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My Father无言的爱

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The afternoon sun shone brightly on the white sands of the beach. From farther down along the shore, the happy squeals1) of a child caught my ears. A father and his young son chased each other over the small dunes2), the father walking only slightly fast so the child could outrun him. He caught his son and lifted him way up high, twirling3) him around before placing him on his shoulders and heading back to the parking lot.

My father died a month ago. He'd been as healthy as anyone could expect a 38-year-old man to be. He'd gone to sleep one night and just never got up in the morning. The doctor told us it was internal bleeding caused by a ruptured4) kidney. Nothing could have been done to help him, he said. I thought otherwise.

I was my father's only son, the eldest of three kids. Stacy and Jen, my little sisters, were only one and three, and would never know their father, never recall his loud, booming laugh or, less regrettably, the sting of his hand on their backsides.

I suppose I could say that he was a good father, better than most I know, anyway. He always had a ready smile, a kind word, and advice that could turn even the worst of times around. When I was little, he'd take me fishing, or to the park, and all the places you go to as a child. We were close then, and I couldn't have looked up to anyone more. I wanted to grow up to be just like Dad.

Then things began to change. I became too old to go fishing, could never find time to do stuff with him anymore, though I know I could have made time. I remember days when I caught a wistful5), almost sad look from him aimed at me, especially on winter mornings perfect for snowmen and snowballs.

There were times when we fought6), and, although I can't remember what we fought about, I know it was I who usually started it. He was a man of quiet simplicity, and I was a boy with a head crammed with all the things that go through the minds of young children. He was stuck in old ways, and nothing he hadn't seen was real in his eyes. I readily accepted anything new that came my way.

Dad tried to talk to me, but it was hard on both of us. He had become shameful in my eyes then. You see, my father had never learned to read, and he'd dropped out of high school as soon as he could take a job in an auto repair shop. Later, he saved enough money to start his own. We were not rich, but we were far from poor. This should have satisfied me, but I was still ashamed of my father. The terrible thing is—I think he knew it.

Then he started to behave oddly. He'd stay up late into the night, and in the morning would appear in the kitchen like a zombie7), dark circles under his eyes. But those eyes had taken on a gleam, and he often shot glances at me that were full of something I tried to name, but could not. Not until one night.









It was winter, and I woke when a branch fell outside. The wind roared, and the cold had worked its way through the walls and into my bed, so I decided to get another blanket from the hall closet.

The kitchen light was still on, and I walked through the living room to shut it off. Peering around the corner, I saw my father at the kitchen table, with a book in front of him and a pen in his hand. His head was nodding, but he shook himself awake to take a gulp8) of what, I am sure, was cold coffee. As I watched, he began talking slowly and quietly. After a time I could catch snippets9) of what he was saying and recognized Dr. Seuss's10) The Cat in the Hat.

I had bought that book years ago when I was little, after saving up my allowance11). I'd brought it home and given it to my father, asking him to read it to me. I remember his face, how red it was, and how sorry his eyes were as he handed it back to me. All he said was, "Sorry, Son." I remember feeling confused. I left the book on the kitchen counter and when I looked for it again, it was gone. I hadn't seen it since. But now I heard the familiar rhymes coming from my father's lips. I was stunned.

He was teaching himself to read, struggling with each word. Yet even that amazed me.

I stood in that corner for a long time. My father knew I was there, I'm sure, because I was none too12) quiet coming down those stairs. I think he wanted me to know.

I went back to bed without the extra blanket. The warmth in my heart was all I needed.

I never mentioned my discovery. But my faith and respect for my father grew stronger, and time and again I found myself turning to him for advice. I spent time with him each day, and we grew close again, talking about everything and nothing at all.

Jen was born, and I took time off from school to work side by side with Dad at the shop to pay the bills. I wasn't very good at mechanics, but Dad was patient and took the time to teach me.

We went to baseball games together, he came to my football tournaments13), and I rediscovered my love of fishing. He was there when I graduated from school, and I was there when he received his high school diploma, twenty years after he'd dropped out. The mysterious gleam I had seen in his eyes now had a name. It was pride.

Stacy was born, and we tumbled into hard times again. I took a night job at a movie theatre and worked with Dad during the day. I put my dreams of college on hold and became his full-time partner.

One summer day, just two months before his death, I came home to find a gray Pontiac in our yard, parked where my hand-me-down Chevy usually was. My father was sitting casually on the hood14), and as I began to question, he silenced me. I deserved it, he said. I had worked hard, and I needed a car that started when I wanted it to, unlike my Chevy.

We didn't have money to spare, I knew. Yet he cared enough to take the risk. The three words I had not uttered in fifteen years were now on the tip of my tongue, but still I could not tell him that I loved him. I knew it showed in my eyes, though, because I could see the reflection of it in his, which were as wet and shiny as mine. We didn't need those words.

At his funeral, we made a very small procession15): my mother and sisters, a few close relatives, some guys from the garage, and me. I didn't cry, although the tears were there. Later I cried for hours, alone.

As I stood on the beach where we once played, a heavy sadness hung in my heart, and I knew it would never quite go away. We'd been through a lot, he and I, and all I could hope for now was that I could somehow find the strength to carry on without him. I wondered, if I had said those three words, would his life have been any happier? Maybe. But I hadn't needed to say it. He'd known anyway.













