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China Book International

I am from Xinjiang

Kurbanjan Samat I China Citic Press I ISBN: 978-7-5086-4751-7

This book is about the experiences of people from Xinjiang and a Lso about the stories of every Chinese person. It records the photographer Kurbanjan Samat himself and 100 people from Xinjiang working and Living in the Mainland China.They are from different ethnic groups - Uygur, Han, Kaza k, Hui, Mongo Lian, Tata r, Uzbe k, Xibe, Tajik, Kirgiz, Daur, Dongxiang and Tibetan; in different ages and with different genders; having different religious beliefs; Living in various regions and corners of China; working in allwalks of Life, being actors or actresses, hosts, business owners, socia L celebrities, corporate executives, pilots, young entrepreneurs,students and street hawkers etc....

They are from Xinjiang. Everyone has their happiness and sorrow, dreams and confusions, relatives and friends.Their experiences not only vividly embody the Life and thoughts of the group of Xinjiang people, but a Lso faithfully reflect the economic development and socia L changes in Xinjiang and even the entire China over the decades.


For Life: Elic

My name is Elic Abdurehim. I am from Xinjiang, Uygur, and I am 61 years old. In 1982, not long after the reform and opening up, I opened a canteen at Urumchi's Nanmen Marketplace. At that time, an inspection team from Beijing thought the bazaar in Urumchi was good, hoping that we could bring this to Beijing. Then, they negotiated with the relevant department in Urumchi and invited over ten businessmen including me to run Xinjiang businesses in the farmers' market in Madian, Beijing. When I just arrived in Beijing, it was summer. sold Xinjiang fruits for a period of time. However, when the winter came, I had no fruit to sell, so I started to sell kebabs. Unexpectedly, Beijing people liked it very much. I made some money by selling kebabs and then brought my wife and children here, living with me in Beijing. When I had saved enough money, I decided to go back to Urumchi and open a restaurant to make my family live a better life, but my third child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was three-month-old and we spent all our money on his treatment. Thus, we didn't go back to Xinjing. I've been selling kebabs here for more than thirty years. Now I'm selling kebabs near the Minzu University of China. The business is not bad, but sometimes I have to evade urban management officers.

I have four children. My first and second children are now in Xinjiang, my third child is with us for his treatment, and my fourth child is studying in the second grade in Beijing. I hope all my children can receive good education. My fourth child is growing up and studying in Beijing. At home we speak Uighur language with him, but now he gradually becomes averse to that and just speaks Chinese. remember last year when we brought him back to Xinjiang, he asked me, "Dad, when will we go back to our hometown?" I said, "This is your hometown." But unexpectedly, he said, "Beijing is my hometown. I want to go home."

Now, every month we would spend over a thousand yuan for our son's treatment. I also thank those who have helped us very much. The neighborhood committee of the place now I live knows my situation and keeps helping me to pay my rents for over a decade. There are many good people out there. My only wish is that my son will get well soon. Besides, I also wish that my children can receive good education and remember our ethnic language and cultural traditions.

Messenger of Jade Culture: Yakupjan

My name is Yakupjan Abdusamat. I am from Xinjiang, Uygur, and I am 27. I run a jade shop in Shenzhen, and my wife and 3-year-old son live with me there. I graduated from Xinjiang University, majoring in English. By the time I graduated, my dream was to be a tour guide. I never thought that I would run a jade business, though my father was a merchant engaged in jade business for over thirty years.

In the summer when I graduated from college, I accompanied my father to Dongguan for business. There were very few halal restaurants and we had to walk to a place far away for halal food. One day, I was watching the stones in the hotel and my father went out to buy some food. remember that day was drizzly. When I looked out from the window, I saw my father walking back with food, slow and hunched over a bit in the rain. I cried. I knew he must have a tough time running business in the Mainland China. Because of this, I gave up my dream of being a tour guide and started to learn jade business with my father.

Our store is in Shenzhen Curio World. Now it has a history of 5 years. My father always tells me that the first important thing is not making money but conducting ourselves.

I remember that in 2011, we bought a stone weighted over 4 kilos with l.6 million yuan, and soon a business owner in Shenzhen offered 5.6 million yuan to buy it. I was very happy. As at that time, my father didn't pay much attention to my business any more, so I didn't tell him that. On the next day when that man was about to pay, my father knew it and said, "Why didn't you show me such a good thing?" My father has sharp eyes. He glanced at it and said, "You can't sell it." "Why?" "There is something wrong with the skin (the skin of jade)." I said it couldn't be possible. He said, "I'II show you." He brought us a basin of boiled water and soaked the stone in the water. After an hour, he put it in the freezing chamber of refrigerator. The next day when he took it out, we smelled the chemicals. At that time, I wanted to earn money so much that I said, "The color doesn't fade. Let's sell it to him. We can earn 4 million." My father asked, "Do you want to take root here or just earn money?"

The stuffs we sell are expensive. My father's principle is no cheating. He told me we must trade with those who know jade. If he doesn't know, we can tell and let him know it but don't trade with him. Don't let those who don't know jade buy jade in our store, as jade business is also a process of building trust with people. Gold has a price, but jade doesn't. We can't let them have any doubt. Many people would like to ask him the cost he spent. He always answered, "Don't push me to lie." Everyone who has traded with my father knows that he is hot-tempered. He can sell himself for anything but money.

The fake skin means a lot to me. When I just started to run the store, I suffered heavy economic pressures. I was impatient in the first two years. Now, 5 years have passed and I gradually calm down. That's because my father often comes to supervise me.

My father has another principle, that is, the defects on jades in our store shall be pointed out by ourselves. I couldn't accept this at first. Others also cannot understand this. Why don't we praise it instead of pointing out the defects? He said, "I'd like to let them be sincerely convinced to buy the jades. As when they show the jade to other people or when they talk about it with their friends, they may see these defects as well; but if you point these out, they are not actually defects; and if not, they are really defects when being found by others." At first, many people don't understand this principle. They say this is not good for business, but over these years, I slowly understand this.

Now, when customers come into my store, I tell them nothing but my story and my family's story, so I'm popular now in the entire Shenzhen Curio World. People here even gave me a Han name Jiang. Many people know my story even though they have never seen me.

Now I'm also a Shenzhen native. My ID card is registered in Shenzhen. With some setbacks I have finally received my passport. In future, I want to visit other countries to see their culture and communicate with them, telling them my family's story and the story of our Hetian jade. I want to say I'm not a stone dealer, but a jade merchant; I'm not an illiterate, but a graduated college student; I'm from Xinjiang, the hometown of Hetian jade, and I want to be a messenger of jade culture.

Dream of working in Beijing: Yusupjan .

My name is Yusupjan Ablikimm. I am from Xinjiang. My ethnicity is Uygur, and I am 25. My wife's name is Nurbiya Yasen and our son's name is Aierpan. We came to Beijing in May 2013. I work in a Xinjiang cuisine restaurant as a chef, and my wife is a waitress. Our greatest wish is to work hard and that our employer will pay us on time every month. We're leaving this May. We've saved some money and we're preparing to open a cloth store in our hometown.

The Biography of Chinses Emperors:Historical Figures [Hardback]

Wang Yanjun I Thread-Binding Books Publishing House I First printed in Nov 2012 IISBN: 9787512006355

This book comprehensively records the biography of over four hundred emperors on the Land of China during over two thousand years from Oin Shi Huang to Puyi,telling their stories rarely know by people. From Oin Shi Huang,who created the title "Huang Di (emperor)",to Puyi,the Last Emperor of the Oing dynasty, according to the dynasty order, some famous emperors with significant influence on the history are narrated in detailwhile some puppet emperors are simply mentioned.This book has some highlights while being comprehensive in overall contents.lt comprehensively and detailedly records the dates of birth and death, parents, empress(s) and concubines, reign title, duration of reign,temple name, posthumous title, mausoleum and persona Lity of every emperor.

The world of Constitution

Chen Honavi I China Universitv of Political Science and Law Press I 2014-09

This book is divided into the "practice",the "theory" and the "shorts". It is a collection of Mr. Chen Hongyi's articles on constitution and jurisprudence in the past ten years. Some articles in the book discuss the jurisprudence and history of the concept of the rule of Law and constitution, and study the relation between Western constitutions and Christianism,the relation between Confucian culture and constitution and some other issues; some articles review the exploration in Legalconstruction and the rule of law since the foundation of the People's Republic of China, and eva Luate and introspect the modern constitution development in HKSAR,Taiwan and even the Asian countries.ln addition,this book also collects articles on the development of Chinese Laws,the g Loba Lization and interdiscipline of jurisprudence and other issues published by Mr. Chen Hongyi in recent years.

New Structural Economics:

A Frameworklor Rethinking Development and Policy

Lin Yitu I Peking University Press I Sep 2014

As the third version of"development economics',the book provides a neoclassical research method to the study of determinants of structural tra nsformation of the economy and proposes new ideas about economic development policy.ln each phase of economic development, market always serves as the basic mechanism to achieve efficient allocation of resource. Howeve r, economic deve La pment, as a dynamic process,needs to experience structura L adjustment including industries upgrade,diversification and improvement of supporting facilities.The process of upgrade and improvement is supposed to be coordinated with the externality of company's huge transaction cost and return on investment.Therefore, apart from an effective market mechanism,government should play an active role in the process of structuraltransformation.The book offers empirical evidence to support the above mentioned theory and provides specific and feasible policy suggestions to the practitioner.

This revised and enlarged edition collects wonderful remarks on New Structural Economics from five Chinese famous economists including Wei Seng,Yu Yongding,Zhang Shuguang, Huang Shao'an and Zhang Jun. They interpret this new theory from di忏erent perspectives and the author detailedly responses to their opinions,which comprehensively interprets "new structura L economics", presenting you more Chinese perspectives and thoughts collision.


Collected Works of an Outstandmg World-Class Expert - in the Field of Economic Development

The difference between new structural economics and traditional

China Book International

structuralism lies in that the later holds the view that structural differences between countries in difference development stages are exogenous, while new structural economics believes the differences are due to the endogenetic disparity of factor endowments structure. And the difference between new structural economics and other neoclassical economics lies in that the later homogenizes the structure of developed countries and that of developing countries without distinguishing the differences in industries and technology of developing countries and developed countries.

The development economics in previous two versions take developed countries as the reference system and suggest developing countries developing the industries that exist in developed countries but not in the domestic (import substitution of structuralism) or adopting the institutional arrangement that works well in developed countries (Washington Consensus of neoliberalism). However, New Structural Economics stresses that developing countries should start from what they have (factor endowment) and what they are capable of (comparative advantage), and governments' function is to eliminate bottleneck in restricting the development of outstanding enterprises and assist them to grow stronger.

As for the view "effective government" I put forward, other scholars put forth the question that how to make sure the government intervention is correct. In regard thereof, I published an article titled "Identifying Growth and Making the Best Use of the Circumstances: the Role of government in Dynamic Mechanism and Structure Change" as the response.

In June 2012, before the end of my term in World Bank, I collected all my relevant articles in the book titled as New Structural Economics: A Framework for Rethinking Development and Policyand it was published by the World Bank. After leaving the World Band, I wrote The Quest for Prosperity: How Developing Economies Can Take Off by combining the views of New Structural Economics and what I summarized from visits to Africa and other developing countries with popular and easy- to-understand language. The book is published by Princeton University Press; and the Chinese versions of these two books are published by Peking University Press.

Economics is bantered as "adismalscienee", especially in developing countries, because from the view of mainstream economics theory, developing counties are full of deficiency and disadvantages. On the contrary, New Structural Economics provides a brand new angle of view. It believes that developing countries are in possession of opportunities. Despite the poor infrastructure and institutional environment, enterprises in any developing countries have the motivation to go for profit. As long as the governments take down-to- earth policies and take advantage of available limited resources and governance capability to set up industrial park and special economic zones and provide outstanding enterprises with local sufficient infrastructure and operation environment so as to lower their transaction expense, any developing country can motivate micro enterprises and individuals and set foot on the road of structural transformation and dynamic growth; they don't have to waiting till all institutions are ready before promoting economic development with the help of market.

Let's take China as an example. In 1979, China was poor in business environment, investment climate and infrastructures when it began to transform to market economy. China did not solve the problems mentioned and then waited for new industries to emerge according to the theory of Washington Consensus. Instead, limited resources and governance capability were used by governments at all levels to set up industrial parks and special economic zones. Nationally, indicators were unsatisfying; but in the area of special economic zones and industrial parks, the poor situation of infrastructure was improved and the environment of business was becoming competitive.

In the early stage of transformation, China's labor cost was low, but lacking of knowledge of technology and management restricted China's ability to produce qualified products to sell in international markets. To overcome it, governments at all levels invited investment actively and encouraged foreign enterprises having technology and management experiences and customer resources to invest in special economic zones and industrial parks. Thus, labor-intensive light industry developed rapidly and China became a world factory with the help of the practical method. The success of some places helped to improve the infrastructure and eliminate imbalances in other places.

The above mentioned practical concept and method are regarded as a bad choice in neoliberalism; however, it is the recipe for the success of China and other economic entities and even Mauritius, an island country of Africa.

Culture of the Ancient People

Shen CongwenlZhonghua Book Companyl Sep 2014

Culture of the Ancient People is a colllection of essays about research of ancient material cultural historv written bv Shen Conawen.The shortest articles selected are about three to five pages and the Longest ones reach more than ten pages; due to plenty of illustrations,words in each article are not many in fact.The book covers a wide range from fans, mirrors to the customs of dressing.The articles are easy-to- understand introductions.lt may be regarded as the book written by an expert for ordinary people.

The ancient cultura L knowledge is accumulated in yea rs by Shen Congwen. In 1969, 67-year-o Ld Shen Congwen was transferred to "Wuqi" cadre schoolin a village of Hubei to feed pigs and grow vegetables.Without any reference materia L or notes, he recorded various objects according tc his memory,which became the major resources of the books and articlec he wrote after "the Cultural Revolution". Shen Congwen afterwards recalled the memory and said:"it was a good chance for me to train my memory ability when I was in the cadre school.lt might have something to do with my concentration and simple mind". Document of the Summer Palace-Etiquette for the Civil Servants

The First HistoricaIArchives of China, Management Office of the SummerPalace of Beijing I Nov 2014 I ISBN: 978-7-101-10125-6

Document of the Summer Palace is the integration of specia L document of the Summer Palace and also an indispensable Large document collection for the study of history of Forbidden City and the late Oing Dynasty.The book focuses on the construction management and royal activities in the Summer Palace and includes over 3,000 documents.lt is indeed a Large document collection of roya L garden of the Oing Dynasty.According to the content,the book can be divided into four volumes including Etiquette for the Civil Servants,Management of the Palace, Construction and Decoration,which separate Ly record the activities of the emperors and empresses, po Litical imperia L edict, appointment and dismissa L of officials, award and pension, reception and visit,worship; royal Life, pa Lace affairs, duty,financing, management of eunuch and criminal case; project List of construction of the Summer Pa Lace, repair, cost and craft; document about decorations in the Palace.

This is its first publication of the document about the Oing Dynasty collected in the Summer Palace,adopting photocopy,which remains the original style and features of the document of the Pa Lace and avoid errors in typesetting and printing. Defect and blot in the original documents were not repaired.The format of document and writing are remained in the initial conditions,which maintain the authenticity and authority of the documents.

Dcvelopment History of Chinese Culture[volumeI&II]

Feng Tianyu I Wuhan University Pressl Dec 2013 1 1SBN: 9787307123113

Feng Tia nyu, a fa mous professor of cu Ltura L history-, devotes himse Lf to research on traditional Chinese culture for a Long time and has made great achievements. He has published a series of great works about cultural history including Chinese Cultural History,Spirit of Chinese Classics, and Research on "Feudalism",which are highly appreciated by academicians both at home and abroad,and he is also acknowledged as an expert in Chinese cultural history. Development History of Chinese Culture, based on the historical research ideas of humanistic pragmatism and the Latest research achievements, comprehensive Ly a nd systematically interprets the origin,development and evolution of Chinese culture with a new research paradigm.This book is divided into two parts,volume I and volume lI, and mainly explores the inner cause of traditional Chinese culture from such aspects as "geographic environ ment", "economic facto rs","po Litical system" a nd "social culture". Instead of developing according to previous research modes based on the sequence of dynasty or dynastic history,it puts emphasis on the study of specific issues and demonstrates the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture in a more profound way by Linking work at selected spots with that in entire areas and comparing cultures in east and west

Man-made Panic:Globa Field Visit on Transgenosis

Yuan Yuel New World Pressl Date: Oct 2014

Yuan Yue has visited those countries where transgenic plants are well deve Loped in ten yea rs. He shows us the fact of tra nsgene th rough interviewing farmers who plant genetically modified crops,scholars and scientists who are experted in this project as well as policy makers of transgene in each country.The book narrates the course in which transgene is g radually distorted, misunderstood, and rumored and finally becomes an untouchable panic for humans in its thirty years of history.Through his direct and rational depth interview, readers can better know the production,transportation, and consumption of genetically modified foods and understand how these foods influence our Life and the whole world.Articles included in this book read Like the travel notes and stories,vivid and attractive.

The author not only introduces the development,achievements and interesting stories about transgenic technology as well as the basic knowledge of biotechnology through a simple and understandable way, but also sincerely discusses with readers over questions Like how to find a method to identify the facts in numerous and complicated disputes on transgene and improve scientific cognition.

Conservatism [3rd edition]

Liu Junning I Oriental Press I Nov 2014 Conservatism is a relatively loose ideological system.lt had no rigorous and consistent theory system before. Conservatism written by Liu Junning is the first book introducing conservatism in China. Unlike textbook or general academic reading materials,this book is not the collection of various theories or schools about conservatism, but a work focusing on certain mainstream opinions and those ideas can be accepted by the author.


Contemporary China needs Conservatism

In recent years, more and more people become interested in conservatism. Speaking of conservatism, what should we be conservative in? Only being conservative in freedom and traditional freedom can be called conservatism. In conservatism, freedom is analyzed under the background of order, and freedom is thought to be superior over order, but, both shall coexist.

In accordance with conservatism, rules formed in moral order are the sum total of experience and wisdom accumulated in the long history of humans, and are indispensable for the formation and development of freedom. Freedom doesn't exist alone. During the evolution of human beings and development of civilization, people gradually gain some freedom, while such freedom exists in order, culture, tradition and concept. People not only need to conserve the freedom they have gained but also need to expand it so as to continuously expand their freedom. If we just abandon but not conserve, the freedom we get won't increase. So, the significance of conservatism is to help us get, conserve and expand freedom.

Take traffic rules as an example. The issue of each traffic rule is based on many sacrificed lives. If we abandon the previous ones and make new rules from the very beginning, many previous sacrifices will be meaningless and more people will die in vain. Similarly, as for making rules in political circles, if we ignore the effective measures on restricting power gained from the accumulation of long-term practice, many people's freedom, lives and property will be put into danger. Conservatism manifests the highest wisdom about society, politics and life and it's the highest realm of human's thoughts and wisdom. I have never read any thought that is as much profound and wise as conservatism. This is also an important reason for me to support conservatism.

In modern times, United Kingdom and United States become two most powerful countries in the world. Both countries share one common point which is the powerful conservatism. The United Kingdom has Conservative Party and America has Republican Party and the Democratic Party in South. Many people think America is just powerful is its economy, military and science. While, in fact, it's not quite true. When America was founded, it was not a developed country and was not strong in those fields. What makes America and UK become a strong is the concept on freedom and conserving freedom. Is it the freedom or un-freedom that makes a country become strong? The answer is quite obvious. If freedom is the secret weapon to make a country become strong, then conservatism is the essential and the best choose.

Some people say that European countries and America have the tradition of freedom, so they can develop conservatism; while it seems hard to find the trace of freedom in Chinese tradition, if so how can we conserve the tradition of freedom? China might be lacking of freedom tradition; however, it doesn't mean the efforts to fight for freedom were not made in history. Freedom is not born from west countries but comes from humanity and the creator. Humanity won't change. From our ancestors till now, the humanity hardly changes. Now, we love freedom, so did our ancestors. In fact, there is no one country of which the freedom tradition just comes from its domestic area. So, the freedom tradition of Britain and America is not just developed from its own but from the whole world. Three or four hundred years ago, America was not even established, and the "inherent" freedom tradition did not exist at all. Therefore, origin of Chinese freedom tradition shall not be limited to itself. To some extent, the question on whether there is freedom in China is meaningless, because human beings share one common freedom tradition. Humanity is shared between each other, so, fighting for freedom is also the common tradition of human. So long as Chinese people share the same humanity with others, there is freedom tradition in China.

There are many examples that can be used to prove that China has the tradition of freedom and Chinese are born with freedom genes. Freedom is generated from humanity development. Where there is human being, there is the desire for freedom and it has nothing to do with geographic factors and country borders. "Western countries" is a concept born lately, while human's desire for freedom born much early than that, so it's totally wrong to say desire for freedom started after the appearance of east and west nations. Toward tyrannical rule, Chinese people are always against that. If the existence of prison is the material evidence for freedom, then a tyrant is man evidence for freedom. In China, these two kinds of evidences proving their love for freedom are not a few.

From a positive attitude, it can be deduced from the idioms describing a tyrant, for example: mount the high horse, act arbitrarily, wheeler- dealer, arrogant and domineering, extremely arrogant, egoistic, self- willed, arbitrary, order people by gesture, paper tiger and pretending tough. There are many such idioms, straightforward and sharp in describing tyrants. This proves that even though Chinese ancestors did not gain democracy, they absolutely hate tyranny. Through these idioms, we can see their critical and antipathetic attitude toward tyranny, and all of these are the important components of Chinese freedom tradition.

On the other side, we should admit that Chinese freedom tradition is much weaker when compared with that in Britain and America for their tradition is from the whole world. Due to the long-time suppression, Chinese freedom tradition did not form to be a system or mechanism like that in these two countries, which also motivate the desire for conservatism. Meanwhile, freedom tradition in those countries that are acknowledged to be free country doesn't just come from itself. So, even though China has a weak freedom tradition, it can learn from and share the common freedom tradition in other countries. In China, advocating conservatism is part of this task.

Infatuation for Butterfly

China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Press I Wu Mingyi I Date: Oct 2014

Butterfly in this book means wandering butterfly, mysterious butterfly and infatuation to butterfly.The most valuable point to appreciate a butterfly is not on the camera or through painting tools, but the siLent excitement when recalling her in a quiet night. Nobody hears the sound of writing or painting, nobody sees your facial expression when you are doing this and nobody knows what you remembered,cured or thought of.

Infatuation for butterfly is the first collection of prose writing about nature of Wu Mingyi, a writer from Taiwan.ln this book,there are 18 proses,accompanied with photos and paintinqs of butterflies.Toqether with soft and sentimenta L words,Wu Mingyi shows us the fantasy wings of butterflies and the poetic track when it flies.

Good Things Worth More Time:Life,to Stay wiNing YuanBeijing Times Chinese PressJan 2015

This is a book about Life and Life style, and a Lso a book that records the change of a woman who pursues beauty.Wish you could find your dream and Live a better Life.

Ning Yuan was the winner of"Golden Mike Award" and was renowned as "The Most BeautifulAnchorwoman". However, she obeyed her inner voice and resigned,to quest for the Life she has been Longing for. Now,she is running a clothing brand named "Distant Sunshine Room" and brings up two children.ln her daily Life,she often reads,writes, listens to music,draws,makes tea or does handwork with friends; she takes care of the people around her, takes vacations and enjoy the nature...She always spends time on the things beautifulin her eyes and believes that the essence of Life Lies in the minutiae.

Good Life means to Live obeying your heart and following your feeling, and do what you want to and Love someone you Like.A perfect Life doesn't mean that you can get whatever you want,but make your choice and stick to the process of Living a beautiful life. Wish you can be happy in Life.