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清晨,当我们睁开双眼,新的一天就开始了。我们不知道在这一天会发生什么事情,它就像一张空白的画布,等待着我们去描绘、着色,我们可以画一朵乌云,也可以画一抹灿烂的阳光。正如美国少女歌手及演员Demi Lovato在“Work of Art”这首歌中唱的那样,life is a work of art,而我们自己正是生活这件艺术品的创作者。

我们该如何过好生活的每一天呢?Demi用歌声告诉我们要follow your heart,倾听自己的心声,跟随自己的心去做自己想做的事情,不为周围的人、事所干扰。Demi还提醒我们,you're never too young or too old to dream。无论何时,我们都要敢于做梦,并用自己的实际行动将梦想变为现实。

电影《功夫熊猫》中有这样一句极富哲理的台词:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it's called the "present". 每一个今天都是一份礼物,所以从现在开始,用期待的心情迎接每一天,真真切切地过好每一天,用你的想象力和才华创造属于你自己的生活杰作吧!

Every day is like a blank canvas

You know you can paint it anyway you want it

You can draw a black cloud

You can make the sun shine

Color in a rainbow

Or use black and white

Open up your eyes and your imagination

Come on let's write a song, a little poetry

Take a photograph

Let's make some memories

You can make it anything

That you want it to be

If you follow your heart

Life is a work of art

Oh every night's like looking at a dark screen

You're never too young or too old to dream

You can make a fantasy into a reality

'Cause you're creating your own masterpiece

Close your eyes and dream it

Seeing is believing


Turn a simple thought into philosophy

Turn a star into a galaxy

Make a little noise into a symphony

You're creating a masterpiece


Life is a work of art



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