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谈论天气 第7期

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1.今天天气怎样?How is the weather today?/What's the weather liketoday?/What sort of day are we going tohave?

2.今天天晴(好天、晴朗、天气真好、天气好极了)。It's fine/nice/beautiful/lovely/perfect today

3.昨天天气怎样?What was theweather like yesterday?

4.昨天天冷(热、暖和、凉快、结冰了)吗?Was it cold/hot/warndcool/freez-ing yesterday?

5.昨天整天下雨(下雪、下小雨、下冰雹)。It rained/snowed/drizzled/hailedall yesterday

6.上周天气坏极了(特别坏、很糟、讨厌极了、恶劣透了)。The weather wasawful/terrihle/miserable/nasty/wretchedlast week

7.明天天气会怎样?What will theweather be like tomorrow?

8.明天将是晴天(刮风、有雾、天阴)。It's going to be sunny/windy/foggy/cloudy tomorrow

9.一上午都在下雨(下雪、雨夹雪、下毛毛雨、下大雨、刮风)。It's been raining/snowing/sleeting/drizzing/pouring/blowing all morning

10.今天下午可能要转晴了。It'llprobably clear up this afternoon

11.今天天气真好,像是春天。Theweather is nice today.It's just like a spring day

12.你看这种好天气能延续多久?How long do you think the fine weather will last?

13.白天逐渐变长(变短)了。The days are getting longer/shorter

14.今天气温多少?What's the temperature today?

15.大约18摄氏度。It's about 18 degrees centigrade

16.这几天天气都好极了,对吧?We've had excellent weather forthe past several days,haven't we?

17.天气预报明天的天气怎样?What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?

18.天气预报是怎么说的?What does the weatherman say?

19.预报说明天下雪。The weatherman says it's going to snow to-morrow

20.预报说最高气温3摄氏度,最低零下6摄氏度。The weatherforecast says the highest will be 3 degrees centigrade.and the lowest 6degrees below zero

21.根据天气预报,气温将高达40摄氏度。According to theweather forecast.the temperature is expected to reach/hit 40 degreescentigrade

22.这里热(冷)得可怕。It's terribly hot/cold here

23.你受得了这么热(冷)吗?Can you stand the heat/cold?

24.你对这里的气候习惯吗?Are you used to the climate here?

25.你喜欢这里的气候吗?How do you like the climate here?

26.我想我很快就能适应。I think I'll soon get used to it.

27.你们家乡的天气怎样?How is the weather in your hometown?

28.成都的平均气温是多少?What's the average temperature of Chengdu?

29.你最喜欢哪个季节?Which season do you like best?

30.我喜欢秋天,空气清新凉爽,天空明朗,阳光灿烂。I prefer autumn.The air is crisp and cool.The sky is bright.The sun shinesbrilliantly

31.我喜欢春天,这时万物渐渐转绿,几乎都是晴天。I prefer spring when little by little everything becomes green and the weather is almost always fine

32.天气多好啊!碧蓝的天空,阳光明媚。What a lovely day! The sky is so blue and thesun is shining beautifully

33.天气相当暖和。希望直到周末都能这样。It's fairly warm.Let's hope it wil-keep finefor the weekend

34.恐怕要变天了。The weather is chang-ing.I’m afraid

35.空气沉闷,云层很厚,要下雨了。The air is close.The clouds are very heavy.I think it’ll turn out a wet day

36.看来就要下雨了。It looks rather threatening./It looks likerain

37.雨下大了。It's raining fast./It’s raining heavily

38.下倾盆大雨了。It rains cats and dogs./We're having a down-pour

39.暴风雨来了。A storm is coming up/We're having a thunder-storm

40.有闪电。There's a flash of lightning

41.雷声隆隆。There're peals of thunder

42.雨差不多停了。The rain has almost stopped

43.天气好转,天放晴了。The weather is improving.It's clearingup

44.云散开了,太阳又出来了。The clouds are breaking.The sunis coming out again

45.风大厂,刮得很厉害、The wind is rising.It's terribly windy/There's a high wind/It's blowing a full gale

46.风小了。The wind is dropping./the wind is going down

47.春天即将来到。Spring is round the corner.

48.冬天来了,春天还会远吗?If winter comes.can spring be farbehind?