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Study on the Safety of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities

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Abstract. This paper uses survey research methods to research the three factors affecting sports teaching safety and management in the colleges and universities. It proposed to increase the awareness of the safety of teachers and students. And it should have a rational organization of teaching. It also should increase financial input on a regular basis in the field and equipment maintenance. Specialized security agencies and establish safety management systems and contingency plans, to encourage students to participate in accident insurance, guarantee learning the sports teaching activities of the security.

Key words: Physical Education; Sports Teaching Safety; Colleges and Universities

1. Introduction

College students in sports in the teaching process of accidental bodily injury have become one of the Institute of Physical processes of teaching hotspots. It is promulgated by the Ministry of Education Student Injury Accidents approach noted in Chapter 5: educational administrative departments should strengthen school safety guidance to schools on the implementation of measures to prevent student injury accident. Coordinate and guide the school to properly handle the Student Injury Accidents, maintain a normal school education teaching order”. So it is very important to study the security issues of physical Education Teaching.

2. Physical education teaching security factors

Physical Education teaching safety is a complex system. There are many factors that impact teaching sports safety, in order to pinpoint the sports teaching safety of influencing factors, the investigation of 15 colleges and universities in the city part of the physical education teacher and students through interviews and the issuance of questionnaires. The results show that there are three main factors that affect the University and College Physical Teaching safety: management factors, human factors and material factors.

2.1 Human factors

2.1.1 Students

Safety awareness is an important factor to ensure that teaching safe school sport in the teaching process. As long as the student awareness of safety precautions in mind, you will reduce the occurrence of sports accidental injuries in sports teaching process. According to the survey data show that 90.42% of the student’s lack of safety awareness and good safety habits, with 53.48% of the students has not yet mastered the simple knowledge of sports safety. Study the reasons, first, the students ideologically insensitive. When participating in sports, the lack of safety awareness. Not pay enough attention to the sports safety knowledge taught by teachers in the teaching process, always with trusting to luck, that's impossible to injuries caused by accidental injury during sports activities; second is in the sports teaching process, the teacher taught sports-related security knowledge Sharia single boring students no serious study of sports safety knowledge learned, practical exercises is not prone to sports injuries treatment sports teaching activities.

2.1.2 Physical education teacher

The physical education teacher is the main guiding the process of school physical education, sports teaching activities in the organization under the guidance of the teacher, the teacher's attitude and sense of responsibility for security in the process of school physical education are particularly important, the physical education teacher awareness of their own safety strong and weak direct impact on the security of sports teaching. The survey results show: 48.85% of teachers in physical education are never stressed safety requirements; only 10.65 percent of the teachers teaching each lesson emphasized the safety requirements in the teaching process. Research reasons, colleges and university physical education teacher, a weak sense of responsibility for their own security is not enough emphasis on students 'personal safety thatcollege student, to protect themselves in the Physical Education. The second is in the process of the universities' Physical Education insecurity is not given enough attention, not really safety education in first place in the sports activities, school education should establish a "safety first" guiding ideology is not clear from the fundamental, which is caused school sports activities occurred students the root cause of bodily injury. It did not fully consider the teacher teaching the student body tolerance, the arrangements for the exercise intensity is too large, causing the student body fatigue, prone to accidental injury.

2.2 Material factors

2.2.1 Sports teaching venues and equipment

The sports teaching venues exist security risks, including a number of venues, the rational use of the site and the quality of the venue and other factors, to ensure that one of the important factors in teaching properly conducted. The survey data show that 71.23% of the students believe that the school physical education venue is relatively small, and cannot meet the demand for their sports activities. Such as the city's fall semester class basketball, tennis, outdoor project, go to indoor venues in winter, with a corresponding increase in the number of students attending classes in the unit area.

Study because of the lack of funding for school sports, and not be able to carry out the expansion and maintenance of the stadiums. School sports equipment on or next to the sports ground equipment established venues and equipment-warning signs are an important guarantee for student sports activities. The survey results show that 44.8% of school sports equipment no warning signs, physical education and other cultural teaching based on students' physical activity based learning process, if not check the equipment in use, whether the problem or the lack of equipment to use explanation of the method, will give sports teaching to bring a lot of hidden dangers.

2.2.2 Adverse climate impact

In the city located in northern China, relatively high latitude of the city, the longer the duration of the low-temperature weather, sports teaching in this climate, especially outdoor sports teaching; it is prone to security issues of the Physical Education Teaching. The survey data show that, in spring, autumn and winter, the high incidence of student sports injury, accounted for 46.28% of adverse climate impact sports teaching security investigators. Research reasons, one of the movements in the environment temperature is too low. Viscosity increase of the body's muscles, prone to muscle stiffness, the muscle physical coordination reduces and caused muscle ligament injury; beginning students in gym class did not do a good job full preparation. Second city average winter temperature of about -10 ℃, outdoor sports teaching in such temperatures, especially in the various institutions of higher learning set up the speed skating Specialty Teaching easily appear on the hands, feet, ears and other peripheral parts of frostbite, especially some of the students in the South do not know how warm antifreeze winter in the city, which also increases the probability of PE teaching safety problems.

2.3 Management factors

Good safety management to ensure the smooth development of school physical education program, teaching goals reasonable safety, facility utilization, and can effectively control the insecurity, to avoid teaching the accident occurred. It is very important to strengthen the safety management in school physical education. 78.55% of the respondents believe that inadequate safety management is one of the important factors that affect the safety of school sports teaching.

2.3.1 Teacher's classroom management

There are some problems on the part of the teacher in the classroom organization and management in the classroom the sports teaching process applications forms of organization shall not be treated; lack of security measures.

2.3.2 Institute of physical sector security management

Strengthen the safety management of the school is an important measure to ensure that the teaching of Physical Education Teaching security. School safety management departments should intensify safety management efforts, and actively develop a school safety management system to maximize control of the school internal insecurity, eliminating a variety of security risks, and to ensure the physical safety of the students in the Physical Education. The survey results show that 87.8% of the colleges and universities sports teaching units not ready to basic medical first aid supplies, and 56.1% of the colleges and universities did not develop special the sports teaching safety rules and regulations and the appropriate file; 95.12% of schools do not have to set up a dedicated sports safety management agency to be responsible for the safety of school physical education, only 17.1% of the schools sports department is responsible for sports safety education teaching physical education teacher in each semester. It is still an inadequate the school sports safety management system.

2.3.3 Accident insurance of the students participates in a sport

Participants insurance can diversify risk and provide economic compensation; insurance plays an active role in safeguarding the stability of the social order. In sports teaching process, to protect the personal safety of students is critical of the school physical education. The PE Teaching students’ personal injury to students or their families will suffer loss. Encourage students to participate in a sports accident insurance, to reduce the economic losses of individual students and their families, and also be able to safeguard the normal order of the physical education teaching. The survey data show that the students participate in the insurance a high degree of recognition, 83.05% of the students are willing to participate in sports accident insurance, and you can see the positive attitude of the students participate insurance. 55.43 percent of the students believe that the accident occurred in the sports teaching process in injury insurance companies should have to bear, the students have a better understanding of risk prevention, so in all colleges and universities should encourage students to participate in sports accidental injury insurance.

3. Physical education teaching security countermeasures

3.1 To strengthen safety education, to improve the physical education teacher and student sports safety awareness

Safety awareness is a necessary condition to ensure the safety of sports teaching. The teacher and students' safety awareness are one of the main factors affecting the safety of school sports teaching, especially the safety awareness of the physical education teacher is more important. The Sports Teaching the Student accident injury must be in accordance with the basic steps and requirements of first aid, scientific and rational processing, and the damage to a minimum.

3.2 A reasonable organization of teaching, improve the quality of students' psychological and physical qualities

In the in sports teaching process, the teacher should be a scientific and rational organization and selection of teaching methods to organize students to sporting events, weather, venue and surrounding environment affect sports teaching safety factors to consider. The following aspects should strengthen and regulate the organization of teaching: serious lesson planning, reasonable arrangements physical activity. According to different projects, seasonal and climatic factors, before class fully prepared activities, after-school will relax reorganization movement; making difficult, dangerous action teaching students in the correct demonstration action while the necessary protection and assistance to students to eliminate the psychological fear of action; teachers but also to improve the student mutual protection and the ability to self-protection.

3.3 Increase physical input of funds, regular sports venues, equipment maintenance, eliminate potential security risks

Sports funding is the material basis of school physical education, is to ensure that the material conditions of normal school teaching safety. Before the beginning of each semester to deal with all the space and equipment to conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance, normal sports teaching process should regularly check and maintenance, elimination of the venue, the equipment there hidden.

According to the Ministry of Education, "Student Injury Treatment" Chapter 2, section 9 of the provisions of the first paragraph: the school with the students to use the school premises, venues, and other public facilities, and schools, teaching and living facilities, the equipment does not meet state standards or obvious insecurity, the school shall bear the corresponding responsibility.

3.4 Specialized security agencies, and strengthen the supervision of physical education teaching, evaluation and inspection

School leaders and teachers must pay attention to the safety of the Universities' Physical Education, to enhance the health of the student body, as an important priority to prevent the emergence of sports safety incidents, and to pay attention to and emphasis on long-term.

Many of insecurity are implicit, not easy to find, so the joint, schools, hospitals, security departments and sports departments, establish special security sector, by the leadership of the sports department of the school to take the lead to check for security issues in the sports teaching, supervision, and evaluation. Establish a safety inspection team, regular or irregular conduct random checks of sports, physical education, sports equipment, and recording and evaluation. Develop scientific evaluation criteria and evaluation methods, to sports teaching safety supervision, inspection, and evaluation as a long-term task.

3.5 To establish the appropriate security management systems and contingency plans for dealing with sports accidental injuries

Establish the corresponding Physical Education Teaching safe working rules and regulations, the security responsibilities to the individual. The establishment of sports teaching safety inspection system, monthly organizes personnel to conduct a comprehensive inspection of sports teaching safety. School sports departments should establish contingency plans for an accidental injury accident.

3.6 To encourage students to participate in a sports accident insurance

Resolve to carry out personal accident insurance effective way of students' personal accident risk of accidents, and it is conducive to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the students. So that students can get hurt prompt and effective relief and the community to enhance the protection of students’ sense of responsibility. It is also conducive to develop people's awareness of the law, maintaining the school's normal teaching order.


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