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>> 论我国行政调解的问题与完善 论我国劳动争议解决机制的完善 论我国行政合同的解决路径 构建我国行政诉讼调解机制 论我国行政调解的适用范围与法律效力 论我国行政诉讼调解制度的完善 论我国行政诉讼调解制度的构建 论我国行政诉讼引入调解制度的现实性 我国环境纠纷行政调解机制的探究与构建 我国行政诉讼调解机制的构建 论我国行政诉讼调解制度必然性与可行性 论我国现行劳动争议调解制度 论我国反行政性垄断的司法救济机制 试论我国行政问责机制的完善 试论我国的行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制 试论我国行政监督机制的困境与对策 论我国行政立法中的利益博弈机制 健全我国劳动争议调解机制研究 论我国行政问责制度 论我国生态行政建设 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.


[9]王斌.行政调解:政府部门又一“法器” 北京市海淀区探索创新行政调解工作启示[EB/OL] .(2012-02-15)[2015-3-10]http://.cn/bm/content/2012-02/15/content_3351560.htm?node=20734.






Abstract: There are much legislation on administrative mediation in the various provinces and cities. Although they have ruled that the administrative mediation resolves not only administrative disputes but also civil disputes, the practice of administrative mediation to solve administrative disputes does not hotly develop. On the one hand, there is the reason of the law itself, for example, the scope of administrative dispute is fuzzy, the subject of the administrative mediation is not neutral and authoritative, and the mediation period limits may conflict with the time of prescription of other relief, etc. On the other hand, there are realistic reasons. To change the embarrassing situation of the existing rules in encountering the practice, it is necessary to define the scope of administrative mediation in solving administrative disputes, to set up the neutrality and authority of administrative mediation main body, and to clear the effectiveness of the administrative mediation agreement.

Key words:administrative mediation; administrative dispute; administrative mediation agreement