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1. hurry 动词,意为“急忙,匆忙”,第三人称单数为hurries,过去式为hurried。

【搭配】 Hurry up!快点,赶快!

Hurry up,or you will be late for the meeting. 快点,否则你将开会迟到!

【拓展】 in a hurry

He left in a hurry just now. 他刚刚匆忙离开了。

2. pass 动词,意为“经过,通过,度过;传,递”。

He didn?蒺t pass the exam last term. 他上学期没有通过考试。

Where are you going to pass the summer? 你准备今年夏天在哪儿过?

Please pass this letter to Li Lei. 请把这封信递给李雷。

=Please pass Li Lei this letter.

【易错提醒】 如果直接宾语是代词时,则只能位于pass之后,只能说pass it to me,不能说pass me it。

pass作“从旁边经过”时,可以说pass me/ the school,也可以说pass by me/ the school。

【拓展】 Walk past the house,turn left and you will see it.

=Pass the house,turn left and you will see it. 走过那幢房子左拐,你就会看到它。

【易错提醒】 注意passed 的读音和past一样,两者用法迥异,不可混淆。

3. alone

(1) 形容词,意为“单独的,独自的”。

He is alone at home. 他独自一个人在家。

(2) 副词,意为“单独地,独自地”。

He did his homework alone yesterday. 他昨天独立完成作业。

She has no children and she lives alone. 她没有儿女,她一个人生活。

【巧记】 alone=on one?蒺s own=by oneself

【拓展】 lonely 只可以作形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,具有感彩,强调心灵上的寂寞与孤独。lonely修饰表示某物的名词时,意为“偏僻的;荒凉的;冷清的”。如:a lonely village。

Mrs Green lives alone in the countryside. She sometimes feels lonely. 格林夫人独自居住在乡村,有时候会感到孤独。

4. through 介词,意为“穿过”,强调从物体内部或一定范围内穿过。

The sun is shining through the window. 阳光正穿过窗户照射进来。

The river is going through the city. 河流穿过城市。

【联想】 across “横穿”,从平面的一边到另一边,与道路交叉形成十字。

Be careful when you go across the street. 你过马路的时候一定要当心。

5. decide 动词,意为“决定”,常与“to do something”连用。

The old writer loved the city London,so she decided to live there. 那位年老的作家喜欢伦敦这个城市,因此她决定住那儿。

【拓展】 名词:decision, make a decision,make decisions做决定。如:

I made a decision to see a film with my mother last Saturday evening. 上周六晚上我决定和我妈妈看一场电影。

6. enter 动词,意为“进入”。

【易错提醒】 表示进入一个具体处所时,后面无需加介词into,相当于go into,come into。

She entered the room and closed the door. 她走进了房间,关上了门。

Rivers enter the sea. 江河流入海洋。

【拓展】 名词:entrance,意为“入口”。

Where is the entrance to the park? 公园的入口在哪里?

7. towards 介词,意为“朝向”。

(1) 表示静态的时候,可以用to替换。

The building is towards/to the sea. 这幢楼房朝向大海。

(2) 当与动词come,go,walk,return等连用时,towards 只表示“朝向”,并无“到达”之意。to习惯指动作的终点,即“到达”之意,并具有目的性。

At last they came to the station. 最后他们到了车站。

We saw a bus coming towards us. 我们看到一辆公共汽车朝我们开过来。

8. excited 形容词,意为“激动的”。

【巧记】 英语中有一些表示情绪性的形容词,以?鄄ed结尾,表示某人“感到……”,也有一些以?鄄ing结尾的形容词,表示“令人感到……”,通常指事物。

I found the end of the story a little exciting. It made me excited. 我发现故事的结局有点令人兴奋,它使我很激动。

【联想】 此类形容词有:interested/interesting;surprised/surprising;amazed/amazing;

frightened/ frightening等等。

Football is really interesting. People almost all over the world are interested in it. 足球确实是一项令人感兴趣的运动,几乎全世界的人都对足球感兴趣。

He was surprised to hear the surprising result. 听到这个令人惊讶的结果,他惊奇不已。

【原句再现1】 You complain too much.

【结构解析】 too much 是副词性短语,在句中用作状语,修饰动词complain。

He talked too much at the meeting yesterday. 他在昨天的会议上讲了很多。

【联想】 too many的中心词是many,用法与many 相同,修饰可数名词。

too much的中心词是much,用法与much 相同,修饰不可数名词。

much too的中心语是too,用法与too相同,用来修饰形容词原级或副词。

【句型运用】 用too many,too much,much too填空

1. He has ______ questions to ask you.

2. Don?蒺t play computer games______.

3. You are walking ______ fast,slow down.

4. He can?蒺t hear you. Because there is ______noise here.

【答案】 1. too many 2. too much 3. much too 4. too much

【原句再现2】 The bag isn?蒺t that heavy.

【结构解析】 this/ that 作副词,意为“这么,那么”,说这话时往往有一个参照或手势表示大小、高低、轻重等意思。

It?蒺s about this big. It?蒺s full of books and it?蒺s very heavy. 大约这么大,里面都是书,挺重的。

【联想】 this/ that 还可以作“如此”讲,相当于so,指程度不同一般。

The bag is that/ so big and it?蒺s full of rice. 袋子有那么大,里面装满了米。

【句型运用】 翻译:昨天孩子们是那么的高兴。

【答案】 The children were that/ so happy yesterday.

【原句再现3】 She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.

【结构解析】 表示感觉的动词,如see,watch,hear,feel,notice等,如果它们后面接do something,表示事情的整个过程;如果后面接doing something,则表示事情的某一个片段。

I saw him walk across the street. 我刚看到他走过了街道。

【句型运用】 I saw a group of boys______ football on the playground.

A. played B. to play C. playing D. plays

【答案】 C

【原句再现4】 She was too small to reach the key.

【结构解析】 英语中用句型 too + 形容词/副词 + to do 表示“太……以致不能……”,不定式虽然是肯定形式,但与前面的too搭配构成了否定含义。因为不定式本身含有否定的意思,所以句中不能再有否定词。

The book is too difficult for you to read. 这书你读太难了。

【联想】 这一句型可以和so... that...,not enough to...同义句转化。

The boy is too young to go to school. 这个男孩太小了,还不能去上学。

=The boy is so young that he can?蒺t go to school.

=The boy is not old enough to go to school.

【句型运用】 翻译:这树太高了,我够不着。

【答案】 The tree is too high for me to reach. / The tree is so high that I can?蒺t reach it.



1. be动词是系动词的一种,表示“是”的意思,用于一般过去时的形式有was,were两种。

用于一般现在时中的am 和 is在一般过去时中要改成was,即主语如果是I,he,she,it,以及相当于第三人称单数的名词,谓语动词一律用was。

用于一般现在时中的are 在一般过去时中要改成were,即主语是we,you,they,以及所有表示复数的人称一律用were。

2. 和一般现在时一样,一般过去时中的be动词在构成疑问句时,只要把was和were放到主语前,句尾加问号即可。构成否定句时,只需在was和were后面加not 即可。肯定和否定回答的方式与一般现在时一样,时态要与问句中的时态一致。

3. 在否定回答时,was not可缩写为wasn?蒺t,were not可缩写为weren?蒺t。was 和were与主语不能缩写。


1. 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,动词通常用一般过去式表示。除动词be的过去式was,were有人称变化以外,其他所有动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。

2. 一般过去时否定形式的构成是在谓语动词前加did not,可缩写为didn?蒺t,did为助动词,没有人称变化,所有人称都用did,这时谓语动词应该用原形,不能再用过去式。

3. 一般过去时疑问句的构成借助于助动词did,将did放在主语前,谓语动词用原形,句尾加问号即可,简略回答也使用助动词did。


1. There ______(be) only a few factories in our city in the 1970s.

2. Jim with his sister ______(be) in the USA two months ago.

3. Some of us ______(be not) good at sports last year.

4. Sandy ______(spend) twenty minutes doing her homework yesterday evening.

5. My father ______(meet) mother 30 years ago. They ______(get) married(结婚) in 1980.

6. My brother ______(not go) to school yesterday. He ______(stay) at home.

7. ― Why ______(be) Kitty late for class this morning?

― Because she ______(get) up late.

8. Millie and her friends ______(see) the dodo in the Funny World Museum yesterday.

The last dodo ______(die) in 1681.

9. Do you know who ______(invent) the telephone?

10. Mr Wu ______(begin) to study English when he ______(be) 7 years old.

【答案】 1. were 2. was 3. weren?蒺t 4. spent 5. met;got 6. didn?蒺t go;stayed 7. was;got 8. saw;died 9. invented 10. began;was


Sam likes trekking(艰苦跋涉) ______ the jungle,because he thinks it?蒺s exciting. (2012・山东济宁)

A. over B. under C. across D. through

【答案解析】 本题考查介词辨析。over “在……上面”;under“在……下面”;across“穿过”,指的是从物体表面穿过;through“穿过”,指的是从立体空间穿过。jungle 意为“丛林”,故用介词through。trek through the jungle“穿越丛林”。故答案为D。


His grandparents live ______ in a small house,but they don?蒺t feel ______. (2012・贵州安顺)

A.lonely;alone B. alone;lonely

C. lonely;lonely D. alone;alone

【答案解析】 本题考查的是词汇辨析,第一空应填alone,是副词,修饰动词live,意为独自居住,第二空应填lonely,是形容词,与feel构成系表结构。故答案为B。


After the students ______ their exams, they celebrated by having a party. (2012・沈阳)

A. passed B. failed

C. joined D. gave

【答案解析】 根据题意,他们举行派对庆祝,说明他们通过了考试。故答案为A。


Look!Can you see a kite______(fly)? (2012・广东深圳)

【答案解析】 本题考查的是see sb. do sth. 和 see sb. doing sth. 的辨析。句首的look表示动作正在进行,看到的是一个正在进行的动作的片段。故答案为flying。


Many students find it ______(bore) to play computer games all day. (2012・广东深圳)

【答案解析】 本题结构为find + it(形式宾语) + 宾语补足语 + to do sth(真正的宾语)。填bored 还是boring取决于它所修饰的是人还是物。从题意得知,是修饰整天玩游戏这件事,故答案为 boring。


Lucy isn?蒺t old enough to carry the box,she ______ carry the box. (2012・黔西南州)

A. is so young that she can B. isn?蒺t young enough to

C. is too young to D. is so young to

【答案解析】 本题考查的是so... that...,not enough to...和too...to...的转换。A选项和B选项的意思不符合题意。D选项搭配不对。故答案为 C。


― Why are you so tired these days?

― Well,I have ______ work to do. (2012・甘肃兰州)

A. too much B. too many

C. much too D. many too

【答案解析】 本题是用法辨析题。too much 接不可数名词。too many 接可数名词。much too接形容词。work 为不可数名词,故本题的答案为A。


Kevin will take a holiday to France the week after next.(用two weeks ago 改写句子)(2012・甘肃兰州)

Kevin ______ a holiday to France two weeks ago.

【答案解析】 根据本题所给的时间状语two weeks ago得知应将原句改为一般过去时,考查的是不规则动词take的过去式,答案为took。


We decided that we should stay for a cup of tea.(改为同义句) (2012・四川乐山)

We decided ______ ______ for a cup of tea.

【答案解析】 本题给的题干是that引导的宾语从句,是从句与主句主语相同的复合句,用decide to do sth. 即可将转换为简单句。答案为 to stay。


― Is Johnson in the classroom?

― Maybe not. I saw him ______ the dining hall just now. (2012・黑龙江)

A. entering B. enter

C. to enter D. enter into

【答案解析】 进餐厅是一个短暂的动作,看到的是整个过程,用动词原形,B选项和D选项的区别在于into,enter相当于come/go into。故答案选B。

一、 单项选择

( )1. The robber went in ______ the window last night.

A. across B. into C. through D. over

( )2. ― What?蒺s your plan for the summer holidays?

― I?蒺ve decided______ at home and have a good rest.

A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying

( )3. ― When ______ you listen to the CDs? ― Three days ______.

A. did;before B. did;ago C. do;before D. do;ago

( )4. Don?蒺t forget ______ the room while I am away.

A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning

( )5. ― Excuse me!You can?蒺t take photos. It says‘NO PHOTOS’.

― Sorry,I ______ it.

A. don?蒺t see B. didn?蒺t see C. won?蒺t see D. haven?蒺t seen

( )6. When you ______ the road,you must be careful.

A. past B. cross C. through D. over

( )7. My mother heard her ______ the piano in the next room at 10:00 last night.

A. played B. to play C. playing D. plays

( )8. It?蒺s bad for you to eat ______ meat.

A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too

( )9. Zhang Hua was at home ______ on that day. He felt very ______.

A. alone;alone B. lonely;lonely C. alone;lonely D. lonely;alone

( )10. I saw a snake ______ in the grass.

A. sleeping B. to sleep C. slept D. is sleeping

二、 词汇运用

A. 根据汉语提示或首字母,写出单词的正确形式。

1. Please walk______(朝……方向) the bridge,and you will find it.

2. What fine day today!Why not go ______(野营)?

3. How shall we go into the museum? Do you know the______(入口) to it?

4. The children were all very ______ when they heard the ______ news.(激动)

5. Finally,he ______(决定) to take a taxi to school this morning.

6. She ______(掉落) the plate and it broke into pieces.

7. He tried to open the locked door,but he f______.

8. You are the masters of the 21st c______.

9. I can?蒺t go into the house. Look,the door is l______.

10. His parents are working in the factory and he is now at home a______.

B. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. It?蒺s a pity that they failed ______(pass) the exam.

2. I saw a lot of smoke ______(come) from that door.

3. I often ______(do) my homework after supper. But yesterday evening I ______(watch) TV.

4. ― ______(be) you late for class yesterday morning? ― No,I wasn?蒺t.

5. When______ you ______(finish) making the kite last Saturday?

三、 完形填空

It was Sunday. I never get up early 1 Sundays. I sometimes stay 2 until lunch time. Last Sunday I 3 very late. I 4 the window. It was dark outside. “What a day!” I thought. “It is 5 again.” Just then the telephone 6 . It was my aunt Lucy. “I?蒺ve just arrived 7 train,” she said,“I am coming to 8 you.”

“But I?蒺m still having breakfast.” I said.

“What are you doing?” she said.

“I?蒺m having 9 ,” I repeated.

“Dear me,” she said,“Do you always get up so 10 ? It is one o?蒺clock.”

( )1. A. for B. on C. at D. in

( )2. A. in hospital B. at school C. at home D. in bed

( )3. A. went to work B. stood up C. got up D. had breakfast

( )4. A. looked out of B. looked out at C. looked into D. looked up

( )5. A. blowing B. shining C. snowing D. raining

( )6. A. called B. came C. rang D. stopped

( )7. A. by B. on C. with D. in

( )8. A. ask B. help C. see D. find

( )9. A. dinner B. breakfast C. supper D. lunch

( )10. A. soon B. slowly C. early D. late

四、 阅读理解

Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgets a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him,“Don?蒺t forget this!” One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home,his wife said,“Now,you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station,bought a ticket and got on the train with it. About half an hour later,the conductor began to see the ticket. He came to the old man and said,“Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets,but he couldn?蒺t find it. He was very worried. “I can?蒺t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train,” said the old man. “I believe you bought a ticket. All right,you don?蒺t have to buy another one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I?蒺m going? I can?蒺t remember my station!” the old man said sadly.

( )1. The old man in the story was very ______.

A. kind B. poor C. forgetful D. sad

( )2. Where is the ticket?

A. The old man forgot to buy it.

B. The old man could not remember where it was.

C. The old man showed it to the conductor.

D. The old man?蒺s wife took the ticket away.

( )3. When did the old man buy the ticket?

A. The old man bought the ticket after he got on the train.

B. The old man bought the ticket before he got on the train.

C. The old man bought the ticket when he got on the train.

D. It is not mentioned(提及) in the passage.

( )4. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. The conductor didn?蒺t believe the old man. B. The conductor laughed at the old man.

C. The conductor believed the old man. D. The conductor felt sorry for the old man.

( )5. The old man was sad because ______.

A. he had to buy another ticket B. he lost all the things his wife gave him

C. he did not know where he was D. he did not know where he should get off

五、 书面表达

假如你是李林,上星期天和弟弟去公园玩。请你根据汉语提示,以“My Happy Sunday”为题,写一篇英语短文。


1. 早晨6:30 起床,早饭后与弟弟骑自行车去红梅公园(Hongmei Park)玩;

2. 在公园里游泳、滑冰、爬山等等;

3. 午饭在公园吃,吃的是……;饭后……

4. 下午3:00 回到家,稍作休息后看足球赛。球赛……

要求:1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;

2. 短文应包括提示的内容并适当发挥。

3. 不少于70个词,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

I had a busy but happy Sunday last week. _______________________________________





_______________________________It was a really fun day.


一、 1―5 CBBBB 6―10 BCACA

二、 A. 1. towards 2. camping 3. entrance 4. excited;exciting 5. decided 6. fell 7. failed 8. century 9. locked 10. alone

B. 1. to pass 2. coming 3. do;watched 4. Were 5. did;finish

三、 1―5 BDCAD 6―10 CACBD

四、 1―5 CBBCD

五、 I had a busy but happy Sunday last week. My brother and I got up at 6:30. We had breakfast quickly. After breakfast,we went to Hongmei Park by bike. When we got there,there were many people in it. Soon,we were inside,we went swimming for a while. Then we went skating. We had noodles with eggs for lunch in the park. After lunch we climbed the hills. At about 3:00,we went home. We had a short rest,then we watched a football match. It was exciting. We were interested in it. It was a really fun day.


Nature has given us two ears,two eyes,and but one tongue,to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak.


If you aspire to the highest places,it is no disgrace to stop at the second,or even the third place.


Men talk of killing time,while time quietly kills them.


This communicating of man?蒺s self to his friend works two contrary efforts,for it redoubles joys,and cuts griefs in half.


He who loses wealth loses much;he who loses a friend loses more;but he who loses courage loses all.



1. One day,little Tony saw on the ground a big note(钞票) of $100 and a bone(骨头). Why did Little Tony pick up the worthless bone instead of the big note?

2. What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday?

3. What can fly very fast but has no wings?

4. Can you put the following sentence into Chinese? I saw a saw saw a saw.

5. A man had just seen a cat jump through the window of a room. But when he came into the room he found the cat wasn?蒺t there at all. There was nowhere to hide in the room. Where was the cat then? Why?



1. Because little Tony was a dog.

2. Today.

3. Time.

4. 我看见一把锯子在锯一把锯子。

5. The cat was outside the room because the man had seen it jump out through the window,not jump in.