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以TPO 1中Section 2的 Lecture 3为例。这篇讲座介绍的是一个古老的村落Catalhoyuk,主讲人在讲座中分别介绍了obsidian (一种制作工具的材料)、building、burial sites和painting。考生会发现这些话题之间的联系非常小,甚至根本没什么联系,每一个话题对于考生来说都是一个全新的内容。更重要的是,ETS在出题的时候一般会针对每个话题出一道对应的题目。了解了这种出题特点,考生就可以放平心态,如果有听不懂的地方也不要急躁,要抱着听懂一个话题就赚一分的心态去听。



我们来看TPO 1中Section 1的Lecture 1,这篇讲座首段的后半部分是这么说的:“The name of the artist exhibiting there is Rose Frantzen. Frantzen’s work may be unfamiliar to you since she’s a relatively young artist. But she’s got a very unusual style, compared to some of the artists we’ve looked at this term. But anyway, Frantzen’s style is what she herself calls Realistic Impressionism. So you’ve probably studied both of these movements separately, separate movements, Realism and Impressionism, in some of your art history courses. So who can just sum these up?”根据讲座中出现的两个概念Realism和Impressionism,考生基本可以猜出来该讲座的走向,那就是比较Realism和Impressionism的相同点和不同点。在这类讲座中,相同点通常是简单概括,重点一定会放在它们的不同点上。对于考生来说,听懂了Impressionism的特点,就可以大致推断出Realism的特点了。譬如讲座接下来说:“Well, Impressionism started in the late 19th century. Um … the basic impressionist style was very different from earlier styles. It didn’t depict scenes or models exactly as they looked. Um … Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brushstrokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.”这段话的核心词汇包括not exactly、thickly、big brushstrokes、rough,主要是讲Impressionism不逼真,色彩厚重,画布粗糙。这样一来,考生就可以大概猜测出Realism的特点了,其应该与Impressionism相反,那就是逼真,色彩鲜明,画布质地细腻。果然,接下来的讲座中就说道,在Realism中“real honest depictions of subject matter; pretty unidealized stuff, and pretty everyday subject matter, too”。这跟考生猜测的结果基本一致。这就是比较体的特点。对于这种结构的听力材料,考生理解起来压力比较小,因为即便前面的话题A没有听清楚,也有机会利用后面对话题B的理解来推断A的特点。




托福听力中的讲座在介绍某个话题的时候通常会有三个步骤:给出主题概念或名词;解释其含义;举例或分类论证。我们来看TPO 14中Section 1的Lecture 1中的一段话:“We’ve said that the term ‘cognition’ refers to mental states like knowing and believing, and to mental processes that we use to arrive at those states. So for example, reasoning is a cognitive process, so it’s perception.” 这段话在讲解cognition这个概念时,就是先给出这个名词,接着讲解它的含义,然后以reasoning和perception为例进行说明。

我们再看TPO 2中Section 1的Lecture 1中的一段话:“A related concept of thinking was developed by William James. It’s called ideomotor action. Ideomotor action is an activity that occurs without our noticing it, without our being aware of it. I’ll give you one simple example. If you think of locations, there tends to be eye movement that occurs with your thinking about that location. In particular, from where we’re sitting, imagine that you’re asked to think of our university library.”这段话在介绍ideomotor action这一概念时,也是先给出名称,然后解释含义,最后举例进一步说明。把握了这种微观的结构形式,考生在听讲座的过程中即使对材料中的某个概念不熟悉,或是没有听明白定义,也可以通过后面的具体例子来理解。



Professor: [教授提问] Now when I mention the terms “boom and bust,” what is that going to mind?

Student: [学生回答] The dotcom crash of the ’90s.

Professor: [教授确认] Ok. [教授解释和补充论证] The boom in the late 1990s when all those new Internet companies sprang up and were then sold for huge amounts of money. Then the bust around 2000 … 2001 when many of those same Internet companies went out of business. Of course, booms aren’t always followed by busts. We’ve certainly seen times when local economies expanded rapidly for a while and then went back to a normal pace of growth. But, there’s a type of rapid expansion, what might be called a hysterical or irrational boom that pretty much always leads to a bust. (选自TPO 6 Section 1 Lecture 1)



Professor: Well, actually, it was pretty rare at that time. I mean, we are talking about the early 1920s.

Student: [学生提问] But what about Jacques Cousteau? Was he like an innovator, you know, with underwater photography too?

Professor: [教授回答] Ah, Jacques Cousteau. Well, Painlevé and Cousteau did both film underwater, and they were both innovators, so you are right in that sense. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end. First of all, Painlevé was about 20 years ahead of Cousteau. And Cousteau’s adventures were high-tech, with lots of fancy equipment, whereas Painlevé kind of patched the equipment together as he needed it. (选自TPO 3 Section 1 Lecture 2)


