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(Children are singing, “Hey, let’s go! Hey, let’s go. I’m as happy as can be.”)

Doualy Xaykaothao: This is 1)kindergarten class at Imagine Japan, an English language school, just a short walk from pre-2)fabricated homes built for disaster victims. Teacher Dave Rowlands is talking to his students.

Dave Rowlands: What came after the earthquake was what?

Ruiji Saito: 3)Tidal wave.

Rowlands: Thank you, Ruiji. Everyone listen up to Ruiji. Go ahead, Ruiji.

Saito: Tidal wave.

Rowlands: A tidal wave. In Japanese what do we say?

Saito: Tsunami.

Rowlands: Or in English, actually tsunami is now, OK, used around the world in many languages. OK? Tsunami. We kind of leave the T off of it.(Laughter)

Xaykaothao: Six-year-old Ruiji Saito and Rowland’s daughter, Koyuki, describe that 4)frightful day.

Saito: We was not sleeping yet. We was [sic] playing something and just come the earthquake. And we hide under the table and the food, toy fall down from the table.

Koyuki Rowlands: Everybody stepped my hair because my hair was long.(Laughter)

Saito: Somebody stepped on me. I was, ow.

Xaykaothao: All school kids in Japan practice earthquake 5)drills regularly, but teacher Akiko Kobayashi says the Big Earthquake last March 11th had an impact on the way her kids draw.

Akiko Kobayashi: Before, they are not like that. But suddenly, like, they start colour the face black, the clothes black, everything black. Not all the kids, but some kids. But getting better now.

Xaykaothao: Kobayashi says the attitude of her students is different too.

Kobayashi: Fighting with the people, aggressive―really aggressive and 6)yelling in loud voice. Thought maybe they got stress inside. So I feel really sorry... (weeping) ...when I think about the kids and their future, maybe it affects a lot.

Xaykaothao: She says the children role-play as if the tsunami is returning.

Kobayashi: They look really happy and interesting, but they are sitting and doing, like, playing with doll or something, and somebody says, tsunami coming, tsunami…we have to go. And they moving another place and start crying again.(Children are playing.)

Xaykaothao: On a hilltop, not far from Sendai City, these teens are throwing snowballs on the grounds of Tohoku Chosen, a school for North Korean students. The main school building was destroyed in the earthquake, so thirteen-year-old Che Yun-su has to take classes in a small 7)dormitory. His school’s computers were destroyed too. The teacher now uses a white board for lessons. But Che says he doesn’t mind the changes because he was so moved by all the volunteers, including the Japanese, who helped clean up the school grounds after the earthquake.

Che Yun-Su: (through translator) I realized what a nice community I am in now, in Japan. And I came to know their love because we are not alone, everyone.

Xaykaothao: Fifteen-year-old Kim Ryong-hua is not exactly 8)thrilled that she has to take her favorite dance class in the school 9)cafeteria, but she makes the most of it. The most troubling thing for her is the possibility of another disaster.

Kim Ryong-Hua: (through translator) When I hear a television report of another earthquake, and when I see even a little bit of shaking, I get scared.

Xaykaothao: Kim and Che are hoping the Japanese government will help with the cost of rebuilding their school, but the waiting list is long, and not all will qualify for funds. In the meantime, these students, like many others in Northeast Japan, must continue to find some sense of 10)normalcy while adjusting to big changes in their lives.

梅丽莎・布洛克:去年日本大地震及海啸夺去近两万人的性命,事件发生在周五下午,正值学校放学时分。现在,在学童的口中,事件被简称为 “大地震”。 记者多瓦利・塞考陶采访了仙台市的一些学童。








齐藤:Tsunami (海啸)。


















Japan: anniversary of disaster日本海啸周年祭

(Mar.14, 2012) Sunday marked the one year anniversary of the tragic earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan, which claimed 19,000 lives and devastated[破坏] entire cities and communities.

Thousands gathered over the weekend, mourning[哀悼] the losses of friends and family, praying for the deceased[已故的] at ceremonious[礼节的] vigils[守夜].

Japan’s Prime Minister and Emperor offered condolences[吊唁] and delivered silent prayers to the masses[群众] gathered to remember the men, women and children whose lives were tragically taken.

The natural disaster also triggered[引起] a nuclear crisis in the territory of Fukushima, leaking radiation and affecting residents.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, three nuclear reactors are to remain in “a state of cold shutdown” due to the meltdown, leaving many parts of an exclusion-zone surrounding the area uninhabitable for years or even decades.

The crippling disaster last year had a scarring effect on global tourism as well as Japanese domestic tourism, leaving industry leaders the difficult task of rebuilding confidence in Japan as a travel destination.

Last month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs implemented a social media campaign in an attempt to boost the nation’s suffering tourism.