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“When I have questions, they answer me.

When I have difficulties (困难), they help me.

When I succeed (成功), they congratulate (祝贺) me.

Who are they? Can you guess?”

My teachers often told us, “No pains, no gains.” Now I have graduated (毕业) and I want to tell my teachers, “No efforts (努力) of teachers, no success of ours.” I hope I will be a teacher one day. Just like my teachers——kind, smart, hardworking (勤劳的) and excellent (优秀的).

喻岚同学的这段描述让小编猜了又猜,既像是写mum and dad,又像是写好朋友……如果你还记得September 10th这个日子,就一定能猜到,这段文字写的是teachers。看,喻岚感恩母校的老师;陈琳拥有她喜欢的老师;关于未来,黄书祺立志要做老师。你呢?


浙江省长兴县滨海小学602班毕业生 喻 岚

指导老师 顾佩佩

江苏省海门市常乐中心小学六(2)班 陈 琳

指导老师 樊丽红

I think my English teacher is not only a teacher, but also a lovely girl and a good friend of mine.

She is slim(苗条的), but her face is round. She likes smiling. She is beautiful.

She is very kind, like an old friend. All of us love her lessons. After class she often helps us patiently (耐心地).

We are very lucky because we have a good teacher.





杭州市天长小学六(4)班 黄书祺

I have a dream. I want to be a good English teacher.

I love English and I love children, too. I will be a strict (严格的) but kind teacher. I will let my students love me and love English!

A good teacher needs a clever mind to help students, and a loving heart to care for students. I will try my best. I believe (相信) my dream will come true (实现) one day!


