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"Today is going to be a great day," Ashley wrote in her journal at school Thursday morning. "We go to the library at 9:15. We're having cheese pizza for lunch today. I like it. This afternoon I hope we paint."

Ashley was fifth in line to go to the library. She would have been first, but she forgot her new penguin eraser. She had to go back to her desk for it.

Halfway to the library, Ashley found out that her new eraser could talk. The penguin had slipped out of Ashley's hand and fallen to the floor. Ashley's best friend, Louise, who was sixth in line, stepped on the penguin. Suddenly, Ashley and Louise heard a voice saying "Hey, clumsy, why don't you look where you're stepping?"

"Don't call me clumsy, Ashley!" said Louise. "You're the one who dropped your eraser!"

"Ladies, no talking in line!" said the teacher.

Ashley quickly checked out two library books. Then she hid behind the fiction shelf and stared at the eraser in the palm of her hand. "Can you talk?" she whispered.

"Of course!" replied the penguin in a voice a little too loud for the library.

"Sh-h-h," whispered Ashley. "We're in the library."

"The WHAT?" shouted the penguin.

"The library. People are trying to read," said Ashley in a stern voice.

"Ashley, is that you back there?" said the teacher. "Come out here and sit down at the table." Ashley hid the penguin in her pocket.

When it was time to line up1), Ashley held her books in one hand and kept her other hand tightly wrapped around the penguin in her pocket. The whole class was silent. Suddenly, a loud muffled2) voice was heard, "HEY! How long do I have to be a prisoner in this stupid place?"

"Ashley, was that you?" asked the teacher in a shocked voice. But before Ashley could reply, the teacher was saying, "Perhaps you'd like to go to the principal's office and discuss your behavior with her."

When Ashley arrived at the principal's office, the principal was out. The secretary told Ashley to sit at a table in the inner office and wait. While Ashley waited, she carefully pulled the penguin from her pocket and spoke softly, with tears in her eyes, "Please don't talk any more. You're getting me in trouble. I don't like getting in trouble."

Before the penguin could reply, the principal appeared in the office. Ashley quickly pushed the penguin under her library books.

"Ashley," said the principal in a puzzled voice, "what is the problem? Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"Well," said Ashley, fighting back the tears, "I got in trouble in the library, but it's really not my fault."

"Explain, please," said the principal.

But before Ashley could continue, an angry voice was heard. "How long do I have to stay in this stuffy3), smelly place listening to all of this chatter4)?"

"Ashley, what did you say?" gasped the astonished principal.

"It wasn't me," protested Ashley, but the principal had already gone to the phone to call Ashley's father.

When Ashley's father arrived, he looked worried. Ashley had never been in trouble at school before.

"Thank you for coming," said the principal. "Perhaps Ashley can explain the problem she is having with her self-control today."

"Please do," said Ashley's father, looking sternly at his daughter.

"Dad, it's really hard to explain ..."

"Please get on with it5). I have to get back to work," said Ashley's father.

"Well, it started with my eraser," said Ashley.

"Your eraser? Please, Ashley, get to the point."

"Well, we were on our way to the library. I was in line. Louise was behind me. I dropped my eraser ..."

"Ashley, I really must get back to work. Please try to behave yourself for the rest of the day. We will talk about this after school," said Ashley's father in an annoyed voice.

"OK." Ashley sighed.

The principal asked Ashley's father to sign a piece of paper. "Ashley, you may go back to class," said the principal. "Please try to control yourself for the rest of the day, and I will see you and your father in my office at 4:30."

Ashley picked up her books and eraser and walked toward the door. Suddenly, she heard her father say, "Oops6). Do you have an eraser?"

"No, sorry," said the principal.

"Here, Dad," said Ashley, "you can borrow mine. You can keep it and take it to work with you."

"Thank you," said Ashley's father, taking the penguin. As he began to erase with it, suddenly a strange voice screamed, "OUCH7)!" Ashley's father and the principal looked at each other with wide eyes.

With a tiny smile on her face, she walked back to her classroom.











“阿什莉,是你在书架后面吗?”老师说。 “到这儿来,坐在桌子旁边。”阿什莉把企鹅橡皮藏进了兜里。



























1. line up: 排成行,整队;排队

2. muffled [?m?fld] adj. (声音)变轻微(或低沉)的

3. stuffy [?st?fi] adj. (房间或建筑物)闷的,通风不畅的

4. chatter [?t??t?(r)] n. 喋喋不休的谈话;唠叨

5. get on with sth.: 继续做某事,开始做某事

6. oops [?ps] int. (表示惊讶或后悔)哎哟

7. ouch [a?t?] int. (表示身体上突然的疼痛)哎哟

(题图・插图 / 张晗)