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红墨水 第10期

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I met the old man at a cafe.I was a stranger in the town.

"Did you hear the radio news yesterday?" he asked me.

"I didn't," I said. "Was there anything exciting?"

"Exciting,no!It was important to me--and very, very sad.A pack of hungry dogs killed and ate my best friend."

"Oh dear!" I cried. "I am sorry. How did it happen?"

"He was working in his field on the hillside. The pack attacked him there.We'll never know all the facts, of course. When he didn't return, I went to the field and―"

"You found the body?" I asked.

The old fellow drank half his coffee. "The body?" he repeated. "No, no. I said they were hungry dogs, didn't I? The big bones were lying here and there in the field. But I found this―" He pushed open a matchbox which he was holding in his hand.

The box contained a man's thumb.It was lying on some white,bloody material.There was a cut--an old cut--on the thumbnail.

"See that cut," the man said. "I recognized it. This is my friend's right thumb. The dogs ate the rest of him."

The old man began to cry then.He finished his coffee quickly and left the cafe.I drank mine and called the wai- ter.

"I'll pay the gentleman's bill," I said."Please don't trouble him with it.His poor friend--how awful! You've heard the news?"

The waiter laughed, "Yes, there's a hole in the bottom of the matchbox. He puts his own thumb through the hole. The 'blood' is red ink, I believe. Is the story worth a cup of coffee, sir?"












