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Couple Passion for Peking Opera

By Zhang Yonghua

The Poly Theater in Beijing witnessed an unusual Peking Opera concert on the evening of September 3, 2006. The show was unusual on two counts at least. First, it was staged by a wife and husband team. Guan Bo and her husband Zhang Shunxiang are a perfect combination of high-profile Peking Opera artists in Beijing. Second, it was not just a wife-singing-and-husband-accompanying-on-the-Jinghu* concert. It was a Peking Opera musical gala. Four major pieces played by a symphony orchestra were composed by the versatile husband.

Like many accomplished Peking Opera artists, Guan seems to have had a good smooth career from the very beginning.She seems to have everything going her way to become a successful Peking Opera artist. Her good looks and physical beauty looks were predestined for the stage; her voice is sweet and her interpretation of characters always accurate and enjoyable. Though her success can be attributed to the important teachings from many masters, her personality is also a key contributing factor. A light-hearted girl loving to laugh, she was fond of singing and dancing in her childhood years. When a Peking Opera school in Yingkou in northeastern China’s Liaoning Province came to pick budding talents at the primary school where she was studying, Guan, though without any idea of what Peking Opera really was, signed up for an aptitude test, thinking that singing and dancing was all the Peking Opera would take. She participated in the test without her parents?prior knowledge. After learning she had passed the test and she wanted Peking Opera as her life goal, her parents agreed to let her try.

But a life of singing and dancing happily ever after did not materialize as she had imagined. Learning the professional art of Peking Opera at the school was hard and rigorous. For the first half year, the little girl cried frequently, trying hard to adjust herself to the opera reality and her new life. When her parents asked her if she wanted give up, she replied in a blunt “No? One day, while bending down in practice, she bumped her forehead into the concrete ground and later the cut became infected. When her mother came to the school for a visit, Guan hid away so that her mother would not see the cut. A girl eager to excel, she persisted and began to excel. At 13, she appeared in a performance in Beijing staged by her school’s troupe. Her sensational success paved a smooth way for her career. Over years, she was enrolled into the National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts. Now she is a class-one state artist with Beijing Peking Opera Theater.

In a way, Zhang Shunxiang’s career has resembled that of his wife. An accompanist, he went to the same school where Guan started her career. It was at the school that the young Zhang and Guan fell in love with each other. He later studied his accompaniment art at the same academy in Beijing. Now he also works as a class-one state artist for the Beijing Peking Opera Theater.

The wife and husband complement each other. A perfectionist, the husband often films the wife’s performance and then they go through a video session to study for improvements. He also acts as his wife’s fashion advisor.

Zhang Shunxiang is more than an accompanist. The versatile musician is also good at playing flute, yueqing, and suona, which are traditional Chinese musical instruments. And he composes. Their house is well decorated, exuding an air of modernity and suggesting nothing of Peking Opera except for their dress room where colorful costumes are stored. Their basement studio, however, suggests everything about their shared career. The high tech studio is equipped with a great variety of professional-level audio and video instruments. The couple often works there into deep night. Nowadays, the couple runs a company to market Peking Opera.

Guan and Zhang’s successful Peking Opera concert was only one part of the couple’s endeavors to promote Peking Opera. An outstanding Xun-Huisheng-style Peking Opera artist, Guan Bo is enthusiastic about the promotion of the operatic excellence. Because of her mastery of Peking Opera and delightful personality, many people have become her friends and then become fans of Peking Opera. She has successfully emceed many Peking Opera promoting activities in higher-education institutions in Beijing. She spares no efforts to take part in promotional Peking Opera tours across the country. Though she has done quite well in the Xun-Huisheng style and staged many of her master’s plays, she wants to do more to keep her master’s repertoire of more than 300 plays alive.

*Jinghu: a two-stringed Chinese fiddle exclusively for Peking Opera

(Translated by David)