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No Solution and the Reader as the Detective

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Abstract: The article takes “Under Suspicion” as an example, explores the phenomena of no solution as a sort of solution and the reader being pushed to the position of detective for the policemen or detectives prefer taking the law into their own hands whenever they think it does not appear to work in the metaphysical detective stories characterized by the failure in solving the case and not shaping the detective into a heroic figure.

Key words: Metaphysical Detective Stories; No Solution; Reader; Detective

[摘 要] 本文以小说《谁是凶手》为例,探讨了事件得不到圆满解决、侦探没有被塑造成英雄人物的玄学侦探小说中,无解也是一种解决方式以及警察或侦探为了让事件朝向自己希望的方向发展而采取凌驾于法律之上的做法从而把读者推到侦探的位置上的现象。

[关键词] 玄学侦探小说;无解;读者;侦探

【中图分类号】 H31 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1007-4244(2014)07-284-1

Introduction:As a literature genre, detective fiction has produced many classic modes during its development. Traditional detective stories are usually conveyed in the classic narrative sequence of crime, investigation, truth and criminal. Metaphysical detective stories are different from the traditional ones in many aspects, such as having neither a successful solution nor a heroic detective, laying emphasis on irrelevant events etc. This article takes the story “Under Suspicion” as an example and seeks the phenomena of none solution and reader as the detective in metaphysical detective stories.

I None Solution is a Sort of Solution

Metaphysical detective stories inherited some basic elements and methods of the traditional detective stories, such as the setup of murder, suspense, irony, parody and subversion etc. However, metaphysical detective stories casted off some traditional structural and narrative rules, such as the heroic role of the detective and the successful outcome of the mystery etc. Instead of closely exploring the mystery of the murder or crime and providing an explicit outcome, the metaphysical detective stories tend to explore some irrelevant questions, such as confusions of life and self-reflection. As a result, the story may not offer an explicit and satisfactory conclusion, which is equal to no solution.

However, stories without solutions do have conclusions. Take the story “Under Suspicion” as an example, that story does have a conclusion, which is that the murderer receives no legal punishment and the case is closed with none solution. In the readers’ eyes, that is not a solution because the criminal is not exposed and the crime is not judged and punished by justice. However, from the perspective of the detective, none solution is the solution he prefers. The case could have had a solution, for the detective has found out the murderer, who is his partner. The detective chose to conceal it. By doing that, the detective has changed his role from a detective to a criminal. A criminal won’t be willing to give a successful solution to the crime. So the former detective and criminal submits a false solution or no solution.