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本短文的内容包括3个方面:对照片的描述、作者结合自己实际的感想和列出为家长减负的事例。在语法结构方面,我设计了被动语态(has been offered),非限制性定语从句(in which a little girl goes up to her mom),宾语从句(how little I have done for myself),介词复合结构(with caring eyes fixed on her mother), 感叹句(How she wants to comfort her mom!), 分词短语作原因状语(Being little), 时间状语(comparing myself with…)和定语(a moving scene), 比较级(as much as she wants),动名词短语(in creating a good environment), 倒装句(seldom can I do anything)等等。在词汇方面,我使用了fix one’s eyes on sb, comfort sb, look tired, try one’s best to do sth, compare… with…, come to realize, spare no efforts, either… or…, regretfully, take sth for granted, Better late then never, from now on, such… as等比较丰富的词汇。




The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.

Yet, a moving scene has been offered by the picture above, in which a little girl goes up to her mom with caring eyes fixed on her mother. How she wants to comfort her mom, who looks so tired after a day’s hard work! Being little, she can’t do as much as she wants to, but she tries her best to take off the bag from her mom’s shoulder. How happy the mom looks!

Comparing myself with the little girl, I have come to realize how little I have done for my parents, who have spared no efforts in creating a good environment for me either in life or in my study. Regretfully, I have taken all their care for granted and seldom can I do anything in return.

Better late than never. From now on, I’ll find time to do such housework as cleaning and cooking for my parents.
