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1. We had three absences today, which is___________. Usually, everyone is present.

A. abnormal B. advanced C. amusing D. astonished

2. There is no___________standard for beauty.

A. relative B. absolute C. determined D. unforgettable

3. The best way to___________your goal is to raise the efficiency of your work.

A. conduct B. aim C. undertake D. accomplish

4. Problems may not___________, but there’s no harm in keeping our powder dry.

A. advance B. announce C. arise D. astonish

5. Recent developments in___________have made it possible to detect planets in our own Milky Way and in other galaxies.

A. survey B. agriculture C. spaceship D. astronomy

6. As you walk to the doors they___________open, and as you enter they close after you in the same way.

A. curiously B. consequently C. automatically D. frequently

7. He painted the picturesque fishing village in the___________with calm water.

A. Bible B. bay C. dirt D. web

8. The seeds of coffee plants are usually called coffee___________.

A. fruits B. beans C. nuts D. shells

9.___________to greet a lady is now an obsolete(过时的) custom.

A. Whispering B. Saluting C. Smiling D. Bowing

10. The war was a terrible___________in which many people died and many buildings were destroyed.

A. catastrophe B. defence C. battle D. campaign

11. The streets in big cities are often___________with cars in the rush hour.

A. stopped B. held C. choked D. covered

12. Due to___________beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.

A. circumstances B. opportunities C. consideration D. compositions

13. By a strange___________we happened to be travelling on the same train.

A. incident B. accident C. occasion D. coincidence

14. I have a___________to him to pay all of the debt.

A. consideration B. commitment C. curiosity D. determination

15. The___________is an instrument of navigation.

A. cottage B. campus C. compass D. cucumber

16. He had been ill for a long time and___________he was behind in his work.

A. frequently B. faithfully C. consequently D. particularly

17. It is believed that the sun gets its energy from thermonuclear(热核的) reactions___________taking place within it.

A. briefly B. constantly C. consistently D. continually

18. Nobody can___________the fact that English has become the world’s truly universal language.

A. admit B. deny C. defend D. acknowledge