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Thanks to its industrial past, in Germany you are expected to arrive at least 10 minutes early for any scheduled meeting.

But down in Nigeria if a meeting is scheduled at 1 pm, that means the meeting will start any time between 1 pm and 2 pm.

Similarly in Saudi Arabia time is not such an important commodity, with people frequently turning up half an hour late to scheduled meetings. Looking at your watch during an event is also considered to be discourteous.

When making a social appointment in Brazil, you are not required to be there on time unless the phrase “English time” is used, which means you have to be punctual.

In Ghana most meeting times are considered to be flexible, even if an exact time is given. It can very often mean at any point during that day.

Likewise punctuality is not seen as a virtue in India. People appreciate it but it may not be reciprocated.





Punctuality is something many people struggle with―especially in an age when technology has made it easier than ever to let people know you might be late.

However tardy timekeepers may be glad to know over in Mexico, turning up half an hour late is entirely acceptable, and in Morocco you can be anything from an hour to a day late without anyone batting an eyelid.

But those keen to adhere to scheduled times needn’t panic as Japan and Germany are sticklers for punctuality with the latter even requiring you to be early for meetings.

A website created a study to find how much and how little value different nations around the world place on punctuality―and the results differ enormously.

In South Korea people view being late as a sign of disrespect.

But in Malaysia saying you will be five minutes late usually means an hour and being late is an accepted norm that does not require an apology.

In China it is not considered late if you arrive within 10 minutes of the agreed time, but in Japan, if a train arrives more than one minute after it is scheduled to, it is considered late.

On the other side of the Pacific it is not uncommon for people to turn up half an hour late for a scheduled meeting in Mexico.