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The Analysis on the Application of Pragmatic Theory in Translation

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【Abstract】pragmatic research is the specific meaning of the language in the specific context.translation is a language communication activity, which is a sense of cross-cultural conversion,it aims to seek the balance of original language and the target language in different cultural contexts. to apply pragmatic theory in translation,it can effectively guide the practice of translation. And in the process of translation,the pragmatic theories are also been further tested and refined. In this paper, starting with the necessity and guidance in language translation process from pragmatic view.and start a further discussion about the application of pragmatic in translation .

【Key words】Pragmatic theory;Translation;Communication

0 Introduction

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics in the emerging disciplines of a significance for the study of language , and it is dedicated to research the understanding and usage of language. It studies the specific words in a particular scenario , and how to understand and use language in the contexts .

Translation is a activity with the purpose of smooth reproduction of the original language .The translation concept in Pragmatics is a equivalence theory contains the context and language users . In the practice of translation , it can not only guide the translator to understand the text , but also guide the translator reconstruct the expression of original meaning in the translation.From structural linguistics to functional linguistics to semiotics, especially with the rapid development of pragmatics , language symbol system at all levels are related to in-depth research, and it also provides a foundation in re-examining the translation standard. Pragmatics is a study of language use and understanding , the process which speaker using language and external expression to convey meaning , meanwhile it also studies the process of decoding and reasoning on the caller’s spoken words . It is not an abstract study of the meaning in the language system itself , but the process which communicator conveys a understanding of specific communication scenarios as while as the process of understanding and communicating.Translation Studies and pragmatic theory have a common object of study, namely language comprehension and language expression 1 The Application of pragmatic theory in Translation

1.1 pragmatic equivalence in translation

Pragmatic Translation aims to discuss practical issues of translation from the pragmatic perspective,that is to say to use pragmatic theory to solve practical understanding of translation problems. Pragmatics translation theory can be said to be an equivalence translation theory, which focuses on oral language translation and artistic language. For example, in the streets,there are some advertising language.For example,(1)Go to work happily, come back home safely is actually interpreted as: Good luck !so more people feel it is easy to understand. (2)Milk, please , at the store : I want to buy a glass of milk . in the bar :a cup of milk,please . At home : please drink the milk. It is visible that pragmatic meaning does not reveal what people say , but to tell people the meaning of this sentence . Pragmatic meaning plays a vital role when language has been translated into another language , pragmatic meaning is more important than the word itself . This translation is called pragmatic equivalence translation . another example: if you messed up something , people would say.(3)You have done a beautiful thing .Here can be translated to: see what you have done. In our daily life ,Chinese people often like irony , which shows the Anglo-American and Chinese people have a common way of thinking and expression. Thus,pragmatic equivalence in translation has a possibility.

1.2 Pragmatic Translation and Relevance Theory

The greatest significance of Relevance Theory in pragmatic translation , is that it clear emphasis the study of the translation process. We know that any kind of translation theory emphasizes proper understanding of the source language.But every natural language discourse has a variety of different interpretations. The standard of understanding discourse is the assumption of human cognition. For example: Can you lift the box? We must first know the meaning of each word in order to understand the sentence, “Please help me lift this box.” you can just literally answer “Yes, I can.”, And then you still stand there watching this man struggling to carry boxes and you do nothing , then we can say you don’t really understand the meaning. This communication is failed. (correctly identified the alleged object (for example, participants in communication , communicative events, and those discussed objects in the communication process,etc. ) is to find the association (Sperber & Wilson, 1986), to reason , to achieve the coherence of semantic discourse which is a necessary condition .

1.3 Context and Translation expression

To understand Correctly is the basis of translation expression . In order to interpret language appropriately, it is important to pay attention to the differences between the two languages in the habits of expression. Combined with context, we should make appropriate adjustments , do not care about each word , so that the target language can be understood accessibility. (1)It’ s unnecessary to dress like a bride when there is no time left . the original translation is: when there is no time , there is no need to dress up like a bride. This translation sticks to the original sentence , each word imitates the original one ,this can not convey ideas , while a little stiff. According to the context of the premise , the phrase is translated to: let’s go, there is no time.(2)Dreaming of one day becoming a big potato.It means:to dream that one day to become a VIP . In Chinese , the potatoes can sometimes mean stiff, honest, but in English , big potato means the very important person, which is different from the Chinese meaning. Considering the cultural context, in order to make a successful translation,we should pay attention to cultural differences between Chinese and English. translation is based on context,on one hand,to make an effective communication , the author of source language and translator must depend on the context.on another hand, effective communication between translator and the reader also depend on context, and these two contexts is not exactly the same , to get the equivalence in translation , the translator must strive to make the translation faithful to the original one and to achieve the same effect of the original meaning.

2 Conclusion

The results of Pragmatics research achieved in various research areas have provided a scientific analysis in translation studies, and it is applied to the study and practice of translation. As mentioned above, the pragmatic theory applied in translation, can effectively guide the practice of translation. And in the process of translation ,the pragmatic theory also been further tested and refined. In short, to use pragmatic theory in translation can explain the phenomenon of the past, intricate confusion of translation theory, and broaden the horizons of translation study and it also provide a theoretical basis for the construction of translation study.


[1]Jacob L. Mey. Production: An Introduction[M].Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001.

[2]J. L. Austin. How to do things with words?[M].Oxford University Press,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.

[3]何健.大学英语会话听力语用分析[J].长沙电力学院学报,2003,18(1):21- 23.

