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A Tentative Study on the Modern Construction and Reflection of Chinese Film Conc

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Abstract:Chinese film concept is continuously changing and developing and it is closely related to the promotion of social group’ cultural level. As an indispensable element of contemporary cultural undertakings, film culture and film concept are associated with each other by mutual promotion. Thus, to comprehend the film concept is to comprehend the cultural connotation of films. The present thesis gives an analysis into the development history of Chinese films and summaries the major cognitive concepts in Chinese film culture and proposes some scientific suggestions to the construction and reflection of contemporary film concept.

Key words:Chinese films; concept; construction; development


Along with the increasing development of people’s cultural and ideological level, the development research of film culture has achieved an advanced progress and film concept has formed a more stable theoretical consciousness in the screen culture. It has great influence on contemporary films’ construction to rethink the changing course of Chinese film concept and summarize the core route of Chinese film culture. As the theoretical guidance element of Chinese film industry, ideology has far-reaching influence on the creation and development of films.

1. The development history of Chinese films

Chinese film was born in 1905. Jingtai Ren, the founder of Beijing Fengtai photo studio, filmed Mount Dingjun in which Xinpei Tan starred. This was the first film produced by our Chinese people. Having gone through the earlier stage, the left-wing literature period, the anti-Japanese war period, the liberation war period and the new Chinese time, in order to consolidate Chinese film market’s development position in the world, contemporary film’s ideology construction should take into account the development demand of the screen culture and put forward the feasible ideologies on film and television from the perspective of Chinese-style socialism culture development to provide guiding thinking for the reform and development of Chinese film creation. Therefore, we should proceed from Chinese films’ ideological changing course to comprehensively rethink the contemporary construction model of Chinese films.

2. Major expression forms of Chinese film concept

Chinese traditional culture has profound implication. It extensively permeates in different industries and has become the major impetus of promoting the development of cultural undertakings. Chinese film is an inevitable part of cultural undertakings and film culture has profound influence on citizen’s social thoughts. Therefore, how to set up a correct Chinese film concept is of great guiding function to the civilization construction of social historical culture. Reviewing Chinese films’ development history, we can summarize Chinese film concept’s main characteristics as below:

a. Realism

Films are the creative achievements derived from the real life. Any film must rely on the real social practice to create works that conform to the characteristics of film and television culture. For a long time, Chinese films have insisted on developing the realism road of reform and resolutely implemented double-hundred guiding principle, which enable films to have a wide range of topics and reflect all kinds of conflicts in life to a certain depth and breadth. For example, films like Legend of Tianyun Mountain, Man of a Certain Age, Rickshaw Boy, etc. are all the good models of realistic thoughts.

b. Objectivism

Creation is the reconstruction of human wisdom. It relies on subjective comprehension of film works to give some creative advices. However, creation is not the blind construction. It should establish the objective spirit and carry out creation activity based on objective facts. Therefore, filmmakers should respect the objective law of art to create different kinds of vivid true film images and shape different typical personalities. For example, films like Nanchang Uprising, the Xi'an Incident, Liao Zhongkai, etc. depict in multi-angle the revolutionary leaders and present historical figures such as Chiang Kai-shek practically and realistically according to the history.

c. Art

Chinese film concept is different from the general cultural art. It contains the Chinese characteristics and establishes the art category centered on the development of Chinese cultural undertakings, which makes it diversified on its style and pattern. The expansion of the theme field enables artists to perform freely their own ability and specialty. This has been reflected in films such as The Loessland, Sacrificed Youth, Red Sorghum, the Story of Qiu Ju, Woman Sesame Oil Maker, Farewell My Concubine, etc.

d. Populism

No matter what kind of films it is, it ultimately will be shared with the public. Therefore, to obtain the recognition from the broad masses of film fans is the essential factor for films’ success. The modern film creation should focus on the perspective of popularization and develop the creation activity according to the popular thinking and extract the popular film concepts which conform to the development thinking of the time. For example, in recent years, the number of comedy works is decreasing. Comedy films like Lost in Thailand not only meet the demand of popular entertainment, but also set a new record of Chinese films’ box offices, which reflects the popular thoughts of Chinese film concept.

3. Modern construction and reflection of chinese films

As a country in the post-film era, China should develop its film culture undertakings from various aspects to construct the film mode in accordance with Chinese characteristics. In the modern construction of Chinese films, attention must be paid to historical retrospection. To draw lessons and experience from the historic culture can provide the film culture construction with scientific instruction and direction.

a. Emotion involvement

Film, as a unique cultural product, compared with general comm-

odities, its particularity lies in its content level which must be involved with human emotion, morality, culture, spirit and many other factors, and all these factors are closely related to a particular cultural value. In the process of Chinese film construction, we need to highly apprec-

iate the comprehensive expression of emotional elements, to use emo-

tion to lead viewers to be involved in film works, to realize the visua-

l effect of film creation and to attract more people to watch domes

tic films, which are all indispensable in the modernism construction.

b. Contacting the public

Film is a kind of popular cultural product circulating in the mark-

et. If being separated from the universal request of the time on its cultural value orientation and deviating from the social common recognition on its cultural psychology, its market prospect must be glooming. The public culture is an indicator of Chinese film creation. To create film with the guidance of the public thinking can improve the intrinsic connotation of film culture and provide Chinese films’ modern construction thinking with the feasible guidance and instruction.

c. Value Embodiment

The values reflected in the films are expressed in the way of per-

sonal character and characters’ destiny. For example, in the film Eter-

nal Watch, the love between the son of rich family - Yibai Yin and the daughter of peasant - A Min is the most successful narrative mystery in this film. A successful film work must reflect its intrinsic value and connotation. Only in this way, can this film demonstrate the developi-

ng significance of Chinese film concept and provide the film creation with feasible direction of value.

d. Coexisting with entertainment

In the development road of Chinese films, commercial benefits, popular entertainments, etc. are factors we must take into account. It is indispensable to coexist the commerce with the entertainment. There are some problems in the development of Chinese traditional films. In the market of commercial films, the entertainment function must be take into account. However, the Chinese film still presents its cherish-

ed values and concepts without applying the commercial oriented principle of “entertainment comes first”. This is the problem Chinese films must improve actively and this is also the specific presentation of realizing the modern constructivism culture.


As a country with the oriental traditional ancient civilization, China’s development and construction cannot make any progress without different kinds of cultural undertakings. The film culture is the inevitable element of Chinese traditional culture. Under the backgrou-

nd of films’ commercialization, Chinese films should stick to their own style and characteristics and integrate the local culture element and the film element together to construct the contemporary film work model and shape the film cultural connotation of a unique style for the public. In the reflection of Chinese film concepts, ethnic elements, cultural elements, entertainment elements, commercial elements, etc. are the essential factors of the new film mode. To make a flexible app-

lication of this kind of element can realize the upgrading and develop-

ment of film concepts.