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Streets of London——太阳照常升起

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清晨6点,闹钟响起。你睁开双眼,开始了新的一天。地铁里依然拥挤嘈杂,办公桌上文件仍旧堆积如山,忙碌的一天一如往常。夜幕降临,疲惫的你回到家,刚想倒头睡下,突然想起厨房里还有隔天的碗筷没刷,问候爸妈的电话也没打。忽然间,你感到厌倦、失望,生活似乎就是无意义的重复和无止境的忙碌。你渴望远行,到世界上的其他城市去邂逅另一种生活:沉浸于巴黎香榭丽舍大街五光十色的夜生活,流连于纽约第五大道令人目不暇接的奢侈品店铺,或是在伦敦塔桥之上欣赏泰晤士河美丽的黄昏……但隔着遥远的距离,你怎么知道期望邂逅的城市是否如你想象中美丽?你如何断定那里的“另一种生活”就远离了失望与苦难?“在路过而不进城的人眼里,城市是一种模样;在困守于城里而不出来的人眼里,她又是另一种模样。”(卡尔维诺《看不见的城市》)每一座城市光鲜陆离的外表下都藏着一个“看不见”的世界,唯有那些走入其中用心体会的人才能发现它。英国民谣歌手Ralph McTell无疑就是这样的人,他的一曲streets of london让我们看到了浮华城市的另一面。

Streets of London是Ralph McTell最著名的单曲,录制于20世纪60年代末期,至今仍被翻唱。虽然歌名为Streets of London,但歌曲的创作灵感实际上却来自于巴黎。时光倒流回上世纪60年代,当时正值青春年华的Ralph McTell带着他的木吉他来到巴黎追求音乐梦想。他和朋友住在左岸的一家廉价旅馆里,靠街头卖唱赚来的钱支付租金。在这座承载了无数人的希望与梦想的城市里,他邂逅了在音乐上给他带来启发的音乐人,也邂逅了志同道合的人生知己。更重要的是,在这座浪漫之都他看到了城市生活的另一面:在已经收摊的农贸市场里,老人用他破旧的鞋子踢着报纸,在他的眼里几乎看不到被称作尊严的东西;蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛的老太太穿过马路,不停地向前走,却不知家在何处;午夜时分,一个老者在通宵营业的咖啡馆里孤独地坐着,茶凉之后,老者悄无声息地消失在夜色之中;在海员服务处门外,一位老人的记忆和他所佩带的勋章丝带同样褪了色,他成了被这个世界遗忘的英雄。老无所依的人、无家可归的人、孤独无助的人、被这个快速运转的世界遗忘的人……生活的另一面不带任何美化色彩,真实得近乎残忍。一座城市是一部分人享乐的天堂,却是另一部分人受苦的地狱。

在巴黎游历期间的这些所见所想给了Ralph McTell创作这首歌的灵感,那些在巴黎遇见的人和事被他写进了歌里。歌曲最初的名称为Streets of Paris,不过考虑到已经有一首歌名为Poor People of Paris,为了避免重复,Ralph McTell最终将Streets of Paris改为Streets of London。而实际上,Ralph McTell在巴黎街头的所见所闻又何尝不是伦敦街头——甚至是世界上任何一座城市——每天上演的人生故事?


Have you seen the old man

In the closed—down market

Kicking up the papers with his worn—out shoes

In his eyes you see no pride

Hands held loosely at his side

Yesterday’s paper telling yesterday’s news

So how can you tell me you’re lonely

And say for you that the sun don’t shine

Let me take you by the hand

And lead you through the streets of London

Show you something

To make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl

Who walks the streets of London

Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags

She’s no time for talking

She just keeps right on walking

Carrying her home in two carrier bags

So how can you tell me you’re lonely

And say for you that the sun don’t shine

Let me take you by the hand

And lead you through the streets of London

Show you something

To make you change your mind

In the old night café, at a quarter past eleven

Same old man sitting there on his own

Looking at the world over the rim of his teacup

Each tea lasts an hour, and he wanders home alone

So how can you tell me you’re lonely

Don’t say for you that the sun don’t shine

Let me take you by the hand

And lead you through the streets of London

Show you something

To make you change your mind

Have you seen the old man

Outside the Seaman’s Mission

Memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears

In our winter city, the rain cries little pity

For one more forgotten hero

And a world that doesn’t care

So how can you tell me you’re lonely

And say for you that the sun don’t shine

Let me take you by the hand

And lead you through the streets of London

Show you something

To make you change your mind