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Science and Technology Acceptance Model Involved by National Culture:A study on

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Abstract: This paper compares the Technology Acceptance Model II and national culture dimension proposed by Hofstede. studying on smartphones, this paper aims to establish the technology acceptance model for consumers and to explore how national culture influence consumers’ acceptance behaviors and the intention of usage. The empirical results show that: the relationship between subjective norms and behavioral intentions is positively influenced by "individualism"; the relationship between perceived usefulness and usage intention is positively influenced by "Masculinity"; the relationship between subjective norms and behavioral intentions is positively influenced by "uncertain avoidance".

Key words: Technology Acceptance Model II; National Culture Dimension; Smartphones

1. Technology Acceptance Behaviors

Some scholars have researched on theories of consumers’ Technology acceptance behaviors. For instance, they have studied the standards or effects that will influence consumers’ usage or purchase of new mobile technology.

1.1 Theory of Planned Behavioral Control

Ajzen (1985) realized the disadvantages of theory of reasoned action. Combining with the actual situation, he extended and developed the theory of planned behavior model. The theory of rational behavior model is improved to some extent. In addition to considering the personal behavior and attitude "and" subjective norms ", "perceived behavioral control " was also included in the model. Perceived behavioral control is influenced by Control beliefs and perception. Individual perception will affect the level of an act, and also could be influenced by personal experience or predict the effect of an act [1].

1.2 Technology Acceptance Model

The new Technology Acceptance Model improved by Venkatesh & Davis (2000) was TAMII. TAMII proposed that “social influence process” and “cognitive tool to process” are the two main variables influencing consumers’ “perceived usefulness” [2]. The social influence process refers to the overall environment of the community, which can positively influence the attitude and intention of the use of new technology. The three main variables are subjective norms, voluntary and figure. Cognitive tool to process refers to the correlation and support between consumers’ usage of the new technology and their work, which can positively influence the attitude and intention of the use of new technology. The three main variables are job relevance, output quality, result certainty and experience. Among these, subjective norms refers to the person who is thought important around by the user, which influences the degree of users’ information system. Figure refers to the degree that the user thought can improve his own social position when he’s using the information system. Job relevance refers to the contribution to his work when he’s using the information system. Output quality refers to the degree of the good result when he’s using the information system. Result certainty refers to the certainty of the result. The model is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Technology Acceptance Model

2. National Culture Dimension

Culture is the standard of human life and behaviors. Different races have different cultural characteristics, thus there are different culture. Hofstede made a survey of employee attitudes and value orientation among members of transnational enterprises in different countries. He made the nation as the analysis unit and concluded five cultural dimensions: power distance, individualism, Masculinity, uncertain avoidance and long term orientation [3]. These five dimensions almost cover the dimensions or domains related to culture or cultural value, which can be the reference to scholars’ later studies. Thus, the theory of this study is based on Hofstede’s National Culture Dimension.

①Power distance is referred to the accepted degree of the phenomenon that power distribution inequality. ②Individualism is referred to the degree that one being in a group. That’s the difference between the social members and him, emphasizing himself and pursuing self-interest consciousness. ③Masculinity is referred to the measurement to the sexual differences on physical life. ④Uncertain avoidance is referred to the degree of avoidance when people are facing uncertain situations. ⑤Long term orientation is referred to the degree of the level of emphasis of people’s attitude to time in one nation.

3. Establishing Research Model

TAM is to explain users’ acceptance of the new technology. And the national culture refers to common combination of characteristics between groups. Thus, different national culture may have different acceptance on technology. This study is based on TAMII and uses Hofstede’s five national culture dimensions as the interventional variables to explore the influence of the national culture on usage intention of smart phone mobile technology.

3.1 Research Model

Figure 2 Research Model in this Study

3.2 Analysis of reliability and Validity

3.2.1 Analysis of reliability

To ensure that all levels and asked the final collection of information consistent with the first measurements and expert opinion, the degree of internal consistency test. In order to ensure the items of each dimension collected via the survey is consistent with experts’ prediction; we tested the internal reliability of the items of each dimension. The results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Dimension Validity Cronbach's α Value

From the figure above, the dimension value is between 0.535 and 0.919. However, the lowest reliability reference value of Nunnally (1978) is between 0.50 and 0.60. Thus it could show the consistency of questionnaire items. Cronbach's ? Value of long term orientation is 0.442. Based on the previous researches, long term orientation always has a good reliability. Concerning cultural dimensions is the important index in this study, and culture is the important measurement in this study. Moreover, the empirical lack of influence of culture can be used as the academic reference. Concerning these reasons, we would remain long term orientation for subsequent analysis.

3.2.2 Analysis of Validity

In this study, if the load factor of the items is less than 0.5, it would be rejected from the data in later data analysis. After the analysis of validity, we still use SPSS to make the “factor analysis”, as shown in table 4. According to Tabachnica & Fidell’s (2007) opinion, when the load factor is more than 0.71,it shows that the factor would explain 50% of observed variables, which is in an ideal state. If the load factor is less than 0.32, it shows that the factor would not explain even if 50% of observed variables, which isn’t in an ideal state. Thus it would be rejected. This study would reject the items in formal survey to improve the reliability. Table 2 shows the total variables and number of the rejected.

Table 2 Total Variables and Number of the Rejected of each Dimension

4. Analysis of the Empirical Study

4.1 Correlation Analysis

The correlation analysis between the two variables is significant. If r value ≥ 0.8 is highly correlated, will produce errors, r value moderate correlation between the range 0.5-0.7, is easy to produce a deviation (Johnston, 1984), the r value of 0.4 or less, compared with low correlation. By this study, it is clear that the low correlation between the two the two variables, which can prove to the various dimensions collinearity deviation mostly ignore the result of research error. To enhance the value of research. Since the analysis focused than this study, not go into detail here.

We analyzed that whether there is a significant difference between the two variables. If r ≥0.8, it shows that there is a high relation and it must make some errors.

4.2 Correlation Test

4.2.1 Predictive validity test

In this part, we mainly explore two models. Model one subjective norms, and perceived ease of use (independent variable) and Perceived usefulness (the dependent variable) for the user to use a smart phone to explore (Direct effect prediction of hypothesis 2 and hypothesis3) the direct effect of the relationship, the results shown in the following table, subjective norms, and perceived ease of use perceived usefulness explanatory power of 28.8% and reach a significant level. subjective norms, and perceived ease of use Perceived usefulness, both have a positive and significant impact.

In Model two, we test the direct effect of subjective norms, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (the independent variables) on the consumers’ intention of usage(the dependent variables). Results are as follows. In the effect of subjective norms, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on the intention of usage, the explanatory power is 46.8%, it has achieve very significant levels. In the effect of subjective norms, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on the intention of usage, the result show a positive significant influence.

4.2.2 Intervention effect inspection

(1)Two models are compared in the forecasting of masculinity, uncertain avoidance and perceived usefulness on the intention of usage. The independent variables in model three are Perceived usefulness,the dependent variable is the intention of usage. The independent variables in Model Four are perceived usefulness, Masculinity, uncertain avoidance,the dependent variable is the intention of usage;the independent variables in Model Five are Perceived usefulness, Masculinity, uncertain avoidance, Masculinity of Perceived usefulness, uncertain avoidance of Perceived usefulness,the dependent variable is the intention of usage. The results are shown in the next table.

By regression analysis comparing clearly found that the return of the intention of usage of the total explained R2 increase, and explain the ability to upgrade to 42.3%, assuming H10 cause Perceived usefulness of the intention of usage significant intervention impact in line with the original assumptions; However, assuming H11 did notcause Perceived usefulness on the intention of usage significant intervention effects.

(2) Two models are compared in the forecasting of five dimensions of national culture and subjective norms on the intention of usage. The independent variable in Model six is subjective norms. The dependent variable is the intention of usage. The independent variables in Model seven are subjective norms, power distance, individualism, long term orientation, masculinity and uncertain avoidance. The dependent variable is the intention of usage. Statistical analysis is shown in the following table.

Thus, we could test the hypothesis and analyze and conclude the results. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H10 and H12 can be accepted. H6, H7, H8, H9 and H11 are refused.

5. Conclusions

This study tested five hypotheses (H1- H5). It tested prior variables of TAMII has a direct relation on Perceived usefulness and the intention of usage of smartphones. The results show that five hypothesis have achieved significant levels. Effect of “Perceived usefulness” on “the intention of usage” is more significant than the effect of “perceived ease of use” or “subjective norms” on “the intention of usage” (β=0.471,β=0.224,β=0.222).It showed that the consumer smart phone, the intention of the usage tends to be the smart phone to get the information of life or make life more convenient. Thus, consumers in China to buy or use a new technology, you will be surrounded by friends and loved ones. Consumer smart phone, the intention of usage, cares about most is the possibility of using a smart phone to get the information, or to make life more convenient. Easy operation of the phone will also affect the consumers of the intention of usage, just the effect does not make life more convenient and less important.

Concerning how the national culture influence the intention of smartphones usage, this study tested seven hypotheses (H6-H12), it tested TAMII and the natural variables, for instance, “power distance”, “individualism”, “long term orientation”, “Masculinity” and “uncertain avoidance”. The results show that H7 (the relationship between subjective norms and behavioral intention is positively influenced by “individualism“), H10 (the relationship between perceived usefulness and the intention of usage is positively influenced by Masculinity), H12 (the relationship between subjective norms and behavioral intentions is positively influenced by “uncertain avoidance”) are significantly correlated. Other four hypotheses are not. H10: the relationship between perceived usefulness and the intention of usage is positively influenced by Masculinity. It shows that when consumers use the new production, they will be influenced by the physical need, which leads to their usage of this production. Moreover, while positively influenced by “individualism”, we could suppose that because of the change of the environment, modern people would pursuit individualism and ignore group’s influence on person. And it shows that consumers in China have paid attention to individualism, and they prefer to focus on strengthening their own uniqueness when using the samrtphones.


[1]Ajzen, I.. From Intention to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior, in J. Huhl and J. Bechmann (Eds), Action-Control: From Cognition to Behavior[M]. Springer: Heidelberg, 1985: 11-39.

[2] Venkatesh, V. and Davis, F.D.. A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: four longitudinal field studies[J]. Management science, 2000(2): 186-204.

[3] Hofstede, G.. Testing the technology acceptance modelacross cultures--A three country study[J]. Information & Management, 1997(33): 1-11.