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【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1674―3024(2014)09-0117-01


1. The supply of apples exceeds the ____ this year.

A. request B claim C requirement D. demand


2.The football match was televised ____ from the Worker’s Stadium.

A. alive B. life C. live D. lively


3.It is not uncommon for there ____ problems of communication between the old and the young.

A. being B. would be C. be D. to be

这句话当中for便是核心词,注意for尽管是介词,后面加动词ing形式,但此时for加there be句型时,就是一个特例,变成for there to be形式。一般在there be句型前面如果是介词,就会变成介词加there being形式。这一点需要牢记的。

4. ____ at in his way, the situation doesn’t seem so desperate.

A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. To look

核心词situation是主语,是物,故只能是被动态,但前面不是完整的一个句子,完整的句子(if the situation is) looked at in his way, 还原成一句完整的话,答案一目了然。之所以省略前面,是精简原则。

5.It is absolutely essential that William ___his study in spite of some learning difficulties.

A. will continue B continued C continue D. continues


6.We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and ____.

A.conducive B.wholesome C.helpful D.appreciative


7. It was strange that she would ___such an absurd idea.

A. allow B. stick C. take D. entertain


8.When one has good health,_____ should feel fortunate.

A. you B. they C. he D. we

此题重点的词one,与它相对应的人称代词便是he, 在美式英语当中,非常常见。

9. It is necessary that he ____ the assignment without delay.

A. hand in B. hands in

C. must hand in D. has to hand in

这道题目主要考查necessary这个词,英语中像necessary, important, stange, natural等虚拟语气。这里should可以省略,一目了然A (原形),它不会随人称和时态的变化而变化。

10.In the sentence “ It’s no use waiting for her”, the italicized phrase is ____.

A. the object B. an adverbial

C. a complement D. the subject




[1]邹申 《全新英语专业四级考试指南》 [M] 上海:上海外语教育出版社 2013

[2]章振邦 《新编英语语法教程》[M] 上海:上海外语教育出版社 2011