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摘 要 本科高校高职院校共同实施高职本科教育是完善我国现代职业教育体系的重要举措。一些省市自治区已在高职本科教育的人

>> 本科教育与高职教育的对比思考 高职与应用型本科协同开展技术本科教育的思考 基于普通高校与高职院校联合开办本科教育的定位和特色研究 高职教育与本科教育的区别 高等药学本科教育和高职教育的分析与探索 民办专科院校举办高职本科教育的影响与对策 当前我国发展高职本科教育的途径选择与实践探索 探索高职本科教育发展的规律 高职院校实施创业教育的思考与探索 高职本科教育分段培养模式问题与对策 地方应用型本科院校实施通识教育的探索与思考 高职与应用型本科院校协同开展技术应用型本科教育课程衔接的探析 体育院校实施本科教学改革的实践与思考 地方院校法学本科教育的定位与改革 新升地方本科院校成人本科教育与创新创业能力的思考 本科教育五学期制的探索与实践 地方高校法学本科教育的现状与对策 对本科院校发展高职教育的思考 关于高校实施“本科教学工程”的思考 高职本科教育研究综述 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.




Study on Undergraduate Level of Higher Vocational Education Implemented Jointly by Undergraduate Colleges and Higher Vocational Colleges

Zhang Mingjie

Abstract It is an important measure to perfect the modern vocational education system of China to carry out the undergraduate level of the higher vocational education jointly by undergraduate colleges and higher vocational colleges. Some provinces and autonomous regions have made bold explorations and achieved remarkable results in personnel training mode, faculty construction, curriculum construction and practical teaching system construction of higher vocational education. In the future, the government should strengthen co-ordination, deepen the reform of undergraduate education management system, and improve the supporting policies of undergraduate level of higher vocational education. The pilot universities should strengthen the training of dual-quality teachers, deepen the cooperation between school and enterprise, and improve the quality of undergraduate level of higher vocational education. The society at large should create a good atmosphere for the undergraduate level talents with skills and technology.

Key words undergraduate colleges; higher vocational colleges; undergraduate level of higher vocational education; vocational education

Author Zhang Mingjie, associate professor of He’nan Vocational College of Applied Technology(Zhengzhou 450042)