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Cultivating Supportive English―Learning Environment

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摘要:Foreign language teachers, as the motivator in the classroom, not only instruct learners but initiate their motivation. Teaching environment may motivate or hinder learners to learn English.

关键词:motivation learning environment multimedia

Brophy (1998:25) said “The importance of teacher immediacy, a term for actions that enhance physical and psychological closeness with students”. Both teachers’ verbal and non-verbal behaviors may express the immediacy. Teachers should speak friendly to not order learners when asking them to complete the tasks. Some learners feel very anxious standing up to answer teachers’ questions while others sitting and watching them. Teachers may let them be seated and relieve their anxiety. Platform is not the only stage on which teachers act like performer while learners are sitting like the audience. Teachers may change their positions, such as standing in the middle of learners or sitting among them in oral class, which makes learners realize teachers are also involved in their language learning not just “giving” knowledge to them. On another occasion some learners were asked to act as teachers in a class. They prepared positively and performed well. This gave them the opportunity to know teachers and express their thoughts in learning the teaching materials rather than listened quietly, which shortened their psychological distance and enhanced their motivation to learn English. The relationship is also influenced by what role teachers should play in the process of teaching. Teachers should play a facilitator role. Facilitator, as the ideal teacher, has the awareness and attention to the importance of the psychological learning atmosphere and inner process of learning.

Multimedia is widely taken into practice in English teaching nowadays. Colorful pictures, interesting animation and classical English songs and movies are more attractive to learners than traditional blackboard handwriting. In the interview with some students, they prefer the teaching materials which are shown by multimedia. Their learning process is promoted by simultaneous or alternate audible and visual stimuli. An interesting phenomenon always happens in the classroom: demotive or unmotive learners pay more attention to the screen when English songs or dialogues are broadcasting than when the teacher are just writing and speaking on the platform. Learners sometimes feel tired of learning too many new words and grammatical sentences in two lessons’ time.

Whether a classroom is comfortable influences the emotions of learners. There are a number of colorful pictures about animals and cartoons on the walls of kindergartens to comfort children. Similarly, the English classroom may be decorated with some posters of well-known films or pictures of famous beauty spots in Western countries. Oral English class may not only be limited in the classroom. If the number of learners is not large, it is a good choice to sit around in the meadow on fine days while practicing talking in English. In the author’s senior school the English teacher often arranged the class outside, which made learning atmosphere comfortable and aroused their expectation for English lesson.

Learners who take little or no interest in English are cline to choose the seats in the back rows of the classroom, looking at their books and seldom concentrating on teacher’s talking. Especially during topic discussion in the oral English class, they still keep silence while the front learners are arguing with each other. The students, though from different majors and grades, answer in almost the same way, “I feel safe sitting there while teachers are asking one of the students to answer the questions.” However, the longer they sit there, the more they want to escape English learning. It is suggested that learners’ seats be changed in regular intervals. More pressure may urge them to pay attention to the lesson.

A comfortable physical and supportive psychological learning environment can relieve learners’ anxiety, increase their opportunity to contact with english and hence enhance their motivation.


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