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Throughout the history of English literature, hundreds of writers have created fantastic worlds for their plots and characters to play out in. This is sometimes done for reasons of satire1) (under oppressive governments) or just for outright pleasure. This is a selection of the four best fictional lands in English literature.


Narnia 纳尼亚

Narnia is a fantasy world created by C. S. Lewis as the primary location for his series of seven fantasy novels for children, The Chronicles of Narnia2). The series track the story of Narnia when humans, usually children, enter the Narnian world from "our world". Narnia was created by the great lion, Aslan, and is filled with talking animals and mythical creatures. The landscape of Lewis' native Northern Ireland played a large part in the creation of the Narnian landscape. In his essay On Stories, Lewis wrote "I have seen landscapes, notably3) in the Mourne Mountains and southwards which under a particular light made me feel that at any moment a giant might raise his head over the next ridge4)." The world of Narnia is a flat world in a geocentric5) universe. Its sky is a dome that mortal creatures cannot penetrate6). Narnia's stars are burning humanoid7) beings. Its constellations8) are the result of a mystical dance upon the sky, performed by the stars to announce the works and comings of Aslan. The stars also arrange themselves to allow seers9) to foretell certain future events.

纳尼亚是C. S. 刘易斯笔下的奇幻世界,他的奇幻儿童文学七部曲《纳尼亚传奇》的故事主要就发生在这里。该系列小说讲述了人类(通常是孩子们)从“我们的世界”进入纳尼亚世界后发生的故事。纳尼亚由伟大的狮王阿斯兰所创造,那里都是会说话的动物和神话中的生物。刘易斯的家乡在北爱尔兰,那里的风光对他描写纳尼亚的风光产生了很大的影响。他在散文《论故事》中曾写道:“我曾看到那些风景,特别是在莫恩山及其以南的地方,在某种特定的光线下,那些风景让我觉得有个巨人随时都会从下一条山脊后探出头来。”纳尼亚所在的宇宙以地球为中心,而纳尼亚的世界则是平的,其天空如穹庐般笼罩而下,让凡界的生物无法进入。那里的星星呈人形,在天空闪闪发光。群星在天空中跳着一种神秘的舞蹈,形成各种星座,用于宣告阿斯兰的种种伟业和一次次降临。星星还自己变换组合,使看到它们的人可以预见某些未来事件。

Gulliver's World 格列佛的世界

Lilliput and Blefuscu are two fictional island nations that appear in the 1726 novel Gulliver's Travels10) by Jonathan Swift. Both are portrayed11) as being in the South Indian Ocean and are inhabited by tiny people who are "not six inches high". A channel separates the two eight hundred yards wide. In the novel, Gulliver washes up on the shore of Lilliput and is "captured" by the inhabitants while asleep. He discovers that Lilliput and Blefuscu are permanently at war because of differences over the correct way to eat a boiled egg—from the rounded end according to the Blefuscudians, or from the sharp end according to the Lilliputians. Additionally, Gulliver's Travels also includes the land of Brobdingnag; the people of Brobdingnag are described as giants who are as tall as a church steeple12) and whose stride13) is ten yards. All of the other animals and plants, and even natural features such as rivers and even hail14), are in proportion.