfilling life is being able to be authentically you and do the things that bring you joy. Often, the opinions and judgments of others get in the way of our authenticitv. We cannot allow this to happen, as Don Miguel Ruiz points out in The FourAgreements:

"Whatever people do, feel, think, or say, don't take it personally. If they tell you how wonderful you are, they are not saying that because of you. You know you are wonderful. It is not necessary to believe other people who tell you that you are wonderful. Don't take anything personallya.”

Understanding that whatever people say, think and do are projections9 0f their own reality will take the weight off the opinions of others.The need to please will only lead into a very stressfullife-we will never please everyone.




3. Don't be afraid to ask for help.


“The willingness and the courage to face a problem of-ten means identifying and talking about the problem, looking at available resources, identifying solutions and altematives, and developing a plan of action that works best."


――出自Ellwood City Ledger

Being able to ask for help is a sign of maturity, not weakness. It is an essential part in developing a plan of ac-tion. Many times when we are facing a problem, we are notseeing things clearly. Asking for help can often show us a different way of approaching a problem that we may have never thought of ourselves-there iS always something to be leamed. Not to mention, having a confidant and someone to help you through a tough situation makes the process a lot less stressful.




Meditation is something that has personally helped me on my joumey and has significantly reduced my anxiety and stress levels. Psycho/ogy Today posted an article on their website about a study that was done proving that "mindfulness meditation strengthens a person's cognitive ability to regulate emotions." The ability to regulate our emotions and maintain a mindful outlook will help us deal with our stress in a much healthier way. Meditation has also opened my mind up t012 the idea of other forms of relaxation and altemative healing such as hypnosis, which has changed my life!I love chal-lenges like Oprah and Deepak's 21 day senes. Their guided meditations are not too long, easy to listen to and help to get you into the routine of meditating.


5. Be patient and embrace the process.


Every time you feel impatient and restless,try to remind yourself that life is a marathon, not a sprint. We all need to embrace present-moment living more instead of always wanting to be at another place than where we currently are. The present is the only time that has purpose and meaning right now. When we become impatient and rush through life, we are probably missing out 0n important lessons and not reaping the full benefits of life.


6.Don't compare yourself to others.


This can be difficult, but we need to keep in mind that we are completely different people than those we are companng ourselves to-we have completely different perspectives. Comparing ourselves to others will only result in decreased self-esteem and increased anxiety.


7.Get a therapist!


I am a huge advocate of finding someone who you can speak to in a private, safe place without judgment. It is a completely outside perspective that may result in clarity and insight.


8. Do something physical and GET MOVING!


I am not the hugest fan of working out but I realized that there are so many physical actMties I could do that are fun such as bike riding, taking a walk with a friend, roller blad-ing,etc. Endorphins are natural pain and stress relievers. Give ita shot.


9.Practice breathing techniques.


Rhythmic breathing has been proven to be an effective method for reducing stress and anxiety. There are tons of great books on Kundalini Yoga that will teach you how to get started or look up a studio that teaches Kundalini. It is to-tally worth it!


10.Practice self care


Go get a massage. Watch your favorite movie. Get your nails done. Take a bubble bath. The options are unlimited, but the idea is to pamper yourself and relax.1 am committing to getting a massage once a month to force myself to relax and take care of myself. l think this is a necessary but often pushed to the bottom of the list due to timing, money etc.
