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Investigation of the Spider Species in Tacheng Area in Xinjiang

He Lizhu, Tang Guiming

(School of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University,

Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010022,China)

Abstract: There is special terrain, climate and plants and relative species of spiders in Tacheng Area. And there is no enough research about species of spiders in this area.Therefore,the investigation of spider species is not only a basic work inlocal area, but also a significant meaningful work innationwide researchon classifying spiders.Besides,spiders are the great natural enemy to the pests of agriculture, which have the huge species and need a lot of foodand can play great role of controlling the numbers of vermin in farmland and grassland.Thus they will have a great application prospect in controlling the agricultural pests. In thisresearch, we merely did the investigation and identification of spiders and made the statistic about species of spiders. The identificationshowed that there are 39 species which belong to the 11families and 22genera.

Key words: species; spider; survey; Tacheng Area