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>> 我国物联网产业协同发展机制及系统协同度评价研究 基于CRITIC―DEA的区域物流与区域经济协同发展模型及评价 协同办公系统信息安全分析及模型构建探析① 我国区域高等教育均衡发展的动态量化模型分析及评价 区域旅游业竞争力评价模型构建和影响因素研究 城市共同配送系统协同成熟度模型构建及评价研究 区域创业文化评价体系模型构建 工业行业可持续发展能力评价模型的构建及实例分析 基于因素分析的区域旅游竞争力评价模型研究 品牌延伸效应评价模型构建及实证分析 关机区域安全性分析评价模型的构建 基于协同理论的区域旅游产业发展 低碳旅游景区概念模型及评价指标体系构建 区域旅游发展整合动力构建 浅谈区域发展协同机制的构建 中国区域经济协同发展的机理\问题及对策分析 区域风险投资环境评价模型构建 基于生态位宽度模型的区域多功能评价及演变分析 基于主成分分析的区域旅游发展竞争力评价研究 城乡区域系统相互作用模型构建及实证分析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.



Abstract: With the accelerated collaborative development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area is built as a whole for a regional tourist destination. Regional tourism has the characteristics of richness, integration and openness. Not only due to the limitation of tourism resources and isomorphism of distribution, but also due to the local protection and administrative barriers, homogeneous competition and isomorphic development had become troubled regional tourism cooperation. Therefore, we should do well the top-level design, make the whole overall tourism strategy, build a comprehensive transportation network connectivity, implement differentiation tourism cooperation, achieve win-win of three places.

Key words: Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, regional tourism, collaborative development, analysis of coordination degree, index system, regional concentration, tourism market