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A Discussion on Structural Poverty in the Western Ethnic Region during the Perio

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(Chongqing University of Science and Technology,Chongqing,610064,China)

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY, VOL.6,NO.5,71-76,2015(CN51-1731/C,in Chinese)



During the period of accelerated social transformation,except for those factors such as geographical environment,natural disaster and personal reasons,the key factor for poverty in the western ethnic region of China is structural.Moreover,this kind of structural poverty normally is integrated with other factors,such as natural disasters,culture,etc.This makes the poverty issue in the western ethnic region more prominent than in other areas.

Structural poverty creates not only a butterfly effect on poverty,but also creates serious social harm.The biggest harm is that it is difficult for the group that is poor to integrate into society,and to find relief from their poverty.On the other hand,structural poverty increases misunderstanding and distrust between the social classes and groups.Firstly,the poverty during the period of social transformation is mainly reflected in the gap between the east and west,the gap between urban and rural areas,the gap between industries,and the gap among the different groups.During the period of transformation,the gap between the western and eastern areas became bigger and bigger,and the western area became a symbol of poverty.Secondly,with regard to the gap between urban and rural areas,the gap became even larger.Thirdly,the negative social psychological problem caused by poverty led to social breakdown.Because the western ethnic minority region is in a poor and backward situation,the minority peoples sense of pride has been gradually replaced with a sense of inferiority.People feel that their development is restricted,and they have become a marginalized social group. The economic gaps between the western ethnic minority region and the eastern region,as well as the internal gaps within the western ethnic minority region,have caused misunderstandings among the different regions and within the same ethnic group.The entire societys anxiety level with regard to the wealth is increasing.The rich do not feel safe with their wealth,and the poor look upon the rich as the enemy.A kind of structural division among the different social groups in the society has appeared.The last thing is that poverty not only causes social breakdown, but also creates malnutrition among the poor, especially among the children in the western ethnic minority region.The state also has noticed this negative social result,and has started to provide free nutritious lunches in primary and middle schools for the children from poor families. This is a one way to remedy the system.

Structural poverty is not only due to the less-developped economy,but is also due to the social systems unfair allocation of wealth,even when the economy is highly developed.As a result,some people cannot enjoy the fruits of economic development.Since structural poverty is caused by the system,its management should doubtlessly begin from within the system.Under the precondition that poverty alleviation system must be combined with the welfare system, we should strive for the economic development of society so as to accelerate the economic development of the western region; ensure and enhance the “hematopoietic function” of the region,of the ethnic groups,of the community and of the family from the angle of the system.And in this way to construct a modern state governance system and realize the modernization of governance.

Firstly,one should promote the development vitality of the western ethnic minority region.The western ethnic minority region must insist on taking the market as its guide, pay attention to industrial adjustment,cultivate and construct an industrial base with regional characteristics,and realize sustainable development for increasing the industrial competitiveness,and input capital support for poverty alleviation.The enhancement of the cooperation between the eastern and western parts of China can promote the industrial structure of the eastern part,while extending the industrial chain of the western minority region,thus,realizing a win-win result.

Secondly,based on the overall planning of urban and rural areas,one should promote the steps needed for the construction of urban and rural integration.Overall planning urban and rural development means for the urban area to play a leading role for the rural area,while the rural area plays a role to promote the urban area.In this way,urban-rural integration can be realized.Under the new situation,if one wants to accelerate urban-rural integration in the western ethnic area,and promote the social development of the region,one should pay attention to the following aspects: 1)make a perfect overall plan for urban-rural development ,and make an effort to form a new development framework for urban-rural integration; 2)make an effort to accelerate urban development,and fully utilize the urban areas leading role for the poor rural areas in the western ethnic minority region; 3)accelerate the development speed of the poor rural areas in the western ethnic minority region,and enhance the supportive role of the rural area to the urban area; 4)promote the efficient flow of key elements between the urban and rural areas,realize the industrialization and urbanization of the rural area; 5)create a positive social cultural atmosphere,and gradually promote the development capability of the poor population in the rural area.