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1. at, on和in三个介词常常做时间的“先锋”,我们可以用歌诀把他们归纳为:







2. in, since和by的不同用法也是中考的命题热点所在。

(1)“in +一段时间”表示以现在为起点的一段时间,往往和一般将来时连用;“after+一段时间”表示以过去或将来的某一时刻为起点之后的一段时间。



3. 表示“在某地”时,介词at用在表示小地点的名词前,in用在表示大地方的名词前。

4. 介词across, through和over都表示“通过”。across意为“横过、穿过”,表示动作是在某物体表面进行的;through意为“穿过、通过”,表示从某物中间穿过;over表示“越过障碍物”,多指从空间范围上“越过”。

. 在语境中对 turn up, turn down, turn on和turn off这类短语的考查越来越多。

【典型试题1】We will build another new Great Green Wall the northern part of China.

A. amongB. across

C. throughD. between


【典型试题2】―Do you believe that paper is made wood?

―Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made paper.

A. from; fromB. from; of

C. of; fromD. of; of

【简析】本题考查固定搭配。be made from和be made of均表示“由……制成”,但是前者用肉眼看不出原材料;后者用肉眼能够看出原材料。根据句意“你相信纸是由树木制成的吗?”可以知道此时看不出原材料,故用介词from。再根据句意“是的。并且你能看到书是由纸做成的。”可以知道此时能看得出原材料,故用介词of。所以B项正确。


“动词+介词”和“动词+副词”型短语动词,前者宾语只可放在介词后,后者当宾语为名词时可放在副词前或后,当宾语为代词时只可放在动词和副词之间。属于“动词+介词”型的短语有:look after, look at, arrive at/ in, get to, talk with, agree with, hear from 等;属于“动词+副词”型的短语有:put on, take off, turn on, turn off, turn down, put away, write down, look up等,对这两类短语动词的考查在中考考题中屡见不鲜。


―James, your socks are on the chair. Please .

―OK, Mum.

A. put away it

B. put it away

C. put away them

D. put them away

【简析】put away表示“把……收藏好”,其中的away是副词,而不是介词,宾语them应放在away的前面。 故D项为正确答案。






e has got a chair to sit , but nobody to talk .

A. on; toB. /; with

C. on; /D. /; to




1.英语中表示时间的词语常用介词in, on, at, since, for等引出,但在this, that, tomorrow, next, yesterday, every, last, today等开头的表示时间的词语前一般不可再用介词。

2.abroad, downstairs, upstairs, here, there及home(到家、在家)等均为副词,它们的前面不可多用介词in, at, to等。


Didnt he tell you ?

A. he would go to abroad

B. he had gone to abroad

C. he was going abroad

D. he has gone abroad





―Which would you prefer, orange juice or coffee?

―Either OK, but I prefer coffee milk.

A. are; withB. is; with

C. are; toD. is; to

【简析】该题同时考查了主谓一致和介词的用法。解第一空时,考生根据either作主语时谓语动词通常用单数形式,可轻松排除A、C两项。但是,当面对第二空时,如果考生不能认真研读试题来晓知命题人的命题点,很容易受“prefer to”这一固定搭配的影响而误选D项。殊不知,第二空应该填介词with才使整个对话符合语境(“我”更喜欢加牛奶的咖啡),故B项正确。



1.Its said that the visitors arrived a small town a rainy morning.

A. at; onB. at; in

C. in; onD. in; in

2.―What do you often do classes to relax yourself?

―I often play games with my deskmate.

A. overB. among

C. betweenD. through

3. he old man lives a tall building. And his house is the fifth floor.

A. in; onB. of; to

C. on; inD. to; at

4. ―ow do you learn English so well, e Li?

― chatting with my efriend in America online.



. A study shows that a special fish in America can survive water for up to 66 hours.

A. beyondB. in

C. out ofD. from

6. he guests looked at each other surprise when they heard a bird singing“appy birthday to you”.

A. inB. to

C. byD. at

7. ―his wine tastes a little bit strange.

―Yes. Its made apples.

A. ofB. from

C. byD. in

8. Sanya City is a good place to visit December or January.

A. fromB. at

C. inD. on

9.Mr. uang, our English teacher, is strongly keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom.

A. upB. for

C. againstD. down

10.―Would you like some coffee?

―Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee milk.

A. withB. to

C. ofD. on

11.he famous basketball player is two metres in height.Its very difficult to choose clothes big enough him, Im afraid.

A. aboutB. at

C. withD. for

12.―Youd better not always look up the new words the dictionary while reading. Sometimes we need to guess.

―Yes, Mr. Zhou.

A. inB. on

C. atD. from

13. “If you get on well your classmates, youll enjoy your school life more,” the headmaster said to the new students.

A. toB. at

C. withD. in

14. I dont know how to begin a talk with Millie. Because she can sit all day long a word.

A. byB. with

C. inD. without

1.―Is Simon good at playing basketball?

―Yes. basketball he is also good at swimming.

A. ExceptB. Besides

C. ButD. Beside


1. People have always been curious how living things on the earth exactly began.

2.―What time do you usually have your first class?

― eight oclock the morning.

3.he way we learn English is quite different that we learn maths.

4. ―ow beautiful the Christmas card is!

―Yes, its my cousin. I received it this morning.

. Do you know that young man is famous a singer his nice songs.

6. All of us went to the park Daniel last Sunday. e had to look after his sister.

7. ―Well have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?

―Lets make it half past eight the morning of June 21.

8. hese exchange students have been in China three months. So they can speak some Chinese.

9. ―Mr. u, can you tell us how to learn math well?

―Sure. But remember nothing can be learned hard work.

10. I think everyone hopes to study at a school many flowers and trees in it.


一、1~ ACABC 6~10 ABCCA

11~1 DACDB

二、1. about2. At; in3. from4. from. as; for6. except7. at; on8. for9. without10. with