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Study on Chinese Medicine Shouwu Capsules on Immune Function in Athletes

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To observe the effect of Chinese medicine health care products Shouwu capsules on immune function in athletes during training, and to explore its possible mechanism. Methods: the test group received can strengthen the immune function of Chinese medicine health Shouwu capsules, the control group did not take. CD4+CD8+ CD4+, CD8+, T lymphocyte subsets ( + ) and CD4+/ CD8+ ratio, serum immunoglobulin ( Ig ) IgA, IgG, IgM were observed before and after the experimental period, 30 days of observation, changes of immune function in athletes. Results : after the experiment, the test group CD4+ significantly increased the proportion of IgG ratio, numerical experiment, compared with before the experiment with statistical difference, P ≤ 0.05, CD4+CD8+ group ( + ) ratio decreased significantly, P≤ 0.05. Conclusion: take Shouwu capsules can improve athletes the percentage of CD4 positive cells, can enhance the immune function of T lymphocytes, immune response in the balance of IgG, can regulate humoral immune function. Can effectively improve the athletes sleep, appetite, physical strength, improve the athlete ‘s body function, more conducive to the improvement of sports performance.

Key words: Medicine Shouwu capsules; Immune function; Athletes; Chinese medicine health care products

Middle-long distance running training for a long time, large amount of exercise, physical strength overdraft consumption, often easy to cause the immune function, inhibit athletes. This study focuses on the safe, effective, convenient to take the traditional chinese medicine health care products in the field of exercise immunology. shouwu capsules mainly fleece-flower root, Poria, Chinese wolfberry, black sesame, walnut, Chinese medicine and food dual purpose as raw material, can enhance human immunity. Based on the experiment before and after 30 days the quiet state on T lymphocyte subsets and the ratio, serum immunoglobulin (Ig) determination of immune indexes, as well as the subjects’ subjective feelings (including sleep, appetite, physical strength and so on) and sports performance interview, observation of traditional Chinese medicine health products Shouwu capsules on immune the function of long-distance runners, and to explore its possible mechanism, rich edible Chinese herbal medicine, health care products in the field of sports medicine, exercise and immunology research, laid the theoretical foundation for the development and application of scientific training and traditional Chinese medicine health care products.

3.2 Effect of Shouwu Capsules on athletes’Serum

Immunoglobulin (Ig) is produced by B lymphocytes. In the serum, tears, saliva secrete a glycoprotein of liquid(Huang, 2001). Ig includes IgM, IgD, IgA, IgG, IgE, in addition to direct against their corresponding pathogens and toxins, can cause other functions, such as complement activation, phagocytosis, is the main effector molecule of the humoral immune response. Research on exercise immunology are IgA, IgM, IgG. About the influence of exercise on immune globulin was different on different reports. Studies have shown, swimming athletes during the 7 months of intense training, the concentration of serum IgG, IgA and saliva IgA decreased significantly, IgM increased significantly in the game ( before 3 ). Another study is of the view that long-term high intensity training, serum IgA, IgM, IgG levels of athletes did not change significantly ( 4 ). The results of this study show the control group before and after the experiment, serum IgA, IgM, IgG levels did not change significantly in P>0.05. After the experiment, the IgG numerical experiment group than in the experiment, compared with before the experiment with statistical difference, P ≤ 0.05. In-depth analysis of IgG numerical, found the numerical experiments for the first two groups are located within the reference range of high-end (reference value range of 7.0-15.0, while the experimental group was 14.17± 2.91, control group was 15.39 ±2.19 ), after the experiment test data to the reference interval for central, compared with before the experiment shows significant difference ( P ≤ 0.05 ); the control group after the experiment of IgG numerical remains in the reference value range of highend, there was no significant change in P>0.05. Immune parameters in high or bottom shows immune function disorder of body. Modern medical research shows that, traditional Chinese medicine not only has a wide range of therapeutic effects in the treatment of human disease, but also regulate and enhance the immune function of the human body ‘s dual role. Shouwu capsules are rich in nourishing yin and Yang, Qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidney, spleen and stomach, nourishing Runfei ingredients of many biological activity and a variety of plant nutrients, such as a variety of anthraquinone compounds, polysaccharide, on the viscera balance can be nursed back to health. The test group was treated with Radix capsule 30 days later, immune index, IgG index reference value range of high-end to the reference interval central moved from before the experiment, that Shouwu capsules to play a role in the regulation of humoral immunity in IgG equilibrium.

3.3 Effect of Shouwu Capsules the Physical Conditions of the Athletes and Sports Performance

The study on subjects with sleep, appetite, physical strength, health, and sports performance to enhance the degree of investigation one by one, and quantitative score. We learned in the interview, the majority of athletes in high intensity and large amount of exercise training period in the past, sleep quality is relatively poor, loss of appetite, physical decline, easily fatigue, easy to fall ill. In this experiment, the experimental group athletes generally reflect take Shouwu capsules, sleep easy to sleep at night, the better quality of sleep, appetite is good, full of energy, recovery is faster when a large amount of exercise; while the control group most reflect: sleep, appetite, physical strength, mental state and the large amount of exercise almost, some there is a downward trend. From the scale situation, experimental group take Shouwu capsules, the test group scale scores were higher than those in the control group, with statistical difference. Among them, sleep, appetite score, P = 0.05; P score≤ 0.01 physical. To improve the situation from the end of the experiment results, the test group was better than control group trends, P=0.076. Experimental data and interview, take Shouwu capsules can effectively improve the athletes in the training process of sleep, appetite, physical strength, and better.


Polygonum Capsule Could Enhance the Cellular Immune Function

Take Shouwu capsules for 30 days, athletes, the percentage of CD4 positive cells increased obviously, the CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the good range, results showed that Radix capsule could enhance the cellular immune function in athletes’ role.

Shouwu Capsules Can Regulate the Immune Function of Body Fluid

Take Shouwu capsules for 30 days decreased IgG index, athletes, reference value range of high-end to the reference interval central moved from before the experiment, at a good range, research shows that Shouwu capsules can regulate humoral immune function in athletes’ role.

Take Shouwu capsules can effectively improve the athletes’ sleep, appetite, physical strength, improve the athlete’s body function, more conducive to the improvement of athletic performance.


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